My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 908: Sister Yue's emotions, the demon clan's conspiracy!


The night is silent.

In the small courtyard, the frost on someone's body has melted.

But he still stood there, motionless.

"When you become more powerful, I won't be able to resist..."

"I don't like... you sticking out your tongue..."

The implication is: When you have a higher level of cultivation, you can bully me... Next time when you kiss me, please don't stick out your tongue...

Sister Yue is reserved, cold, and arrogant.

Therefore, she can only be passive, forced, and bullied by him. She cannot take the initiative, cannot resist, and cannot be gentle and submissive, otherwise it will not be in line with her personality and image.

So, this was already a hint to him.

She has feelings for him, but her personality or skills don't allow it, so he needs to use force...

So, keep working on it!

Practice hard! Try to become stronger! Try to make the cold and arrogant Sister Yue melt weakly in his arms!


Keep practicing!

He returned to his room with high morale, dripped two more drops of spiritual liquid, and prepared to practice.

However, Sister Yue's words just now kept echoing in his mind, making him unable to calm down.

"Meditation, meditation..."

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be startled even if the sky falls. Your tongue is as sweet as clove... Ugh!"

"No matter how much changes happen, I still remain calm. My mind is relaxed and my breath is peaceful. Don't... Go away—"

"Damn it, women are really the root of trouble!"

"I chop, chop, chop!"

"Forget yourself and keep oneness, calm your six senses, abstain from things and nourish your energy, be selfless and inaction..."

After a long time, he finally calmed down and cleared his mind of all the complicated and messy thoughts.

Soon, strands of heaven and earth energy began to surge toward his head. At the same time, the vast energy transformed from the spiritual fluid in his body began to flow along various meridians and rush to his limbs and bones...

Outside the window, the night is quiet.

In a room in the next courtyard.

On the bed covered by curtains, a young girl in a snow-white dress was sitting quietly in the corner with her knees hugged and her head lowered. She looked dazed, and her mind kept replaying the sweet words that someone had just said to her.

She took out the message and stared blankly at every detail of his and her lives written on it.

But suddenly, she narrowed her eyes again and turned to another page.

On another page, there were densely packed records of the chat messages between him and his Queen, Xiao Meijiao, Zhu Zhu and others.


She narrowed her eyes and slowly clenched her snow-white fists.

Outside the window, the night quickly faded away.

At this moment, the message in her hand suddenly lit up.

But it wasn't her news.

Pink Fairy: We will be there soon. Have you arrived already

Luo Qingzhou: We have arrived a long time ago

Pink Fairy: Where are you? We will go find you.

Luo Qingzhou: Fairy, if you have any questions, just send me a message.

Fairy Pink: The sisters all want to see you

Luo Qingzhou: Is it because of the time when Fairy Qinyao added me as a friend? I was busy at the time and accidentally pressed the wrong button, so I rejected it. It was not intentional. I apologize.

Pink Fairy: Apologies are useless. Master has never been bullied and humiliated like this in his life. The sisters are all very angry and want to come over and beat you up.

Luo Qingzhou: …

Pink Fairy: Of course, if you become one of us, this matter will naturally be forgotten.

Luo Qingzhou: What do you mean by our own people

Pink Fairy: Become our junior apprentice

Fairy Pink: Also, I didn't make it clear before, Master will not personally accept you as a disciple. We have many uncles and aunts on Yunv Peak. If you are willing to come, you can choose any one you like.

Luo Qingzhou: Didn’t you say before that Fairy Qin Yao was willing to take me as her disciple

Fairy Pink: Master only accepts women, not men. I was wrong before. Master just wants to accept you into the Jade Maiden Peak, but he has not yet decided who will accept you as a disciple.

Luo Qingzhou: Oh

Fairy Pink: Haven’t you thought it through yet

Luo Qingzhou: I can’t go yet.

Pink Fairy: I didn't ask you to go now. As long as you agree, you can go anytime. It's up to you to decide. No one will force you.

Luo Qingzhou did not reply.

Fairy Pink: You are blaming us for not helping you, Da Yan, that day, right? Or is it because of Master Liuyun

Luo Qingzhou: It's my own fault. I'm going to practice now, so I won't say more.

Yue Yao looked at the conversation on the communication letter, frowned slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared in her eyes.

next door.

