My Wife, Something is Wrong

Chapter 990: Good sister and good sister, Tao Te Ching and Supreme Divine Mantra


Taoist temple backyard.

The three followed Master Yiqing through a bamboo forest and came to a pavilion.

Outside the pavilion, a waterfall falls from the sky.

Under the waterfall, two white cranes were flapping their wings and playing, as if they were dancing.

Their figures were slender and their postures graceful, just like two lively young girls.

"Please take a seat, my three friends."

After entering the pavilion, Master Yiqing said with a smile.

The three of them sat down.

Two Taoist boys brought tea.

Steam was rising from the cup, and a faint scent of tea wafted into the air.

But when the teacup fell on the table, there was not a ripple on the tea in the cup.

Luo Qingzhou looked up.

Whether it was the waterfall, the cranes, the bamboo forest, or even the kind-looking master in front of him and the tea on the stone table, there was a faint black aura lingering around them.

"Forgive me for asking, but you three want to enter my Sutra Library. Are you looking for something?"

Master Yiqing sat down with his whisk in his arms and asked in a gentle voice.

Luo Qingzhou bowed and said, "I need a set of cultivation techniques. I heard that your temple is a Taoist holy place here, so I came here to seek it."

Yue Yao said at the side: "At least three sets."

Luo Qingzhou glanced at her and said, "Yes, three sets."

Xiaoyue glanced at the two of them quietly from the side.

After hearing this, Master Yiqing showed an apologetic look on his face: "If you are looking for other documents, records, etc., I can let you three in. But I'm sorry I can't help you with the exercises. The exercises of my Ziyang Temple are all passed down by our ancestors. Except for the disciples in the temple, no outsiders can see them. Some exercises, even for the disciples in the temple, need to be predestined to see them."

Luo Qingzhou said: "Of course we didn't watch it for nothing."

Master Yiqing smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "Even if you really have Taoist scriptures, I cannot break the rules."

"There are not only scriptures, but also various spells."

When Luo Qingzhou said this, he suddenly showed confidence on his face: "Spells are also considered as skills. You give me skills and I give you spells. It's just a matter of exchanging skills. What's wrong with that?"

Unfortunately, for some reason, although he knew all the Taoist scriptures and spells, he was unable to practice them.

I don’t know how Sister Yue practiced.

"A spell?"

Master Yiqing was slightly startled, and after a pause, he said, "Could you please take out one of the poems first and let me see it?"


Luo Qingzhou did not hesitate. He thought for a moment and was about to read it out when a voice suddenly came from the side: "Write."

Luo Qingzhou turned his head and glanced at her.

Master Yiqing understood immediately and said to the outside of the pavilion: "Bring the pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Hearing the voice, the two Taoist boys quickly brought writing brush, ink, paper and inkstone.

A Taoist boy was holding an ink block and was about to grind ink when Yue Yao said, "Xiao Yue, grind the ink."

Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, then glared at her and said, "Why? You Yan!"

Why does this woman give orders to her

Obviously she is older and this woman is younger, so she should give orders to her!

The Taoist boy immediately lowered his head and retreated.

Master Yiqing waited with a smile.

The pavilion was quiet for a moment.

Xiaoyue had no choice but to pick up the ink block with one hand and gently twist her sleeve with the other hand, saying angrily, "Just wait."

When the time comes for you to go out and get married, you'll be in trouble!

I will make you kneel on the ground and grind ink every day!


Xiaoyue was grinding the ink when she suddenly discovered that there was no friction between the ink block and the inkstone, but the ink came out quickly.

Luo Qingzhou picked up the brush and dipped it in ink. After a moment of hesitation, he wrote the words.

Lines of beautiful small words appeared.

Yue Yao watched silently from the side, her jade hands in her sleeves moving slightly unconsciously, as if imitating his movements.

When Luo Qingzhou was about to finish writing, he suddenly stopped.

"Please look at the real person."

He handed over the semi-finished product.

Master Yiqing took it with both hands, his eyes slightly fixed, and he looked at the small words on the paper seriously.

When he saw the last sentence, he was stunned and looked up and asked, "What else?"

Luo Qingzhou said calmly: "In my belly."

Master Yiqing was slightly startled, then he understood, smiled faintly, lowered his head and read it again, and said: "This article is indeed good, but..."

He shook his head, politely returned the gift, and said, "It is of no use to my Ziyang Temple."

Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a moment. When he was thinking about the next article, Yue Yao took the rice paper and placed it in front of him. Then she stretched out her jade hand and said, "Give me the pen."

Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a moment, dipped the ink in it, and handed it to her.

Yue Yao held the pen, and suddenly golden words appeared in the depths of her eyes. After a brief pause, she began to write with ink, and every stroke fell on the small characters on the paper.

She copied the original characters.

As her pen fell on it, the ink color of the small words became richer.

When she finished copying the last character, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound on the rice paper, and a golden light appeared.

