My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 43: Opportunity tonight



It was noon.

After lunch, Luo Qingzhou went out and came to the bamboo forest in Yueye Tingyu Garden to start practicing boxing.

He first performed the Thunder Fist twice.

When his whole body became hot and his muscles trembled slightly, he gathered his strength and continued to hit the tree trunk violently.

The big tree shook violently, and the bare branches rustled.

Luo Qingzhou raised his fist again and punched the tree trunk fiercely several times.

Then, he kicked and hit again.

The skin membrane all over the body is indeed as tough as copper. It not only bursts out powerful force, but also has strong resistance to impact.

Even if he hit with all his strength, he only felt a slight numbness in his body. The counterattacking force was blocked by the tough membrane, and the bones and flesh inside could no longer feel the pain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

He punched the hard tree trunk several more times with all his strength.

The remaining bark was shattered like cotton wool, and the wood inside was cracking and denting. The whole tree actually made a "click" sound and tilted downward. The part of the trunk that was hit by him was almost broken!

And his fist was intact!

If these punches hit an ordinary person's flesh and blood body, it would definitely break bones and cause a bloody mess.

If it hits the heart or the head, the person will definitely die on the spot!

But now he is only at the level of leather refining.

If one succeeds in refining the flesh, tendons, and bones, how terrifying would the power be

The strength of a warrior is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He has to keep up the good work and keep trying!


He got into a stance and continued practicing the Thunder Fist.

After you have mastered this set of Thunder Fist, you can continue to train your flesh.

He has now become a real warrior. Although he has just started, he must at least master a set of martial arts.

Otherwise, you will just fight randomly without any plan.

Whether dealing with ordinary people or encountering warriors, there will naturally be many flaws.


Take a step forward and punch, from slow to fast, move like the wind, punch like thunder!

The green bamboos around him began to sway, and the bamboo leaves on the ground rustled, and began to spin and dance with his body as the center.

An airflow that is barely visible to the naked eye rises up from his body, transforming into a strong wind that blows out with his fists, making a rumbling sound!

The footwork is getting faster, the punches are getting faster, the power is getting heavier, and the power is getting stronger!


After a few more punches, there was a burst of thunder out of nowhere.

Although the power is gone, the might is truly astonishing.

Not to mention ordinary people, even some warriors who are unfamiliar with the Thunder Fist would probably be frightened when they saw it.

Luo Qingzhou did it three times in a row, his whole body was sweating and his muscles were slightly sore.

But his mental strength is still high and not exhausted.

And the body can still hold on.

He paused for a moment and started the next round.

It was not until the sun set and the sky was filled with sunset glow that he stopped, his clothes soaked and sweating profusely.

Practicing the Thunder Fist may not seem as intense or difficult as practicing skin refining. You don't have to keep hitting the tree trunks, and your skin won't be injured, but it is actually more tiring and difficult.

After a few sets, my muscles all over my body were sore and my energy was consumed very quickly.

Of course, the effect is also obvious.

The power of his punches is now getting stronger and stronger. Not only is there wind following him, but there are also faint sounds of thunder, which looks quite cool.

As for the true power... it remains to be tested.

After leaving the bamboo forest, I briefly washed myself in the warm lake water and returned to the courtyard.

Xiaodie had come back with the food, looking a little unhappy.

After Luo Qingzhou sat down to eat, she said a little aggrievedly: "Sir, when I went to serve the food just now, the kitchen staff grumbled that we eat too much meat and vegetables at every meal, and said that next time I won't be allowed to take so much. What they said was so rude... They also said that you are just a scholar who studies in the room all day, how can you eat so much..."

Luo Qingzhou frowned upon hearing this, and took a look at the pile of food on the stone table. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "This is indeed a bit too much. Normally, with the appetite of the two of us, we really can't eat so much."

