My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 274: Old enemy



Located in the depths of an unknown mountain forest, several figures shrouded in a large black cloak-like cloak, just like ghosts, without touching the ground, moving to the east of the mountain forest at a speed exceeding human limits.

"Thirteen miles further ahead is the coastline of China. The submarine that meets us is there. When we arrive, we can feel relieved."

A leader shrouded in black robe said in low English.

"Archimonde, the implementation of this plan is much easier than imagined. I feel a little uneasy," another man said in a deep voice.

"No matter what, we got the'Holy Grail', what we have to do now is to send him back to the Presbyterian Church." The man called Archimonde said.

Another leading man, Jie Jie, smiled strangely: "Moby Hughes, you have committed the same old problem again. Don’t you think it’s more exciting to have some people blocking us? I heard Lilith This time, I really miss the little girl who can smell her sweet blood from a mile away."

"Charlie, don't take it lightly, if you still want to be cut off by Lilith with your other hand." Archimonde snorted.

Charlie under the black cloak snorted coldly, and said no more.

The trio led a total of nine men who also wore black cloaks behind them, maintaining a terrifying speed, like a black whirlwind sweeping through the woods.

But just after moving on for more than a mile, Archimonde, who took the lead, suddenly stopped.


After a reminder, about a hundred meters ahead, in the dense and dark woods, three high-brightness incandescent lights suddenly lit up!

The three lights are covered by a cross-shaped lampshade, and the outer shell of the lampshade is shiny with metallic silver.

The intense light directly illuminated the gloomy woods like daylight, and the twelve men in black cloaks seemed to be directly exposed to the spotlight, with nowhere to hide!

At this time, the cloaks of the twelve men showed complicated dark golden patterns that could not be seen before, similar to certain totems, but irregularly to be found.

"Damn it, it's the'Cross Mass Silver'! The running dog of the Holy See!" Moby Hughes roared angrily.

"Don't act rashly. We are taking the initiative now. Finding an opportunity to send the Holy Grail is the key," Archimonde said in a deep voice.

From behind the three lights, dozens of figures gradually emerged. Because of the backlight, the faces of these people were a bit dim. However, the twelve men who were shrouded in black cloaks would obviously not be able to see clearly because of the light, so they were immediately recognized. Several familiar faces appeared.

Charlie Jiejie smiled and said, "Archimonde, is the old Vatican guy making a blood test this time? I'm not mistaken, the commander of Gabriel, a high-ranking Red Crusader, came from afar. Can't we make it?"

A burly man in the heavy armor of a European medieval royal knight walked to the forefront with a shaggy beard and a square face. His curly chestnut hair fluttered gently in the night breeze. Nothing could be seen in his gray eyes. The mood swings, the vicissitudes of quaint aura, from his every move is like aging.

The man stretched out his hand and took off a huge one-handed sword from his back. The one-handed sword seemed to be an antiquity, and a red gem was burned on the hilt.

A piece of white cloth fell from the sword, revealing the huge rust-stained sword body inside, showing a rotten but unreasonable spirit.

Gabriel looked at the twelve black shadows facing him calmly, and said in slightly vague Italian: "Archimonde, hand over our Holy Grail."

"Gabriel, you are still so arrogant, do you think we will easily hand over what we have?" Archimonde sneered under the cloak.

"You filthy monsters, don't you think that if you snatch the Holy Grail, you can get the Lord's asylum?"

A slightly younger voice came out, and he stepped forward to a tall, white-faced Western man wearing a chain mail and a one-handed rapier in his hand.

"Little guy, it seems like it's not your turn to speak here," Archimonde said disdainfully.

The young man sneered and said, "Big bat, open your eyes and see clearly. I am Arthur Adam Vince, the youngest genius Templar in the Holy See. After tonight, you will tremble when you hear my name."

"Hahahaha, Gabriel, the fresh blood of your Holy See seems to be getting worse and worse." Archimonde laughed.

Gabriel was silent, but Arthur seemed to be greatly humiliated, and was about to move forward, but was blocked by another middle-aged man who walked forward.

The man had a thin face and a slightly tall stature with jet black hair. He shook his head at Arthur and said, "Don't be instigated by Archimonde, he is irritating you."

"I know, but I'm not afraid of him at all!" Arthur snorted, but didn't rush in.

Archimonde said "Oh", "Your Excellency Thomas, long time no see, is this young fellow your disciple? When did the Knights Templar lower the threshold?"

Thomas said nonchalantly: "Marquis Archimonde, hand over the Holy Grail, you have no chance of winning tonight. Captain Gabriel, I, plus Arthur, and the twenty pope guards behind us Holy knight. With your three elders and nine servants, it is not our opponent at all."

Archimonde sneered: "Of course I don't recognize you people. We have fought for more than ten centuries. However, I really want to know where the other dozen people behind you are from. Doesn't it seem to be a person from the Holy See?"

