My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 81: None of your farts



The next morning, when I arrived at the office with big and small bags for breakfast, the beauties in the office were chirping more than usual.

A group of beautifully dressed ol girls huddled together and gathered around the wall of the bulletin board in the office, watching a new announcement on it, laughing and discussing something.

No one came to welcome breakfast for the first time. Yang Chen was a little depressed, and walked over curiously to see that it was actually an announcement about a team vacation trip.

Yulei International's welfare is also well-known in China Overseas, so every year, company members are organized to travel to various places for vacations, one to relax, and the other to promote team harmony.

With a look of excitement and a blushing face, Zhang Cai saw Yang Chen coming and patted Yang Chen's chest with a smile, "Look, Yang Chen, there are a lot of choices for travel this year, I don't know where to choose! "

Yang Chen took a closer look at the options on the announcement. It was indeed rich and varied. Not only did the domestic Yundian, Northwest, and Pearl River Delta routes have different styles, but also the foreign regions of Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. Of course, they went differently. The funds consumed in different places are different, so the organization of the employees is also divided into batches, and financial adjustments are made differently. If there are more travel funds, the bonus will be given to the employees.

"What do you choose?" Yang Chen asked.

"Of course it's Japan. It's winter, so I can just go to Hokkaido to see the snow scene. It's so romantic." shouted a young woman in full bloom.

"I'm going to Korea! Maybe I can meet handsome stars."

"I think you are going for plastic surgery! Haha..."

"You're going to die..."

A group of Yingyingyanyan women laughed and quarreled.

Liu Mingyu smiled with interest and asked, "Yang Chen, where do you want to go, you are not allowed to choose not. This is a team activity. If you don't participate, you will be despised by the collective."

"This..." Yang Chen really didn't plan to go. After all, he had just returned to China for more than half a year, and he was really not in the mood to go abroad again, but when it seemed that it would arouse the anger of the beauties, he just said with an embarrassed smile: "I will go wherever you go. Well, in fact, I think the domestic attractions are fine. It's boring to run far away. How can other countries have better Chinese scenery."

"Humph," Zhao Hongyan wrinkled her nose, "Of course you said that when you came back from abroad. We rarely go abroad. We haven't even taken a plane a few times."

"That's right, follow us when the time comes, and help us carry our bags by the way", Zhang Cai clapped her hands excitedly, and ran happily to get breakfast after speaking.

When the discussion was in the office, Mo Qianni, who was wearing a light gray and neat skirt, suddenly walked in. She was slender and slender. The white pantyhose under her short skirt outlined her slender legs. , Carrying a white lady briefcase in his hand, wearing silver wire round glasses, and frosty face to the station, the strong woman's aura is particularly strong.

There was a moment of silence in the office, and the female employees timidly ran back to their seats, quietly raising their eyes to see that the boss did not dare to make any more noise.

Mo Qianni walked in, amidst the "tap" of high heels, she said slowly and authentically: "The holiday is in winter. Whether you can get it depends on your work performance. Don't blame me for not reminding you..."

Until Mo Qianni walked into the office, the beauties whispered to each other.

"The minister seems to be in a bad mood in recent days."

"Maybe it's a lot of pressure at work, although it's not easy to be a vice president."

"Will the menopause be earlier?"

"Shhh... be careful to be heard!"

Yang Chen was a little surprised. It seemed that Mo Qianni had gone to Lin Ruoxi in recent days. She didn't even take her breakfast from her table today.

At the end of the evening, Yang Chen was hesitating to see Lao Li’s family. I haven’t been in touch recently. I also miss Li Jingjing’s girl a little. I don’t know if she was harassed by Jiang Shuo at school, but I don’t want to wait for Yang Chen to call. , Wang Ma called over.

"Uncle, there are guests looking for you." Wang Ma said on the phone.

"Guest? Who?" Yang Chen didn't remember anyone he knew knew where he lived.

Wang’s mother spoke for a while, “I don’t know, but they don’t look like bad guys. They all look decent, so they speak a little violently.”

"Du? It means a lot of people?" Yang Chen was even more strange.

"Uncle, you'd better come back and have a look before you talk." Wang Ma obviously didn't know what was going on.

After Yang Chen drove home, he saw two black Passats parked at the door of the villa, but it is worth noting that the license plates were 0007 and 0008, and the red font was particularly conspicuous. Although Yang Chen was very interested in some domestic departments of China Not very familiar, but I also know that such a car must have an official background.

Before Yang Chen walked in, a few men in black suits had already walked out of the room, each with a serious expression, a bit of arrogance, and a strong chest.

"This is Mr. Yang," a tall man opened his mouth and said, "Please come with us."

These words can be said to be entirely in the tone of command. Naturally, Yang Chen would not have a good face to them and command himself? As early as ten years ago, there was no one who could do that in this world.

