My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 93: Failed man



After all, it was still a working day, and Yang Chen drove directly to Yulei International after leaving the police station. Although the daily plan to buy breakfast for the main work fell through, as an excellent employee who loves the position and loves the company, Yang Chen feels that he still has to keep playing games in his position until after get off work.

The moment he entered the large office of the Public Relations Department, countless pairs of resentful and resentful eyes shot straight over, causing Yang Chen to stand up.

"Good morning, ladies." Yang Chen grinned and said hello, standing at the door like a mechanical pacesetter lacking lubricating oil.

"Hmph, someone made us hungry early in the morning regardless of the life and death of so many of our sisters," Zhang Cai grumbled dissatisfiedly with her pink lips pursed.

Yang Chen was afraid of these women's bombardment, and said quickly: "I can explain, I ran into some trouble today."

"What's the trouble?" a crush asked distrustfully.

Yang Chen has always been more honest, so he opened his mouth and said, "I hooked up a girl in a nightclub last night. After going to bed, I was arrested by the police. I just came out of the police station early today, and I haven't had time to have breakfast. ."

A group of female publicists are full of black lines, and this reason can be made up, who believes it!

Several crushes laughed and said: "Bring it, you are the only one who has sex and courage, and you can hook up a girl to open a room with you. It won't be a dinosaur."

"Don't you just forget to buy breakfast and be late by the way? Knowing that you are notoriously unsuccessful, we forgive you, but you don't need to make up such a bad reason."

"Brother Yang, why don't you come to hook me up and see if I will accompany you to open the house, let the police arrest you once! I haven't been in the police station yet!"

"Sao Fox, if you want to enter the game, you won't be able to sell it next time in a nightclub! Haha..."

A group of women were chirping, but no one believed it.

Yang Chen is depressed, no one believes the truth, what the world is like!

A small storm was over. When Yang Chen sat down, Zhao Hongyan, who was typing on the side, glanced at him with a smile, "Are you really caught in the game?"

"Why do I have nothing to make up such a technical lie? I also quarreled a few words with the woman's family."

Zhao Hongyan showed a look of admiration, "You are bad enough. You were caught by the police after stealing fishy from the outside. I have never seen such a failed man like you."

"Cut, do you think it's so easy to steal fishy?" Yang Chen was unhappy, "Or you try to steal fishy next time, just don't be caught by your husband."

Zhao Hongyan blushed, and gave Yang Chen a bit of anger, "What nonsense, I am a good woman, dedicated to fighting for family happiness all my life."

"Last time I didn't know who was touched by me, there was water running down below." Yang Chen muttered.

Zhao Hongyan could not bear this kind of ambiguous provocation. She raised her hand and slapped Yang Chen on the shoulder a few times, blushing and said: "Don't mention it again! Don't do that again! I treat you as an ordinary colleague. Your nasty thoughts."

"What nasty thoughts..." Yang Chen looked at the shy young woman in front of him with teasing eyes, "You call this place no silver three hundred taels, I haven't said yet, what are you thinking about yourself."

Zhao Hongyan's plump breasts kept rising and falling angrily, turned her head with a hum, and stopped paying attention to Yang Chen.

At this time, Liu Mingyu, in a white dress, walked swaying over. There is no need to deal with Minister Ma’s harassment these days. The first female publicist in the public relations department looks much better, red and shiny, and her beautiful face is like one. A blooming tulip.

Liu Mingyu held a cup of steaming coffee in his hand and leaned against Yang Chen's desk. Because of the squeezing, the plump buttocks of her lower body were exaggerated, and the close-fitting uniform outlined a round texture.

"Yang Chen, don't tease Hongyan. She is really worried about you. Seeing you didn't come to work in the morning, she wanted to call you and ask you what's wrong, but who knows that your phone is turned off."

Zhao Hongyan was distracted, and her face was a little frustrated, "What did Sister Mingyu say! I won't worry about this unscrupulous guy! He won't be in love!"

Yang Chen felt warm in his heart. It seemed that several women still really cared about themselves, and smiled and said to Zhao Hongyan: "What are you shy about? What's wrong with your colleagues."

"Who cares about you, stop being narcissistic..." Zhao Hongyan glared at him feigningly, and continued to turn around to do other things.

Yang Chen looked at Liu Mingyu, who was quiet on the side, and asked, "How about you, are you worried about me?"

"Me?" Liu Mingyu was suddenly asked this, his face was a little unnatural, "It's nothing to do with me, it's your rogue appearance, and others suffer. What can happen." After that, Liu Mingyu walked back quickly.

Even so good at pretending, Yang Chen shook his head and smiled, turned on the computer, and started his own gaming life.

At noon, I still ate at the staff restaurant of Yulei International. After the three women gave Yang Chen some food, they basically watched Yang Chen gobble it up, and didn’t eat a few bites. More At that time, I was talking about some cosmetics and fashion topics. Women always have endless conversations, especially women who work in fashion industry companies.