In the room, Luo Qingzhou put away the communication certificate and continued to practice.

If we talk about before, Jiutian Yaotai still had a great appeal to him, but as for now, sorry, he is extremely disappointed.

Of course he won't go again.

Besides, he possesses the root of thunder spirit, the fewer people know about it, the safer it is.

Moreover, there are many women on the Jade Maiden Peak. If everyone knew that he had the root of the Thunder Spirit, what would happen then

Does he still want to practice seriously

By then, he might just become a tool of those people in Jiutian Yaotai, working hard 24 hours a day until he is exhausted to death.

It’s scary to think about.

It's too dangerous outside, let's stay at home.

The house has everything and he lacks nothing.

As for the resources for cultivation, with the Sun and Moon Mirror, the Heart of the Spirit Ore, and the help of Sister Yue, he believed that he would continue to make rapid progress.

When he becomes even more powerful, what cultivation resources will he not be able to grab

Therefore, no matter how great the temptation of Jiutian Yaotai is, he will not be interested in it.

Keep practicing!

The next day.

Just as day broke, there was a faint noise coming from the street outside.

Luo Qingzhou immediately stopped practicing his skills and left the room.

As soon as I went out, I suddenly saw two huge spaceships and a giant divine turtle appear in the sky.

The people from the three major immortal sects have finally arrived!

However, only a few figures flew down from above and landed in the City Lord's Mansion.

After a moment.

They flew back into the sky.

Then, the two huge spaceships and the divine turtle started to move away and landed in the village closest to the giant tree.

Upon seeing this scene, the practitioners from various countries who had gathered in Linqiu City all rushed out of the city and settled down around the three major immortal sects.

Only by following the three major immortal sects can you have a chance to get a piece of the pie.

In the evening.

Bai Yishen, Zhuang Zhiyan, and people from the five major sects all came to Yang Mansion.

Luo Qingzhou and others went to the hall together.

Bai Yishen nodded to a few people and talked about the three major immortal sects.

"This time, the three major sects brought many disciples, especially the Piaomiao Sect. In addition to bringing more than 500 disciples, they also called in 50,000 cavalry from the Mongol Empire, preparing to repel the demon tribe in one fell swoop and take back the three cities..."

"Of course, they didn't do this because of me, Da Yan. It is said that the giant tree in Mo City was once the sacred tree of heaven and earth of the ancient demon race. The three major immortal sects all came for that giant tree..."

"They seem to have already discussed the distribution of benefits. They came down to talk to us this morning. In fact, they were reminding and warning us that the three cities have been leased out by us, and they are qualified to mobilize troops there..."

"At the same time, warn us in Da Yan that we are not allowed to cross the border without their permission..."

Zhuang Zhiyan snorted coldly and said, "You are bullying others by taking advantage of your power! The three cities are only leased to them, not given to them as a gift."

Master Ning Yuan put his palms together and said, "Amitabha, this is good. With them in the front, we have less pressure here. If they can repel the monsters, it will be a good thing for our Great Yan. As for the monster tree, we are not interested in it."

Taoist Yunshang of Qingyun Temple sighed and said, "It's not that we are not interested. Many practitioners from Da Yan have already sneaked over. But with the three major immortal sects here, it is estimated that it will be difficult for others to gain any advantage."

Ma Chenzi of the Huashan Sect also sighed, "Who wouldn't be interested in becoming an immortal? But with our limited strength, we should not go there to die. We should just guard this land well."

Others also expressed their opinions.

Everyone discussed for a while before dispersing.

Bai Yishan was the last to leave. After everyone else left, he looked at Luo Qingzhou and said, "Fei Yang, you should actually stay in Kyoto and practice well. The vitality here is thin, and it will be difficult for you to practice. I don't know how long it will take for things here to calm down. Let's wait a few days and see what happens. If the three major immortal sects really repel the demon race, you should return to Kyoto quickly and don't waste time here."

Luo Qingzhou nodded and agreed.

Bai Yishan gave a few more instructions before leaving with a serious expression.

After dark.

Luo Qingzhou returned to the courtyard and continued to practice.

Three days later.

He took out the body identification stone and checked it, and the data finally changed again.

Grandmaster's early stage, process nine

The initial stage of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, progress 10

Although the progress is slow, the progress of both the body and the soul has increased a little.