"Who are you? Where do I go with you? I'm not a three-year-old kid. You will never abduct me." Yang Chen said with a light smile.

The tall man said coldly: "You don't need to ask about this, just do what we say, you don't have the right to ask."

"When did the Huaxia Kingdom suddenly become a feudal society or a slave society? It seems that you have to pay more attention to personal freedom. You just want me to go with you without asking questions. What's the difference between this and kidnapping?"

The tall man sneered: "Yang Chen, I'll ask you again, if you want to go or not, the nonsense you said is not valid for us!"

At this time, Mother Wang walked out of the house, and when she saw this scene, she shouted in surprise: "Why are you people like this! Our aunt is not a prisoner, so why not take it away?"

To know that Yang Chen is in the heart of Wang’s mother today, that’s the male owner of this family, and the backbone of her and Lin Ruoxi. Even if Lin Ruoxi doesn’t think so, Wang’s mother has long regarded Yang Chen as a relative, and now these people are suddenly forced to force it. Of course Wang Ma refused to take Yang Chen away with such a bad expression.

There was a trace of boredom in the tall man's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a man in a suit went straight up to frame Wang's mother's hands and dragged him into the room, regardless of Wang's yelling resistance.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to the background of this group of people, whether it would alarm the secret forces in China, although these things will cause a lot of trouble, but it seems at this moment. , It was far less unbearable than they bullied Wang Ma, a woman and child who had no power to bind a chicken.

"You don't need to go back today." Yang Chen stuffed the BMW car key into his pants pocket, his expression cold and authentic.

The tall man knew what Yang Chen meant, and couldn't help laughing arrogantly, "Yang Chen, when we say'please', we are worthy of you. The one who wants to see you is the blessing of your cultivation for several generations. To tell you the truth, follow us It means to arrest you directly as an illegal suspect and save trouble. But that adult is generous and wants to see you first. Don’t know how to exaggerate, thinking that you know how to do it is great. In our eyes, you No fart!"

"You are so much nonsense," Yang Chen walked towards the tall man impatiently.

The tall man's eyes flashed sharply, and he shouted: "Catch him!"

Several burly men in suits immediately rushed towards Yang Chen, trying to grab Yang Chen's arm with iron-like hands.

Yang Chen naturally wouldn't let them get what they wanted. Before their hands touched his arms, he hooked his hands and pecked the two men's wrists with a dearth!


The two big men couldn't react at all, they felt pain like bones being cut in their wrists.

But before the big man started to do it again, Yang Chen opened his arms again, hooked the two people's necks, and violently pulled toward the center!


The two heads smashed together, and they fainted directly!

"You'd better come up all, I'm too lazy to catch them one by one." Yang Chen continued to walk towards the tall man, his face showing a bit of inexplicable enthusiasm in indifference.

These people really irritated themselves, and the blood that hadn't burned for a long time showed signs of resurgence.

The tall man finally realized that the problem was not simple, his expression was solemn and gloomy, his muscles tensed, and at the same time he winked at several other people around him. Five or six people surrounded Yang Chen.

These people obviously have practiced encirclement tactics, and have special forces military martial arts training, so their movements are neat and vigorous, and after entering the fighting state, they are extremely focused and determined.

People often say that many people are powerful, and people gather firewood and flames are high, but in the face of absolute power, everything looks pale and weak!

Without waiting for a few people to encircle and attack, Yang Chen grabbed the neck of the tall man directly opposite with one hand!

"You are too simple to think!" The tall man felt that Yang Chen looked down on himself at all, so he shot so directly, he turned around violently in a rage, and kicked straight into Yang Chen's arm!

Yang Chen sneered impenetrably, his arm still did not deviate in any way. While grabbing towards the tall man, his arm was hit hard by the kicked leather shoes, but he didn't waver at all and still grabbed the tall man impartially. Male neck!

There was awe in his heart, the tall man clearly knew how strong his legs were. Even a marble brick should be kicked off at this time!

This man! Iron strike!

Yang Chen didn't give him a chance to think too much, and after a violent jump, he grabbed the tall man's neck and pinched hard, resisting the urge to break his neck, and lifted the man from the ground at will. stand up! j is as easy as mentioning a bird.

Several men who still wanted to besiege suddenly saw this scene, and they were all shocked to speak. They thought that this guy who didn't know what was good or bad would be kicked off by the captain, but who knew that the captain's powerful rounding kick had no effect at all. !

The tall man was lifted from the place, and looked as light and weightless as a rag doll. He kept waving his hands and feet, trying to kick Yang Chen, but Yang Chen only tightened slightly, and the tall man gasped in his throat. Uncomfortable, his face was pale and cold and sweaty, and he couldn't resist anymore!

"Return the sentence to you just now. In my eyes, you are not a fart..." t