My Wife is A Ghost

Chapter 455: season finale


Seeing me dripping the blood of the six suns, I can't take care of it now. After seeing my bleeding, He Shaoyun stretched out his hand and smiled sinisterly at me, while greedily sucking the blood stains between his fingers.

Without mana, as the blood stains flowed out of my body, my lips gradually turned white, my physical strength also weakened, and people kicked the atmosphere, holding the dagger tightly. There was also a slight jitter.

However, his condition is no better than mine. I have stabbed him several times in his chest, back, and legs, and there are countless more scratches.

Seeing his wounds with scarlet blood flowing there, he should be weaker than me, but judging from his complexion, why is he better than me? This is definitely not a normal person’s phenomenon. There is something tricky, he won't become inhuman after eating the carrion, right

I didn't think it was right. If he was a ghost, he would have been burned to ashes by my body of six suns a long time ago.

Looking at his eyes, I think he is most likely to be crazy again. Maybe he will become normal only when he is really dying and falling down.

It was sad, but there is only this way now. I tore off my coat and bandaged the larger wound. At this time, I also noticed the two snakes on my chest. Seeing them still hibernating, I like how they can help me at this time.

But since their scales were all scratched and did not show up, it seems that they were also taken away.

"Drink!!" Following He Shaoyun's violent drink, he swooped at me again.

"Ka...Ka..." At this time, I had no choice but to give up the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, and to turn offensive to defensive in order to defend the master. Unexpectedly, his flesh-and-blood fingers made a crisp sound of bone cracks when they fought against my pure steel dagger.

I clearly saw that his two fingers were cut into two directly under the sharp blade, and they fell, blood gushing out like spring water.

But he seemed to have no feeling at all, and continued to pounce at me, attacking me.

"He Shaoyun, that's enough! Stop, you will die." After all, I still couldn't put such a merciless hand on him. I put away the dagger, and then screamed at him, trying to make him stop this madness Of death.

"Ha...ha...ah...go to death, the damn it is you, the damn it is you. Haha..." He Shaoyun was really crazy, facing the spewing blood, he didn't even cover it, and continued to face me. Come.

"Bang..." I kicked He Shaoyun and kicked him to the ground.

"I won't die... I won't die... My mana is strong, I already have supreme mana, I am invincible in the world... Haha... I will not die..." After being kicked down by me, he was not facing me Then came, but crawled quickly on the ground, towards the cave he had just dug.

At this time, I saw a bottle similar to a medicine jar, which fell out of him, and I walked over and held him in my hand to look at it.

"Chlorotristyrene" is a stimulant, so it's no wonder he doesn't know the pain. It turns out that he has consumed it.

I looked at He Shaoyun's position with mixed eyes, and found that he was chewing on those disgusting things again. He chewed and looked at me with a horrified look. After seeing that I had not launched a sneak attack on him, he said to me again: "You wait, after I suck the mana here, I will follow You have a showdown."

… I didn't speak or do anything, just standing there quietly looking at him, and after a tear of heartache, I turned and left.

"Don't go... Don't go... We'll fight again, this time, I will definitely beat you." When I had just walked two steps, I heard his footsteps running towards me again.

"Bang...Bang..." But this time, when I turned and looked around, I saw that he didn't rush to me. He seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall. He was beating desperately, and at the same time Desperately shouted at me: "You come back, you come back, I can beat you, I can beat you..."

This should be the work of the Lord God and the formation master, and the pile of carrion is probably also an illusion to him, making him think that it is a treasure that can increase mana.

After I saw him beating for a while, he continued to turn around and went back to continue digging for the carrion.

"Haha...haha..." And I also laughed up to the sky as I walked forward, but in this laughter, there were also a few tears of sad pain.

After my parents, I lost another confidant...

"Hey..." With a white light in front of my eyes, my experience is over.

one year later…

In a villa in Ningbo, a wedding is being held in a warm celebration...

A pair of newlyweds, men in suits and leather shoes, women in white wedding dresses, and even their hair is as white as yarn, slowly walked into the hall under the blessed eyes of everyone.

"Groom, Mr. Lin Qin. Would you like to marry the bride, Miss Shen Limeng? Whether she will be rich or poor in the future, or whether she will be healthy or unwell in the future, will you be willing to be with her forever?"

"Yes, I do."

"Bride, Miss Shen Limeng. Would you like to marry the bridegroom Mr. Lin Qin? Whether he is rich or poor in the future, or whether he is healthy or unwell in the future, will you be willing to be with him forever?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, I declare: Lin Qin and Shen Limeng are married. Now, the groom can kiss the bride."


"Okay..." In the priest's yelling, everyone underneath also gave out enthusiastic cheers.

Yes, this is my wedding and Xiaoli, we are finally married. Many people came today, including our neighbors who live here, and our business partners.

Of course, our uncle matchmaker, the old friend of the ghost town, King Xie Qin, as well as Lord Shenling and the leader, they also came, as well as Jing Yufeng, and a man with golden glasses standing beside her, but they did not come in. Just stood at the door and smiled at us and left. That night, the villa was full of laughter. Everyone was drunk and drunk.

Now Xiaoli and I have an uncle, just ordinary people. When we left Changbai Mountain, we didn't bring back mana, because we decided to be ordinary people and live the most ordinary life.

I started my old job again and re-opened the family affairs detective office. Apart from occasional exposure to a little strange incident, we were still the same as before at most, and led a plain and boring investigative work.


Another year later, Xiaoli’s belly produced the crystallization of our love. From then on, in this villa yard, neighbors will often see a man and a woman holding a baby, often frolicking in that happiness.

Author's conclusion: It's finally over, and there is an unspeakable feeling in my heart. This book can be regarded as the first book in my writing life. Thank you for your company over the past five months. The second book, "A Female Ghost Delivers Courier With Me", is already in writing, and I will meet with you soon. Please continue to support me at that time. (End of this chapter)

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