My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 62: A hundred ghosts cry at night


The room was empty.

There is no bed, no quilt.

The mountain village is particularly cold at night.

Luo Qingzhou held Xiaodie in his arms and sat down in the corner of the room, letting her sleep in his arms.

The little girl had been frightened during the day, and had been climbing mountains and walking so much, so she was already exhausted.

After mending his clothes, she fell asleep in his arms.

The night wind was howling outside the house, rustling the branches and weeds.

In the forest not far away, the occasional calls of night owls could be heard, which sounded particularly creepy.

Outside the window, a silver moon hung in the night sky, appearing and disappearing in the dark clouds, like an eye peeping at the earth, furtively.

Luo Qingzhou didn't feel sleepy at all.

After the little girl fell asleep, he placed her on the robes spread on the ground, wrapped her tightly in the robes, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and practiced his internal energy.

After a few weeks, the whole body feels warm and comfortable.

The pain all over the body is gradually subsiding, and the injured and cracked membrane is also slowly repairing.

It was three o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly, a cat meowed outside the window.

Then, the window, which could no longer be closed, began to whistle, as if wind was blowing in.

Luo Qingzhou opened his eyes and looked.

A black shadow suddenly appeared outside the window, standing there silently like a ghost.

I don't know how long I've been standing there.

In the moonlight, she gradually became clearer.

He had white hair, wrinkles all over his face, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Luo Qingzhou looked at her.

She also looked at Luo Qingzhou.

There was an eerie silence all around, with only the whimpering sound of the night wind.


Suddenly a cat's meow was heard.

Then, a wild cat passed through the black shadow and jumped onto the windowsill, looking into the house with its cold eyes flashing fluorescent light.

The figure standing in front of the window disappeared mysteriously.

It seemed as if it was just a phantom shadow, which shattered and disappeared without a trace after the wild cat pierced through its body.

Luo Qingzhou sat in the corner, looking at the wild cat on the windowsill, without moving or speaking.

After staring at him for a while, the wild cat turned around and jumped into the yard.

Then, he left from the collapsed courtyard wall.

At this time, the wind outside became louder and whistling, as if someone was crying in the dark.

The crying was shrill and intermittent.

Luo Qingzhou stood up and walked out.

After standing in the yard and looking for a while, he walked out of the gate. His heart moved and he turned around. Suddenly, he saw a dark shadow standing at the gate of a house in the direction of the village.

The night wind blew, and the black shadow hunched over, with white hair fluttering. He slowly turned his head and looked at him.

Under the cold and dim moonlight, the black shadow revealed an old face full of wrinkles and death spots, and the corners of his mouth still had the same weird smile that he had just shown outside the window.

Luo Qingzhou's eyes focused and he walked over.

When he got closer, the figure had already entered the door and disappeared.

Luo Qingzhou stood at the door, looking at the rotten gate, thinking about the past scenes, and walked in.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, as if no one had lived there for a long time.

The door of the hall was locked, and the iron lock was rusty.

The wooden door of the house next door was slightly ajar. Looking through the gap, it seemed that something was shaking inside.

Luo Qingzhou paused in the yard for a while, walked over, and gently pushed open the door.

A rope hung from the beam in the room.

A white-haired old man was hanging on the rope.

The old man had already died, his white hair hanging down, covering his wrinkled cheeks.

The night wind blew in through the dilapidated window, and the old man's thin and frail body swayed gently in the air.

The rope rubbed against the beam above, which had already become fragile and made a creaking sound.

Luo Qingzhou knew this old man.

My mother used to call her Aunt Shuizi. Xiaodie came here during the day and chatted with her for the whole afternoon. She also borrowed needles and thread from here.

The old man was lonely and had been lonely in the village for many years. Today, after chatting with a strange girl for an entire afternoon, he returned to his room and hanged himself

She told Xiaodie that this place was haunted and that she was probably old and frail and close to death, so she could see this.

For her, this may be a relief.


Luo Qingzhou looked at the old man in front of him, thinking about the white-haired black shadow he had just seen.

Is that the soul of the old man, saying goodbye to them before leaving

But how did he suddenly see it

That book of strange stories said that people with powerful spirits, or the very old, or those suffering from long-term illnesses, or those who are about to die, can sometimes see ghosts and see things that they cannot normally see.

Could it be that because he has been taking the inky black liquid produced by the Sun and Moon Bronze Mirror for a long time, his soul has become very powerful

Or was it that the life-and-death battle during the day today caused a sudden qualitative change in his soul

To be honest, he was a little scared when he suddenly saw the dark shadow outside the window just now.

But curiosity and calmness soon overcame fear.

Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

Moreover, his blood and energy are now rich, his spirit is strong, and his courage has naturally become greater. He should not be afraid of these ghosts that only dare to sneak out in the dark.

It should be the ghosts who are afraid of him.

Luo Qingzhou thought so and went forward to take down the old man's body.


At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew in from outside the window, making the wooden windows rattle.

At the same time, the sound of a woman crying was really heard outside.

Then, there were the sounds of men crying, babies crying, and old people crying, one after another.

A black shadow suddenly appeared on the low courtyard wall, and then floated into the yard. Its body twisted and swayed, its long hair hung to the ground, and it made a "woooo" sound from its mouth.

Then, more dark shadows appeared, at the gate, on the courtyard wall, and in the small courtyard, twisting and swaying, with long hair flying, and crying.

It's like hundreds of ghosts dancing and thousands of ghosts crying at night!

Luo Qingzhou withdrew his gaze, first took down the old man's body, put it on the bed, covered it with a quilt, then left the room and stood in the courtyard.

The twisted and whimpering black shadows in the courtyard swayed their bodies even more frantically.

Gusts of cold wind swirled around the ground.

Luo Qingzhou clenched his fists, walked down the stairs, and walked towards the hideous and twisting black shadows.

Every time he took a step forward, the dark shadows would float back a step, as if they were afraid to let him get close.

Luo Qingzhou sneered in his heart, suddenly took a stance, and started performing Thunder Fist in the yard.


A thunder suddenly sounded in the silent night.


The cold wind blew violently, and the wildly dancing black shadows were suddenly frightened and whimpered and fled in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.

Silence returned to the courtyard, even the sound of the wind disappeared.

"As expected, the weak are afraid of the strong, the yin is afraid of the yang, and the little ghost is afraid of courage! When the qi and blood are strong, the spirit is strong, and the courage is strong!"

"If a timid person encounters these ghosts while walking on the road at night, he can't see with his eyes, but can only feel the cold wind around his ears and body, and his back will feel cold and frightened. The more frightened he is, the weaker his spirit and blood will be, and the more arrogant these ghosts will be... When he returns, he will definitely get a serious illness. If he is treated well, he can still survive. If he is not treated well and his spirit is too weak, he will have to fall ill and die..."

"Some people with diseases or the elderly will see these haunting ghosts at night, and at that time they may be close to death... If they cannot strengthen their bodies and spirits, they may really be beyond help..."

"Some ghosts died unjustly and are full of hatred, so they wander around and harm people..."

Luo Qingzhou thought about the records in the book, left the courtyard and returned to his residence.

Just as I was about to enter the house, I suddenly found a dark shadow squatting on the collapsed wall.

The black shadow was shrouded in black mist, and its figure was more solid than the ghost just seen. The face could not be seen clearly, but two slightly red eyes could be seen.

Luo Qingzhou took a look and suddenly heard its voice.

This human is so scary, his blood is so strong, I can't mess with him... Why is he staring at me? It's impossible for him to see me... I should go back to practice...

The black shadow turned around and floated away.

Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a moment. Practice

He was moved and followed immediately.