Now it seems that even though the vitality here is thin, as long as he has the spiritual liquid, he can still practice and improve.

However, it is not good to always breathe in and out in the house.

The cultivation of the physical body must be supported by powerful exercises, and requires the stimulation of external forces in order to temper the physical body more perfectly.

He needs to get out there and practice boxing and training.

At noon, news came from outside that the three major immortal sects had failed in their attack on Liucheng and lost more than a hundred disciples.

Of course, many members of the demon tribe were also killed or injured.

Liucheng and Heiyuncheng form each other's horns, protecting Mocheng in the middle. Only by taking down these two cities can they attack Mocheng without any scruples.

One can imagine how powerful the demon clan is since they can cause the three major immortal sects to suffer losses.

When everyone in Dayan heard this, they all secretly rejoiced.

If the three major immortal sects had not stationed their experts in the front, Linqiu City would be in danger now.

The practitioners in the city were all discussing this battle.

However, the three major immortal sects were obviously just trying out a small effort to test the strength of the demon clan, so they did not use their full strength and only sent disciples.

After dark, they launched a second attack.

This time, the attack was led by the elders of the three major immortal sects, and they quickly captured one of the city gates.

However, in the city, they immediately encountered fierce resistance from the demon army.

Fierce fighting broke out between the two sides in the streets, alleys, rooftops and city walls.

The demon tribe suddenly sent tens of thousands of reinforcements, which poured into the city.

There were too few practitioners in the city, and they were gradually outnumbered, so they had no choice but to retreat.

The loss of Liucheng made the top leaders of the three major immortal sects very angry.

Soon, 50,000 cavalrymen from the Mongol Empire and thousands of practitioners from other countries arrived.

The next day, the three major immortal sects organized a third attack.

This time, the demon defenders were finally unable to resist and fled in defeat.

The Mongol Empire cavalry, which had been waiting outside, took advantage of the victory and pursued the enemy all the way to the outskirts of Heiyun City.

Another five days passed.

The three great immortal sects paid a greater price and finally occupied Black Cloud City.

Of course, there were very few casualties among the disciples and elders of their three major sects, but it was mainly the troops and practitioners transferred from various countries who suffered heavy casualties.

In this continent, they control hundreds of countries and sects, so there is naturally a steady supply of troops.

The streets of the two cities were almost filled with the tragically dead practitioners and soldiers.

When the people of Dayan saw this scene, they were both shocked and relieved.

If Da Yan had also become a puppet of Piao Miao Xian Zong, I am afraid that now these people and Da Yan’s army would probably be used as cannon fodder to die.

Now the demon tribe only has one city left, as well as nearby villages and forests. I believe their resistance will be even more tenacious.

Besides, their sacred tree is there.

The three major immortal sects rested for half a day, and immediately ordered practitioners from various countries to begin attacking the last stronghold of the demon clan—Mo City!

This attack lasted a whole day and night, but they failed to climb even a section of the enemy's city wall.

Countless practitioners were killed or injured, and the corpses of the demons were piled high.

Many practitioners began to become afraid and hesitated in the open space outside the city.

The Piaomiao Immortal Sect had no choice but to order a few elders to lead hundreds of their disciples to lead the charge and boost morale.

At the same time, the three major immortal sects dispatched a total of more than fifty masters in the Return to One realm to protect and kill the demon masters.

This time the fierce battle lasted another night.

At dawn, dozens of masters of the Three Immortal Sects who had reached the Unity Realm finally broke through the city's protective barrier and rushed up the city wall.

The city gate below collapsed with a loud bang.

When the practitioners outside the city saw this scene, they immediately became more courageous and rushed into the city.

at the same time.

Several masters in the late Guiyi stage from the three major immortal sects were in mid-air, trying to find a way to break the barrier of the giant tree.

The crown of the giant tree covers three entire cities.

Although they had captured two of the cities, the sky was still occupied by the huge crown of the giant tree. They tried various methods but were unable to break through.

"We have been attacking for so long, but this barrier still remains motionless. It seems that we can only wait until we capture Mocheng and find a way to get rid of it from the roots of the giant tree."

"Judging from this powerful barrier, this giant tree may really be the sacred tree of heaven and earth in the legend of the demon race..."

"Once we get under the tree, everything will become clear."

