My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 384: The water of the Ganges



A cliff of tens of feet high is not something that ordinary people can climb. If it was in the past, there would be a secret guard stationed here. When it encounters a passable person, it will use a machine to pull the person up, but it is obvious that no one will be here today. Guard.

Fortunately, the four of Yang Chen and the others have done a good job, and the cliff of this difficulty can still be jumped up with some prominent stones.

When I reached the top of the cliff, it was a relatively flat land. If I didn't look carefully, I couldn't notice a corner of the cliff. A concealed lifting device was installed.

Naturally, this device will not be destroyed by anyone. After all, even if the enemy has already entered, it will not cut off the road. Few people can rely on their own strength to go up and down the cliff.

After Yang Chen and the four entered the elevator-like device, Cai Ning looked around, found a button, and pressed it once, and the elevator slowly descended.

In half a time, the elevator came to a hidden recessed area under the cliff, but there happened to be a thick steel plate extending from the recessed cliff to the exit of the elevator.

Obviously, this place has been designed in many ways. If it is seen from the outside, there will be some blocking mountains that make people look at the mystery of this place.

Following the steel plate ground, the four of Yang Chen looked up and saw that an electronic door made of alloy in front was already open there!

"Sure enough, have you entered?" Master Yun Miao sighed too much.

"This is not the worst. The worst is that they have already destroyed and left," Yu Jizi said.

Yang Chen suddenly thought of a question, "Have you been here?"

The three of them shook their heads, and Cai Ning said, "If it weren't for this mission, we wouldn't know that there would be a hidden aircraft carrier base here."

Yang Chen pondered for a while and nodded, "Then let's go in."

After entering the interior, the four found that the walkway alone was hundreds of meters long, extending to the depths of the mountain, and the light inside was getting brighter and brighter, obviously there were a lot of lighting equipment inside.

After stepping out of a doorway, the field of vision in front was widened, and suddenly another cave sky appeared!

It is hundreds of meters high and nearly a thousand meters wide and long. It is made of reinforced metal frames and poured with concrete.

All kinds of high-tech electronic equipment cover the entire space, and the design of a wide river in the center should be the water body used when the aircraft carrier is built.

However, what makes people feel surprised is that no aircraft carrier has been seen here at all!

"Could it be that the aircraft carrier under construction has been removed?" Cai Ning muttered, obviously also aware of the unusual smell.

If there is a fight or damage everywhere, the four people still feel normal, and the scene like this now reveals weirdness everywhere.

"Go in and take a look, it's obvious that someone has been here", Yu Jizi said.

The four of them walked forward for a while, and the entire space, which was as large as the underground world, was not filled with traces of blood and destruction after fighting as previously imagined. On the contrary, it was extremely clean and tidy, and there was no one, just like a factory with all the workers. General after get off work.

"Wait", Yang Chen paused and looked up at a high platform beside him.

The other three also followed Yang Chen's gaze, looking up, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in military uniform sitting on a chair with his whole body tied up, seeming to have fallen into a coma.


Cai Ning exclaimed that the person was Lin Zhiguo who was captured by the so-called "Brahma King".

On the empty high platform, in the next moment, just like a conjurer, a dozen figures suddenly appeared, a group of people in different clothes, using their leisurely posture, looked at the four of Yang Chen jokingly.

The leading pink-skinned man, with a slightly haggard face, should be quite young, wearing a golden snake-print top hat, wearing a white robe, twisting a string of agate beads in one hand, and holding a seemingly ordinary one in the other. The black-glazed jug, I don’t know what it carries.

"Wait for you to be here, I want to knock back some of my subordinates, gratifying, gratifying," the man said with a smile without a smile.

Yang Chen looked at this person's dress, frowned and asked, "Are you the Brahma King?"

The Brahma King stunned slightly, and then said: "Your Excellency is the new Pluto. I didn't expect to be so young. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time."

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want." Master Yun Miao saw that Lin Zhiguo was tied up there and was unconscious, and she was already furious. Although she was very angry with him in her heart, she was the one she wanted to marry. Man, although he took his granddaughter to live in seclusion on the mountain for so many years, he didn't mention anything about breaking up with Lin Zhiguo. The meeting was just a quarrel. It is conceivable that Master Yun still never thought of breaking off the relationship between husband and wife.

"Hmph, my defeated general, how can I be brave again", a cold voice came, it was the black-clothed and braided man standing beside Brahma, Hei Tian.

Master Yun Miao pointed his sword straight at the black sky, "Just let you run away, this time let's see how I can clean up you guys!"

"Master, don't be impulsive, the enemy is a few!" Yu Jizi said hurriedly.

"So what! You have to fight!" Master Yun Miao shouted sharply, and flew up, raising his hand as a sword gas swept toward the group of people.

However, the Shushan Jianqi, which was fierce and terrifying enough to destroy gold and jade, did not make this group of people move.

I saw the big Brahma King put the agate rosary into the water jar, and when it was thrown out again, the water droplets on the rosary flew away towards the sword spirit!


The sharp howling of ghosts and wolves suddenly sounded, and those water drops turned into countless gloomy skulls, opened their crying mouths, and gnawed at the sword energy!

Sword Qi collided with those wronged souls, and immediately disappeared. After that, those wronged souls and skeletons continued to trend, and they rushed straight towards Master Yun Miao's chest!

This scene is simply sorcery. Master Yun Miao cultivated kendo too much. How can you ever see such battles? What's more, she is a woman after all, and she is extremely afraid of ghosts and monsters, and she almost feels confused!

"Master retreat!!"

