My Wife is A Ghost

Chapter 454: A confidant becomes an old enemy


I don’t know how he suddenly became normal, or was he indirect neuropathy? !

Worthy of being a guy from the army. Under his increasingly fierce offensive, I gradually became a little bit overwhelmed. My dagger must not fall into his hands. Otherwise, with his current momentum, I will definitely be more violent. .

While I was turning around, I also inserted the dagger back into the sheath, and at this time I was also ready to fight him desperately.

If you fight head-on, I definitely can't fight him, so I have to use skills to catch his weaknesses to attack.

The belt attack was painful when hitting the body, but fortunately it was only a little pain and there was no bleeding, so I decided to give it a go.

"Pl...Pl..." When he saw that I was earning a dagger, he thought I had given up resistance or felt that I would not pose a threat to him, so he waved at me even more unscrupulously.

"Huh..." And I was right here, grabbing his whip with one hand, and then tearing off his human skin mask at the moment of lightning and flint.

"Boom! Om..." But when I saw his face, not only was my whole body stunned, my head also buzzed like a big bronze bell.

My body was frozen and stiff. I just stood there motionless, unable to speak or think about anything.

After he was torn off the disguise by me, he stood there for a while, did not continue to flog me, nor said anything. The two of them didn't say anything, they just stood in confrontation, and looked at each other in confrontation.


"Huh..." A breeze was blowing slowly around. Although the wind was not cold, it was freezing cold on the body.

"Why, why are you?!" I don’t know how long it has been, maybe it’s short, but it’s like a century for me. My words are trembling, because I can’t believe it, don’t believe this in front of me. Man, really is the one I guessed, the traitor of this country, the sinner of the people, is actually my confidant friend, the person who used to solve the case with me, the former Chinese People's Police—He Shaoyun.

"Why? Why are you? Tell me, tell me this is not true." My eye sockets suddenly became a little rosy. Looking at this confidant who had been with me in the past few months, he has not only changed his life and death, and shared adversity with me. , Became a major general of the People's Liberation Army, and turned out to be a traitor in the mouth of the uncle.

At this moment, He Shaoyun also recovered his calm. He stood there and calmly said to me: "I just advised you, but you just like to pursue the truth too much. Now let you know, are you still satisfied?"

With ruddy eyes, I grabbed He Shaoyun's collar and said viciously at him: "Satisfied with your head, aren't you a policeman? Haven't you resigned? Haven't you been traveling around the world? Why did you become like this? Why are you here? Why do you want to be a traitor to the country? Why do you want those colleagues to be your stepping stones?"

I asked him a lot of questions in one breath, because I couldn't figure it out, and I didn't understand why things happened like this.

"Huh..." He Shaoyun did not break free from my grasp, but took a deep breath, and then answered me calmly and calmly: "Everyone has everyone's pursuit, why am I not as good as you? Why are you? Can I have a high level of magic power? I am alone in the world, but I can only live in the world with imperfections."

"You? Just because you're just jealous of this? You treat so many people's soldiers as the backbone of the country?" Hearing what he said, I couldn't believe it. The person in front of me is really mine. He Shaoyun whom I know.

"Haha..." He Shaoyun suddenly laughed loudly, and then laughed at me innocently and stupidly, and said to me: "Lin Qin, I can only say that you are a good student living in a textbook. The world is not As you imagine."

I feel that his worldview has been distorted, and I am so angry that I don't know what to say to refute him. Seeing the righteous and Lingran police friend in front of me, turning into what I am now, my heart hurts like being penetrated by ten thousand swords.

"Haha..." He Shaoyun laughed wildly again, and then he said to me: "I didn't want to hurt you now, but I still want to wait until I get the supreme magic surgery, and then go to you and defeat you upright. Then let those humble worlds surrender to my feet.

Now that I have obtained the treasure of mana, as long as I put the blood of your body of six yang into my body, I can truly be unafraid of ghosts and gods and humans. "

I want to tell him that even if you get the blood of my six suns, it will be of no help to you. I even want to tell him what happened after the snake queen swallowed my blood and persuade him to give up. But I also know that at this moment, he absolutely can't listen to anything.

"You are really a lunatic, I ask you, with your ability, you can never get past the previous ones, who is helping you?" He Shaoyun's words made me grit my teeth and make me angry, but I am also curious. He doesn't have any magic power at all, how did he come all the way.

"Haha... Lin Qin, all these years, I have been relying on myself. Do you think I need to rely on someone? I tell you the truth. I have already ingested the yin of the ghost jade bottle when I was at the bottom of Dongqian Lake. Qi, got a powerful mana, haha... Can't you think of it?!" He Shaoyun's face was filled with excitement and excitement when he said these words.

At the same time, I also saw that his appearance had changed to the almost crazy look before. "Ah..." he yelled from the sky in this small cave. Then he threw off the belt in his hand, stretched out his hands, and turned into sharp claws, and then his body also turned into a cat's waist prey, facing hoarse grinning. I am looking forward to the attack, ready to attack.

Seeing that my former friend turned into such an inhuman and ghostly appearance because of jealousy, I regretted for the first time because of possessing spells. Perhaps He Shaoyun's mood is the same as the urgency of eagerness to learn after seeing Xiaoli for the first time in a ghost town, but I am luckier than him, and he has embarked on a paranoid path of no return.

"Lin Qin, this is the place where your body of six suns was buried. Don't worry, we will always meet each other. I will burn incense for you every year." Looking at his smirk and look, I know , He couldn't look back, so I silently drew out the dagger.

"He Shaoyun, come on, let us make a break. Not for the people of the world, not for the dawn of the people, not for justice and evil, I am only for you, this former friend and confidant. If there is an afterlife, I must do it again. Ordinary people, talk to you again."

When I said these words, He Shaoyun was already super-ego, and when I waved my dagger towards him, my eyes couldn't hold back the tears in my heart, and an indescribable tear fell.

He changed his body quickly like a cat demon, and used his fingers and nails quickly to hook my body.

Soon my body was bruised all over, full of blood stains and nails. And although I also made a few wounds on his body with a dagger, but he seemed completely unconscious, ignored the blood flowing out, and continued to attack me like crazy.

"He Shaoyun, you are enough, you stop quickly, if you continue like this, you will die..." Watching him hurt and bleed, my heart is really painful, I have lost my closest relatives, I really I don’t want to lose my very few friends, so at this time, I’m still trying to persuade him, hoping to make him look back, and I even hope that all this is just created by the Lord God and the leader of the battle. Illusion.

At this time, he had completely red eyes and couldn't hear anything from me. After hearing my persuasion, he also showed a mocking smile and said to me: "Lin Qin, the only one who died today It will be you, so go with peace of mind."

"Chih...chh..." While he was speaking, his claws struck me again. At this time, I was a little puzzled. Isn't he magical power? Are his two hands not weapons? Why didn't Lord God and the formation master take them away? (End of this chapter)