"Let's go and kill those demon kings. Once they are dead, the demons will no longer dare to resist..."

Several figures flashed with light and flew towards Mo City.

And at this time.

Under the roots of the giant tree in Mo City, several figures wearing black robes and shrouded in black mist were gathered together and talking in low voices.

"It should be about time. No matter how cunning human cultivators are, how can they resist the temptation of the Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth? I guess what is supposed to happen has already happened."

"We fought back desperately, but the other side obviously had no suspicions and was clearly blinded by this magic tree..."

"Humph, I have witnessed the desire and greed of mankind thousands of years ago. This time we deliberately use the magic tree to attract all their masters and catch them all in one fell swoop. I believe that it won't be long before we will be able to retake this continent!"

"Golden Eagle King, I am a little uneasy. You used the blood sacrifice of the demons to make the remaining spirit of the Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth grow into this form. Seeing how deep the demonic energy is, will you lose control and devour all of us demons?"

"What a joke! My Qiankun Prison Demon Cauldron is a treasure of Xuantian. The demon soul is in the cauldron. Even if its body grows bigger, I can destroy it with just a magic fire. What are you afraid of?"

"What a pity! The sacred tree of heaven and earth of our clan was completely destroyed in that war, and not even a piece of its body can be found. Otherwise, with this spirit, perhaps it could be resurrected..."

"There's nothing to regret. Let it be destroyed. The remaining spirit is of great use to us. It has helped us a lot..."


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

The whole ground shook suddenly.

"Hmph, it seems that all the human masters have arrived. Quickly notify the Divine Armor King and the Silver Snake King to immediately activate the formation and surround the five surrounding cities!"

"Humans also arranged many formations and cultivators to guard the underground. Unfortunately, they encountered the God Armor King who had lived underground for thousands of years. I guess those cultivators underground died without knowing how they died..."

"It should be dark outside, prepare to let the magic tree emit poisonous mist..."

"Hmph, now it's our turn to hunt!"

at the same time.

On the ground, the entire Mo City was ablaze with flames and the sound of swords and sabers.

The human cultivators have occupied half of the city and are rushing to attack the giant tree that is shining with golden light and towering into the sky.

This huge tree was seen outside the city, completely black and shrouded in black fog.

But after arriving in the city, they discovered that the giant tree was actually shining with golden light all over. Even the branches and leaves in the air were shining like gold.

"The Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth! It is indeed the Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth!"

"It turns out that the demons are hiding behind black fog to deliberately confuse us!"

"I heard that even a single leaf from this sacred tree is priceless and contains extremely powerful power!"



The human practitioners all had red eyes and were extremely excited. They rushed towards the giant tree frantically.

And at this time.

Deep in the pitch-black underground, countless thick black roots, like giant black pythons, began to spread rapidly in all directions.

Soon, the skies over the five cities, namely Mo City, Black Cloud City, Liu City, Linqiu City and Luoshi City, suddenly began to darken.

In the sky, the crown of the giant tree had covered five entire cities without anyone noticing!

And under the ground of the five cities, thick black tree trunks began to crawl rapidly toward the ground.

Beside the wall of Linqiu City, a soldier guarding the city was relieving himself in the corner. Just as he opened his trousers, a dark tree root suddenly jumped out from the ground like a sharp sword, and with a "puff" sound, it pierced through his entire body!

His body suddenly trembled, his eyes widened, and he froze in place.

Soon, his eyes began to turn red, a black aura began to float around his body, and his entire face suddenly became distorted and hideous.

"Lao Zhang, what are you dawdling about here for? The boss is calling you over!"

At this time, another soldier came over, shouting and trying to push him.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, the soldier named Zhang Cheng suddenly jumped up, let out a strange cry, and bit his neck, "Crack!", and directly bit off his throat.

At the same time, a black branch suddenly flew out from his forehead like a sharp arrow, and with a "pop" sound, it pierced into the eyeball of the newly arrived soldier...

at the same time.

In every dark corner of Linqiu City, more and more tree roots continued to emerge from the ground.

Someone was even tripped by a tree root. Just as he was cursing a few words, another tree root that emerged from the ground pierced his head.

In the city, in Yang Mansion.

Luo Qingzhou was still sitting in the room, practicing in ecstasy.

And on the mysterious little tree in his storage ring, the core of the blooming golden flower has already formed a small fruit.