My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 6: Irritated


006 When the police showed up, the people around had already focused and whispered about whether Yang Chen was going to be unlucky.

"Um... it's me." Yang Chen raised his head questioningly, wondering why the police would look for him. Could it be that the domestic authorities found out about him? No, if that's the case, it should be a secret special force, and it should be a surprise attack at night. How could it be three small policemen.

The police officer showed his proof and said coldly: "I am Captain Feng Biao of the Western District Police Department. Someone has accused you of suspicion of fighting and assaulting teenagers. Now I will take you back to the police station to assist in the investigation!"

It turns out that this is the case... Yang Chen suddenly, it seems that the beaten Chen Feng's crooked brain, the underworld has even asked the police to do the job!

The old Li who was beside him was anxious and hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Comrade police, you have caught the wrong person! It was Chen Feng and a few gangsters who came to collect protection fees indiscriminately. Yang Chen was self-protecting just now!"

"Huh, we will investigate if the wrong person was caught! I only saw Boss Chen's son vomiting blood, but I didn't see any harm to this guy!" Feng Biao finished, and ignored Lao Li. He waved his hand to make Liangmin police step forward to detain Yang Chen.

Yang Chen didn't resist. After being handcuffed, he just sighed slightly and said to Lao Li: "Don't worry, I didn't do anything wrong, it doesn't matter. Please take care of my mutton stall for me. Push me home if you don’t come back."

"Don't talk nonsense, go!" Feng Biao said sharply.

Old Li wanted to say something, but knew that he couldn't help, so he sighed bitterly to see Yang Chen got into the car by the police.

After Feng Biao and others took Yang Chen away, the surrounding civic vendors began to yell at them. It was nothing more than the police and the underworld bosses who "have embarrassed" and "the family of officials and bandits". It's just that they dare not dare to speak in front of the police. Said.


Being taken into the police station all the way, Yang Chen was immediately pulled into the interrogation room. In this extremely serious room, Yang Chen looked around with some curiosity. To be honest, he hadn't entered the police station less before, but it was the first time he came in as a prisoner.

Feng Biao greeted the two sturdy policemen entering the house and sneered a few times, "Look at you in a laid-back look. There is still time to look at this room. I will come to see you later and see if you still have it. I'm not in this mood." After speaking, he closed the iron door "bang" and walked out.

Yang Chen sat down disapprovingly, and calmly looked at the two policemen who were sitting down in front of him. They were looking at themselves as if they were prey.

A bearded policeman began to cross-examine, "Name?"

"Yang Chen."


"Male..." Yang Chen replied very cooperatively, smiling.


"twenty four."


"China Shipping."

After a series of simple and irritating questions, Yang Chen still answered calmly and unhurriedly. Even the mentally handicapped questions were answered happily, but the two policemen were a little irritable. After all, they got Feng Biao's order to find a reason to repair Yang Chen. Now that Yang Chen is so cooperative, they are worthy of the suspect's model pacesetter, how can they provoke a bit of a bitterness to him

Finally, another dark-skinned policeman thought about a solution and asked: "Today you assaulted six teenagers at the vegetable market. Is this true?"

"It's not that I beat them, it's that they want to ask me to collect protection fees. They extorted first. I have the right to protect myself." Yang Chen replied.

"I don't know if they charge you protection money, but you do it first, don't you?" the bearded policeman asked with a grin.

"Yes..." Yang Chen nodded truthfully, "but I think it's not my fault, the big deal is that I can file a lawsuit with them."

"Still a lawsuit... a mutton skewers..." The black-faced policeman murmured disdainfully, took out a document and pointed to the signature column: "Write your name here to indicate that you plead guilty and compensate the victim. There is compensation."

Yang Chen glanced at it, and it turned out to be a confession that had been prepared long ago. The sum of all the crimes was enough to put himself in jail for half a lifetime! Yang Chen's expression became playful, and he sneered: "Police officer, this thing, I don't think it's legal... I didn't say anything about it, how come so many accusations were suddenly added."

The black-faced policeman slammed the table, "You questioned us at this time, thinking that we framed you!? Do you know where you are now!?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Yang Chen understood in his heart that these two people were determined to make themselves commit a crime, and couldn't help but a few icy breaths appeared in their eyes.

The two police officers naturally knew that Yang Chen would not sign this document. As long as a normal person could read the word, he would not go to jail for most of his life for no reason. There was only one reason for using this document-to anger Yang Chen! Obviously, they did it.

"Boy, are you not cooperating with our investigation, do you know the consequences!?" The beard stood up and walked slowly behind Yang Chen, clenching his fists with his bones crackling.

Yang Chen glanced at the monitor in the room. It was estimated that the picture inside was only the case of the police, and the outsiders would never know about the next thing. Even if they knew, who would easily spread out the police station.

It seems that there are police officers of this kind everywhere in the world...

"I don't know what consequences I will have, but you two will inevitably have consequences that you can't think of..." Yang Chen looked away casually and grinned at the bearded policeman.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Yang Chen finally had words that offended the police, the bearded policeman suddenly stretched out his hand to try to grab Yang Chen's collar, while the other hand clenched his fist and prepared to smash it down!

But at this moment, Bearded's hand caught a gap, and Yang Chen unknowingly stood up from his seat, reaching out and grabbing Bearded's collar in turn!

"You want to do this..." Yang Chen smiled evilly, and hit the beard's belly with an uppercut!

I saw a convulsion all over the beard, curled up and fell to the ground convulsing!

The black-faced policeman stood up furiously, "Do you dare to attack the police!" As he said, he took out a 54-type pistol from his waist and aimed at Yang Chen!

But Yang Chen ignored the muzzle of the black hole at all, and walked like lightning, and instantly moved to the back of the black-faced policeman, his finger lightly touched the black-faced policeman’s arm, and that arm was as if electric shocked. There was a tremor, and the 54 pistol in his hand fell to the ground immediately!

The black-faced policeman did not react at all, he felt a tingling in the back of his neck, and then he passed out...

Yang Chen picked up the illegal document from the table and said with a weird smile: "This kind of trick seems to be commonly used by you. I don't know what it will be like if it leaks out." t