Jade Jiezi suddenly flashed in front of Yun Miao, covering his back with one hand, and quickly drew a sky rune with the other hand in front of him, the crimson infuriating energy flowing in the air like blood.

"Kunlun Rune, Quit the Ghost!!!"

Several runes clung to the roaring skulls, and the red runes exploded with golden light. Before the skulls had trouble, they were forced to be scattered in the air.

The Kunlun School specializes in martial arts, runes, and alchemy. Among them, the runes of subduing demons and demons, dispelling evil spirits and avoiding calamities are the nemesis of such ghost tricks.

Yang Chen didn't expect Yujizi to still have this hand, he couldn't help but look at the old Taoist priest a bit, and said: "If I guessed right, the water in the Brahma pitcher is the water of the Ganges River. According to legend, Brahma created life. , Relying on the water of the Ganges River. The Ganges River is a holy river in India. It has been worshipped by Indians during the ancient Indian period. Countless Indians committed suicide in the river, and countless dead people sank their bodies directly into the river. So from ancient times to the present, Every drop of Ganges water has condensed a lot of lifeless energy, and Dao Master and Master have to be too careful."

"Your Excellency Pluto is so insightful." When the Great Brahma King saw his tricks broken, he was not annoyed, and said with some interest: "The land of China really hides dragons and crouching tigers. The power of the ghost condensed by the holy water of the Ganges River can be so easily. Resolve."

"Huh, little skill for carving insects, it seems to poor Tao, you are not the so-called king of heaven, you are clearly a evildoer!" Yu Jizi shouted angrily, and then took the thousand-year peach wood sword from his back. After all, the power to deal with ghosts and monsters is still a peach wood The sword is more practical.

"Heaven, this Taoist priest, I will come and go for a while."

At this time, a man with an extremely different appearance shouted in a woman-like voice and stood up.

This man has a majestic and handsome face, a very light complexion, and has the chaotic blue-black hair of ancient Indian ascetics. On his head is a silver cloth belt. The crescent moon's earrings are shaking and twinkling. A string of skull necklaces on his neck is terrifying. , Every skeleton seems to swallow people at any time.

The man's upper body was not covered by an inch, and his lower body was wrapped in a tiger leather skirt. What was shocking was that a cobra was wrapped around his waist!

Yujizi didn't care who was standing up, a rune flowed on the peach wood sword, and it pierced the weird man.

"Humph", the man snorted coldly, opened his purple lips, and exhaled suddenly!


A huge howl came from the man's mouth, followed by a whirlwind mixed with blue-violet lightning, it spurted out of the man's mouth!


Yu Jizi yelled, but her body was suddenly hit by the electric current, and she retreated in embarrassment!

The expressions of Yang Chen and Cai Ninggu changed. Cai Ning didn’t know what these people were doing, but Yang Chen thought of who the man was, and immediately shouted: “The Daoist, that’s the top three in India. Shiva, one of the main gods, rules destruction, and can control storms and thunder and lightning."

"Hahahaha, more than that ability?" Shiva screamed sharply, and fell directly in front of Yujizi with a leap.

Yujizi Qianyuangong was transported to the top, but he did not dare to attack rashly. He set aside the Jade Dragon Bagua Sword and swiftly attacked Shiva left and right.

The cobra on Shiva's waist suddenly flashed red light all over his body, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a fascinating green-purple flame!

"Taste the world-destroying demon flame of this seat!"

"Little trick, dare to be called the god of destruction?!" Yu Jizi was furious. When he was provoked, his innate true energy surged on his long sword. After a violent sweep, all the green and purple flames were immediately cut apart, and at the same time, he was smashed. The sword light of practice cuts towards Shiva's neck!

Shiva did not evade. He bent his body backward, just like an arch bridge, and directly avoided the blow with an arc that was unimaginable for the human body.

"Indian Jiu-Jitsu?" Yang Chen recognized the technique.

However, the battle between Yujizi and Shiva was not over yet, and the other people on the high platform were no longer willing to look at it any more. Five people jumped down and looked at the three Yang Chen with enthusiasm.

The two brothers Na Hei Tian and Dali Moruo were in line, and they faced Master Yun Miao with cruel smiles.

Hei Tian said: "We didn't try our best just now, because the time has not yet arrived, and now we will convince you to die."

Master Yun Miao sneered too, "If you have the ability, you can use it." Although she has consumed a lot of anger, the battle in front of her did not scare her.

At the same time, in front of Cai Ning, a woman with an extremely enchanting figure, wheat-colored skin, and alluring charm exuded all over her body.

This woman has bare feet and a long string of silver bracelets on her wrists. A random gesture between her eyebrows and her eyebrows has the evil charm of inverting all living beings. This beauty makes people feel unnatural, but she can't tell what's wrong. .

"Cocococo..." The woman looked at Cai Ning with a solemn expression, and smiled: "I heard that there are eight tribes in the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, and we also have eight tribes in Brahma. I am Ashura, one of the eight tribes, my little sister. Let my sister do some tricks with you today."

In ancient Indian mythology, the sky represents the gods, and Shura represents the demons, both of which are the eight tribes.

In Shura, men are extremely ugly, women are extremely beautiful, heaven has good food, no beautiful women, Shura has beautiful women, but no good food. Therefore, the gods and demons are constantly fighting, fiercely fierce.

The woman in front of her looks very beautiful. She claims to be a Shura girl, which is understandable.

However, as far as Cai Ning is concerned, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just an enemy, and it is still an enemy that she can't predict at all. The other party's tricks seem to be unconventional, and she is also very worried.

Yang Chen looked at the three people around him and saw that there was no danger right now, so he looked directly at the two people in front of him.

"Updated today" t