At this time, Zhang Cai suddenly inserted a question, "Hey, the press conference for autumn clothes is about to arrive. Can you say that the president can be discharged from the hospital and hosted by then?"

"It should be okay," Zhao Hongyan thought for a while, "it's almost half a month. Didn't the president say to perform conditioning, it should be over soon."

"If the president is not there at that time, this year's press conference will definitely lack many heavyweights." Liu Mingyu said with some worry, and suddenly saw Yang Chen on the other side of the table still burying his head and eating hard, not crying or laughing, "Yang Chen, You are a member of the company anyway, so can't you care about the company's affairs?"

I care about it? Yang Chen thought to himself, licked the rice at the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "I am not a doctor. I care about President Lin and I can't be discharged early."

"No heart and no lungs," Zhang Cai stuck out her tongue cutely, "Your wife is so pitiful, you have a husband like you."

"Yeah, I married a wife and went to nightclubs to fool around. In the end, I was arrested by the police. I didn't work hard. I really don't know how such a silly woman would marry you." Zhao Hongyan said sarcastically.

Yang Chen smiled indifferently, knowing that they were also joking, otherwise they would not have dinner with him, but he thought in his heart that Lin Ruoxi should be discharged from the hospital next week, and she should also talk to her about many things.

Saying that my "husband" was arrested by the police because it was because he hooked up with a woman outside, Lin Ruoxi's "wife" didn't even give him a letter, and only sent a lawyer to take him out of the police station. He was able to do so calmly. Regarding her husband's affair, among the women of the world, the Lin family sister is also considered a different kind.

Too lazy to think about these useless things, Yang Chen shook his head and planned to continue eating, but with a glance from the corner of his eye, he found that the female boss, Mo Qianni, who hadn't seen her for several days, had entered the restaurant. Following her was Lin Ruoxi's secretary Wu Yue, and behind the two women were a group of men and women who looked like elites.

Mo Qianni is dressed in a stylish slightly transparent blouse. She is wearing a black waistcoat suit. Under the brown flared pants with a bit of retro color, are a pair of cowboy-style leather boots. The entire graceful and charming figure is set off to show a bit of wild beauty, but without losing the charming sentiment. As soon as she entered the restaurant, many male staff members were secretly staring at her.

However, Mo Qianni's bright and beautiful face was a bit tired, her eyebrows were lightly locked, and she was talking with Wu Yue, as if there was a cloud of sorrow that could not be resolved.

"Minister Mo has been really pitiful lately. He is busy with the public relations department and has to share the affairs of the president." Zhang Cai whispered, "We have meetings every day. We are almost finished eating before we come down for dinner."

"Is there any way? Minister Mo is the person who trusts Mr. Lin the most, and those able to work harder. Who made Mr. Mo’s profit in the public relations department nearly double every year in the past few years? I guess when Mr. Lin comes back, Mr. Mo will definitely have to. She was promoted, and the people on the board of directors have already served her." Zhao Hongyan said admiringly.

When the two beautiful young women finished speaking, they suddenly turned to look at Liu Mingyu, who was smiling quietly.

Liu Mingyu looked at the second girl a little weirdly, "Why staring at me like this?"

Zhang Cai chuckled, "Sister Mingyu, wait for Minister Mo to be promoted to the position of vice president or assistant to the president. Isn't it yours for the minister of our public relations department?"

"What nonsense!" Liu Mingyu stretched out his hand and squeezed Zhang Cai's soft face, and said with a smile: "Such things are not allowed to be talked about."

"It was originally." Zhao Hongyan also agreed with Zhang Cai. "Sister Mingyu's performance has been the number one in our department over the past few years. You can't let outsiders be the minister. Sisters all support your Mingyu sister. !"

Seeing Liu Mingyu both happy and shy, Yang Chen couldn't help but said: "It makes you a board member, so you say who you are."

"Shut up! Eat!" the three women said in unison.

"Shut up and how to eat..." Yang Chen mumbled, and didn't bother to say more.

At the same time, Mo Qianni, who had just walked by Yang Chen and the other four, suddenly shook her phone. After answering the call, her complexion changed slightly, and she simply responded a few words to Wu Yue and others, planning to leave first. .

When she turned around, she happened to see Yang Chen who was working hard to pick up rice. Mo Qianni hesitated and walked to Yang Chen and said, "Yang Chen, go to a place with me to deal with something."

"Huh? But I'm eating."

"You don't need to starve to death, this is an order!" Mo Qianni glared at him, this guy still looks lazy and looks angry.

Yang Chen is helpless, if she is just her boss, it doesn't matter, but after all, she has some friendships in private, it is not easy to refuse, and slowly stood up, "Okay, but when you are hungry, you have to buy me food."