After a pause, he continued, "Well, you don't have to serve lunch at noon. Just serve more at night. I don't want to waste time coming back to eat at noon anyway. Also, aren't there snacks and fruits? You can take them at will. Take more of them. As for the meat, take less next time. After all, meat is too expensive. We can't eat the amount for several people every day, right?"

"Sir, but you..."

"It's okay. I can't eat so much meat for now. Just eat more snacks, fruits and vegetables."

Now the skin refining is completed, but the flesh has not yet been refined.

When you are refining the meat, you really need to supplement meat.

At that time, he will find a solution on his own.

Warriors need to consume too many resources.

Even for the Qin family, it might be difficult to train a real warrior.

In addition to consuming a large amount of high-quality food, practicing martial arts also requires other expensive things such as potions and elixirs.

A bottle of potion with only three drops costs tens of thousands of taels of silver, not to mention other items.

All resources of the Qin Mansion will now be given priority to the second son, Qin Chuan, who is preparing for the exam.

It is also said that the Qin Mansion has begun to decline, and I don’t know what its specific economic situation is.

As an outsider who married into the family, he naturally had to be self-aware and understand the rules.

He thought about it and decided to go to the nearby mountains and forests when he visited his mother's grave.

I heard from the maid that there was a distinguished guest from Yujing in the Qin Mansion who often went out of the city to hunt in the mountains.

This means there should be a lot of prey there.

At worst, he could cook for himself after coming back from hunting and eat more comfortably.

The energy in the flesh and blood of wild prey is of much better quality than the energy in the meat he is eating now.

It would be even better if we could defeat some of the lowest level monsters.

The fur of monsters can be sold for money, and their flesh and blood can not only be sold for money but can also be eaten. Their whole bodies are treasures.

With his current strength and some weapons, he should have no problem dealing with some of the lowest-level monsters.

Thinking this in his mind, he quickly finished his meal.

After Xiaodie finished her meal, she packed up everything and took it back to the kitchen.

After dark.

The master and servant took their clothes and went to the lake to take a bath.

Xiaodie fell in love with it the first time she went there, and she no longer hesitated to say no to going.

After all, bathing in the lake is much more comfortable than bathing in a barrel.

In the night sky, the moonlight is bright and the stars are twinkling.

The quiet lake is filled with mist, and it is hazy and looks like a fairyland.

The master and servant took a bath two meters apart.

Xiaodie was very shy at first, but gradually she became bolder. She mustered up the courage to walk over and rub Luo Qingzhou's back, speaking softly with a blushing face.

Most of them were about what she had learned today, what news and gossip she had heard from other maids and sisters, etc.

Luo Qingzhou would occasionally reply with a sentence or two, listening to her stories very gently and patiently.

Although they had only been separated for one day, Xiaodie still had endless things to say and topics to chat about with him.

The night is quiet and the lake is warm.

The master and servant were naked facing each other, whispering to each other with deep tenderness.

Such days were of course very happy for the master and servant who had just escaped from the wolf's den.

After taking a shower, I returned to the courtyard.

Luo Qingzhou went to his room to change his clothes before leaving.

According to the rules, he had to pay his respects to Miss Qin every night, although it seemed really unnecessary.

Xiaodie stayed in the room, embroidering lotus flowers carefully under the oil lamp.

Luo Qingzhou was thinking about something and soon arrived at the courtyard where Miss Qin lived.

The gate was open.

The yard was very quiet, Bailing and Xia Chan were not there.

There was only that snow-white figure, as white as an immortal, sitting quietly in the yard, with a dazed look in the moonlight, lost in thought, no one knowing what she was thinking about.

Luo Qingzhou was stunned at the door for a moment, then looked around carefully.

The two girls were indeed not there.

He hesitated for a moment, but still walked in.

Looking at the dazed expression on that beautiful face, he had an idea and thought to himself that tonight might be an opportunity.

Bai Ling is not here.

The most terrifying girl Xia Chan was not there either.

There are some things he should be able to say.