My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 118: Take off


Lightning flashed.

The streets that had just been shrouded in darkness were illuminated for a moment, and then fell into deeper darkness again.

Thunder rumbles.

On the streets, pedestrians were hurrying and vendors were packing up their things in a hurry.

The whole street was in chaos.

The weather changes suddenly without any warning.

Luo Qingzhou shuttled through the hurried crowd, searching every avenue and every alley along the road leading to Jubao Pavilion.

A full hour.

I searched almost all the streets in the inner city, but couldn't find that cold figure.

Could it be that he got lost, crossed the bridge, and went to the outer city

Luo Qingzhou was thinking, not daring to rest, and continued walking towards the outer city.

It's a pity that there are thunder and lightning from time to time, otherwise he could use his spirit to leave his body and search from a high vantage point, which would naturally be much easier.

The soul has a natural fear of thunder and lightning.

Most of the treasures that can be used to deal with souls contain some lightning power.

Even a powerful soul would not dare to fly in thunder and lightning weather.

Unless it is an extremely powerful soul that has survived the thunder tribulation.

I wonder what realm the senior spirit who always stands on the eaves of Yuanyang Tower is in now.

He no longer needs to go to Yuanyang Tower in his soul these few nights.

Because the princess was coming, the security in Mo City was strengthened a lot. Not only were there warriors patrolling, but also some magical instruments to restrain ghosts were placed.

It is estimated that Senior Shenhun will not go there again for the time being.

Luo Qingzhou was thinking about things all the way as he walked quickly towards the outer city.

At this time, dark clouds covered the city.

The whole sky was dark.

A storm is coming.

The streets were empty; all the pedestrians and vendors had left.

All the shops along the street closed their doors and used tables and chairs to block the air, preparing for the sudden bad weather.

Luo Qingzhou became anxious and quickened his pace.

After exiting the inner city gate and crossing the stone bridge over the moat, we arrived at the outer city where the houses were obviously low and dilapidated.

After searching aimlessly for a while, he suddenly had an idea and remembered something.

When the girl followed him out, she thought he was going to the brothel to look for the topless courtesan. After losing him, would she...

He looked around and rushed into a shop that was closing. He asked the owner directly, "Boss, do you know where there is a brothel nearby?"

Female boss: “…”

Luo Qingzhou was scolded and then driven out by the female boss with a broom.

He had to find it himself.

Brothels are usually open 24 hours a day, and are brightly lit and beautifully decorated, and can be seen from far away.

Generally speaking, the rainier the weather, the better the brothel's business.

Because at this time, many shops were closed and the streets were closed, people had nowhere to go and there were few places for entertainment, so many people who had money in their pockets went to brothels.

Of course, some people also go there to drink tea and listen to opera.

Luo Qingzhou walked through the streets and finally found a brothel with colorful lights hanging on it. He walked over and took a look, but did not see the figure outside.

Normally, Miss Xia Chan would not go in.

He went to look for other brothels.

There was still no one outside the second brothel.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the thunder became louder and louder.

There was no one to be seen on the street.

Luo Qingzhou ran towards another street like a headless fly.

Following a man, he found the third brothel.

Suddenly, under a big tree on the left side of the door, he saw three drunken men surrounding a familiar figure and talking drunkenly.

The figure held a sword in his hand, his face was cold, and he stood motionless, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the brothel, as if he ignored the three men.

It’s Xia Chan!

Luo Qingzhou immediately walked over quickly and heard one of the men chuckling, "Girl, you've been staring at that place. Does your husband not want you anymore and is going to play with other women inside? Tsk tsk, that man is really a piece of shit. He actually left such a pretty girl here all alone. He's simply blind. Girl, it's better not to have a man like that. Why not follow him... ah!"

Before the man could finish his words, he was suddenly grabbed by the neck from behind and thrown out, falling heavily to the ground.

The other two men nearby saw this scene and were about to take advantage of their drunkenness to yell and punch, but Luo Qingzhou kicked them one by one and made them fall to the ground.

"Let's go home."

Luo Qingzhou looked at the cold girl in front of him with a serious expression.

It turns out that this girl really came to the brothel to wait for him!

The girl clenched the sword in her hand, stared at him with cold eyes, then looked at the seductive woman at the entrance of the brothel who was twisting her hips to attract people, then looked at him again and said coldly: "You... are in there?"


Luo Qingzhou replied briefly: "I went home and found that you were not there, so I came out to look for you again. I just found you here."

The girl still held the hilt of the sword and said nothing.

Luo Qingzhou could only say: "I swear, if I lie, God will punish me with five thunderbolts!"


At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Then, with a "crackling" sound, raindrops as big as beans began to fall.

Luo Qingzhou: "... Well, I really didn't lie. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask Miss Bailing. She won't help me lie to you, right?"

The girl paused and slowly loosened her grip on the sword.

"Boy! You..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The three men were about to stand up and curse when they were kicked one by one and fell to the ground.

"Let's go home. It's going to rain heavily."

Luo Qingzhou looked at the cold girl in front of him and urged.

The girl was no longer stubborn and followed behind with her head down.

The two of them left the street, one in front and one behind.

Suddenly, heavy rain came down, and there were still lightning and thunder in the sky.

Luo Qingzhou found that the girl behind him was close to him, even sticking to him. Whenever thunder sounded, her body would tremble slightly.

"It seems that Bailing didn't lie to me. It turns out that this girl is so timid..."

The two men walked through the heavy rain, crossed the stone bridge over the moat, and headed towards the inner city.

However, just after crossing the bridge, I suddenly found that the gate of the inner city was closed.