Moby Hughes said a little displeased: "Archimonde, do you still have to guess, the only people who can let the Holy See go to war with us here with such a big fanfare are the Yanhuang Iron Brigade!"

"We are not your friends", a young man said in English as he walked forward, "I am the leader of the second group of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade Dragon Group, Yong Ye, according to the instructions of the superior, cooperate with the Holy See to attack you here. A group of heretical invaders, regain the Holy Grail."

Yong Ye's expression was quite contented, and behind him, the members of the Long Er Group also followed.

At the same time, Cai Ning also stepped forward from the rear. Behind her was a row of heavily armed Jiaolong special forces.

"Nosy Yanhuang Iron Brigade, don't you know that intervening in the Holy See and the Dark Council is beyond your authority!?" Charlie said in a dark voice.

Yong Ye said with disdain: "Our Yanhuang Iron Brigade only recognizes the existence of the Holy See. You group of heretics should have been sent to the gallows, filthy monsters that suck human blood. If you were not in Europe, you would have been killed by us long ago. NS."

Cai Ning frowned and said to Yong Ye: "Don't say more, we are just here to help."

Yong Ye smiled gently at Cai Ning and shut up immediately.

At this time, Gabriel seemed impatient. The one-handed giant sword that was more than two feet long and three centimeters thick suddenly plunged into the ground, "Archimonde, it's fighting or fleeing. Choose quickly. If If you hesitate, I will do it first."

"Gabriel, don't you think that outsiders should not intervene in our affairs? It's really depraved that you will form an alliance with the Yanhuang Iron Brigade." Archimonde said with regret.

"These things have nothing to do with me. I am the commander of the Red Crusade. Our crusaders only obey the oracle of the Pope. I am only responsible for fighting."

"Since you think so, there is nothing more to say, old friend, I haven't played against each other for many years, I hope your body is not as rusty as your giant sword", Archimonde finished speaking, enveloped in the cloak The figure in flew out of the cloak suddenly!

A man with a lifeless face like white paper, tall and thin, wearing an ancient tailored suit, like a black lightning, penetrated the tranquility of the night!

The tip of Archimonde's right finger opened five points of Yin Hong in an instant, and his nails quickly extended by one centimeter. The trajectory of waving in the dark night cut through the air and made a sharp sound of breaking through the air!


Gabriel snorted, and the huge sword in his hand was pulled out of the soil, and the flat plate was slapped heavily with the back of the sword!

It seemed to be a simple and simple slap, but it blocked various angles. When the speed was not allowed, Archimonde was tricky to force Archimonde to resist it hard!


Archimonde stretched out his scarlet blood claws without fear, red flames flashed in his eyes, and hit the rusty giant sword head-on!

"Cross Light!"

Archimonde roared sharply, a milky white halo appeared on the back of the sword, and the mark of a small cross star suddenly enlarged, turning into a huge cross light covering Archimonde!


A drop of blood oozes from Archimonde's fingertips, forming a group of pale green flames in mid-air, colliding with the group of cross halo, making a corrosive sound of "times", and then disappearing.

After a round of fighting between Archimonde and Gabriel, he retreated more than a dozen meters, and said with an impenetrable voice to Mobi Hughes and others behind him: "Quickly detour and leave, and the opponent hasn't all encircled!"

Mobi Hughes and Charlie also knew that head-to-head can no longer break through, and they didn't care whether Archimonde was dangerous, they moved fast, trying to escape from the woods on the other side to the sea.

"Don't want to run away, do you think we are just furnishings?"

Templar Arthur held the sword with one hand, and moved to the front of Moby Hughes and the others with two sliding steps. Bihus!

"Little guy, don't underestimate people!"

Mobi Hughes was a little annoyed. Obviously young Arthur made him very uncomfortable. He raised a hand hidden under the cloak. He did not know when he had a long sword condensed by blood technique unique to the blood race. As soon as the long sword with bloody light plunged into the group of sword shadows, it crushed all Arthur's attacks!

The blood sword was strangely violent in the air, and the strong airflow made Arthur retreat several steps uncontrollably!

"You want to block me Moby Hughes! You look down on the elders of the great blood clan too much!"

But when Moby Hughes thought it was a prominent blockade and led the people behind him to leave, dozens of cold stars suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Quickly get out of the way!"

The powerful speed of the blood race saved them, but one of the blood servants did not dodge in time and was hit by several cold stars that were flying in the direction of the face!


With a terrible cry, the blood clan began to be burned directly under the cloak, and fell to the ground in anguish.

"It's a silver needle, Huaxia's hidden weapon!?" Charlie speculated angrily when he saw the irreparable servant.

I saw Cai Ning, who had changed into tight-fitting combat clothing, stood out from the darkness in front, with no happiness or sorrow on her cold face, and she also held a delicate needle-like hidden weapon in one hand.

"The twenty-seven torrential rain pear flower needles are not purely mechanically activated, but it may be enough to deal with you." The woman who returned to the flower rain state once again answered Charlie's question. . t