Luo Qingzhou's face changed slightly, and he thought to himself that something was wrong.

He forgot that recently because the princess was coming to Mo City, the security in the inner city had been much tighter at night, and the city gates were closed much earlier.

He hurried over and pushed the heavy city gate, wanting to see if it was only ajar, but found that it was tightly closed and did not move at all.

Apparently, a heavy bolt had been fastened behind the door.

At this time, even if there were guards inside the door, they would definitely not open it for him.


The night sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning and thunder were constant.

The rain was pouring down, with no sign of stopping.

Suddenly, an angry shout came from the city wall: "People down there, don't linger in front of the city gate, be careful of arrows!"

Luo Qingzhou looked up and said nothing. He ran to the girl who was also soaked in the rain and said, "The city gate is closed and we can't get in. We have to find a place to stay tonight. Let's go to the outer city and find an inn. We can go back tomorrow, okay?"

The girl was stunned for a moment and nodded slightly.

Luo Qingzhou immediately took her across the stone bridge and returned to the outer city.

As a result, they went to two inns in a row, but the owners kicked them out both times.

"The princess is coming to Mo City recently. The government is checking very strictly. If you don't have an ID card and are not accompanied by an acquaintance, any inn will accept you. If you are caught, you will not only be fined, but also go to jail. I am really sorry, my two guests."

It's all the same rhetoric.

The two were once again stranded on the streets, caught in the heavy rain, not knowing where to go.


When Luo Qingzhou was thinking of a solution, he suddenly heard the girl behind him sneeze.

No more getting caught in the rain everywhere.

He suddenly turned around and said, "Miss Xia Chan, let's go to the brothel. There shouldn't be any need for identification there. Let's go in and find a place to stay for the night. Is that okay with you?"

The girl stood still and rejected him with a cold look.


She sneezed again and turned away from him.

Luo Qingzhou had no choice but to say, "Then we can only go to the last place, under the bridge. It's sheltered from the rain and a bit dry, but a little cold. Can you bear it?"

The girl didn't answer, but just walked towards the stone bridge.

Luo Qingzhou sighed and had to follow her.

The two of them walked one after the other and soon arrived at the stone bridge, then went down the side and entered the dark stone cave.

The cave was overgrown with weeds and filled with an unpleasant smell.

But at least we don't have to get wet in the rain anymore.

Late at night, there are warriors patrolling the streets of the outer city. If they stay on the streets, they will probably be caught and interrogated if they are discovered.

So it’s safer here.

Luo Qingzhou found a clean patch of grass and said while taking off his shirt, "Miss Xia Chan, please sit here. It's cleaner here."

The girl walked to the bushes, sat down, bent her legs, held the sword in her arms, her thin body trembling slightly.

Luo Qingzhou wrung the water out of his shirt and put it on again.

The bridge tunnel is ventilated on both sides, and the temperature dropped sharply due to the rain, so it was very cold.

Luo Qingzhou walked out from the other side, picked up a lot of dead branches from the riverside, and piled them in front of the girl.

I went out twice more and brought back a lot of dead branches that were wet by the rain.

Fortunately, the rainstorm had just begun and the dead branches were only wet on the surface, while the inside was still dry.

Luo Qingzhou first started a fire with the dry grass and leaves he picked up from the bridge hole, and then he put up the dry firewood.

Smoke rose from the bridge tunnel.

The damp dry wood quickly began to crackle and burn.

Because the bridge tunnel was deep and there was wind, rain, thunder and lightning outside, no one could notice this place.

After the bonfire was lit, Luo Qingzhou took off all his shirts, sat down naked opposite the girl, and began to dry the clothes in his hands.

The two sat opposite each other, neither speaking.

The bridge tunnel was silent except for the occasional sound of burning wood.

When the coat was almost toasted, he stood up and walked to the girl opposite him and said, "Take off your coat and I'll toast it for you. You can put on my coat to keep warm."

The girl held the sword, glanced at the clothes in his hand, then glanced at his naked upper body. She was silent for a moment, then took his coat and wrapped it around herself.

The loose men's coat wrapped around her slender body, making her look even thinner and weaker.

Luo Qingzhou did not force her anymore. He put on his underwear and sat down beside her. While adding firewood, he said softly, "Your clothes are wet. It will be very uncomfortable to wear them and you will get sick. You are wearing underwear inside and I won't see you. Why don't you take it off?"

The girl turned her face away and said nothing.

The flickering firelight reflected on her pretty little face. Even though it was still as cold as snow, it was still charming and touching.

Luo Qingzhou took a look, then looked at the shoes under her skirt, and said, "If it's inconvenient to take off your clothes, you can take off your shoes and socks and dry them. The shoes are full of water and it will be very uncomfortable."

After saying that, he took off his shoes and socks and started roasting them over the fire.

Silence returned to the bridge tunnel again.

Luo Qingzhou roasted them for a while, put the shoes and socks that were no longer stained by the fire, and continued to roast them. Then he turned to look at her and said, "You are a martial artist, why do you have to be so particular about these things? As long as you feel comfortable, there is no need to care too much about other people's opinions. What's more, I am the only one here, and I won't tell anyone."

The girl was silent for a moment, then turned her head to look at him and said coldly: "Do you... want to see me?"


Luo Qingzhou calmly denied it and said, "I can go out, you take off your clothes and roast them, and I'll come in after you're done. Is that okay? I just think you'll be very uncomfortable like this, and you'll get sick."

The girl stared at him blankly, and was silent for a while. Then she lowered her head slightly, stretched one foot in front of him, turned her pretty face away, and whispered, "Take it off."

Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a moment and looked at her slender feet that she stretched out.