Then, those ink-black characters suddenly lit up with golden light one by one!

At the same time, shadows of characters slowly moved on the rice paper.

The Taoist Master Yiqing, who was sitting opposite him, was shocked: "The rhyme of words and the true words of heaven!"

Luo Qingzhou and Xiaoyue, who were standing by, both opened their eyes wide.

Yue Yao handed the article over again and said calmly, "Master, please take another look at it."

Master Yiqing quickly took it and looked down at it again.

"Danzhu, the mouth god, spits out filth and removes evil; the tongue god, Zhenglun, connects life and nourishes the spirit; Luoqian, the tooth god, repels evil and protects the truth..."

I don't know why.

When he read it just now, he felt that there was nothing surprising about it. But now, he suddenly felt that every word contained the supreme rhyme of Tao. When several sentences were combined together, it was as if it was a supreme technique that was running rapidly in his mind.


When he was reading the exciting part, the following suddenly changed to: "..."

What’s even more outrageous is that at this moment in his eyes, even these few dots are glowing with golden light, containing the supreme rhyme of Tao!

He was stunned for a few seconds, then quickly raised his head and asked, "What about the next one?"

Luo Qingzhou still said the same thing: "In my belly."

Yiqing Zhenren: “…”

Luo Qingzhou suddenly said: "I have another more powerful spell here, which may contain the highest cultivation method of Taoism."

Master Yiqing looked suspicious: "The highest cultivation method of Taoism?"

Most of the cultivation techniques that can be called supreme are within their Zi Yang Temple.

Luo Qingzhou didn't say anything else. He picked up the brush and said to Xiaoyue beside him, "Grind the ink."

Xiaoyue pouted immediately: "Why not let Otsuki Yan? She is not your concubine."

Luo Qingzhou looked at her strangely and said, "What concubine? Aren't you my good sister?"

Xiaoyue: “…”


She had no choice but to pick up the ink block with grievance and continue grinding the ink.

Luo Qingzhou picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, pondered for a moment, and then wrote it down.

This time, he only wrote half of it.

Because this spell can truly be called a Taoist magic spell.

"Real person please ..."

Just as he was about to hand over the article, a delicate hand suddenly reached out and took it.

Yue Yao held it in her hand and looked down at it quietly.

After a long time.

She put the rice paper back in front of him and said, "Finish."

Luo Qingzhou was stunned for a moment, but did not ask any more questions. He immediately picked up the pen and started writing again.

Soon, the entire article was finished.

Yue Yao took it again, lowered her head to read it, and put it away. She looked at him and said, "Just write the Tao Te Ching. We have other things to do."

Hearing this, Luo Qingzhou nodded, took another piece of rice paper, and said, "Xiaoyue, grind the ink."

Xiaoyue said angrily, "Let Otsuki Ken do this for once!"

Luo Qingzhou coughed and whispered, "She is not my good sister."

Xiaoyue said aggrievedly: "Does a good sister have to be bullied? You always bully the good sister, can't you bully the good sister a little bit?"

After saying that, she suddenly said “Pooh” twice: “She is not my sister!”


Since there were outsiders present, she had to control her temper, holding the ink block with a wronged look on her face, and continued to grind.

At the same time, she was grinding, muttering in her heart: "Wait, when I get back, I will grind you smooth like this too!"

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name…”

Luo Qingzhou picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, and began to write seriously.

Unexpectedly, just after writing a few paragraphs, a strange energy suddenly appeared on the paper. Starting from the first word "Tao", the inky black font suddenly glowed with golden light and quickly turned golden.

Luo Qingzhou suddenly felt that the brush in his hand was as heavy as a thousand pounds. Every stroke required a huge amount of strength and concentration.

The soul power in the body rushed to the arms at a terrifying speed, flowed into the brush, and then fell on those beautiful characters.

A mysterious and inexplicable rhythm of Taoism rises from the fonts.

The Taoist Master Yiqing, who was sitting opposite, shuddered all over. His long beard, which hung down to his abdomen, trembled continuously, and the expression on his face kept changing.

The black aura lingering around him also disappeared.

Luo Qingzhou was soon sweating profusely, and after writing only one-third of the text, he no longer had the strength to write.

"Sister Yue, what's going on?"

He turned around and asked, his face full of surprise.

Yue Yao was stunned for a moment and said, "Stop. These few words are enough to exchange for any set of exercises in Ziyang Temple."

Luo Qingzhou loosened his fingers with difficulty.

The moment the brush slipped from his hand, he seemed to have suddenly broken free from the mountain that was pressing down on him. His whole body immediately felt relaxed, and his heart, which had been suppressed and unable to beat, and his breathing, all began to regain their freedom.

He let out a long breath.

Only then did he realize that there was very little soul power left in his body.

At this moment, a clear and distant voice suddenly came from the back mountain: "Yiqing, bring it here for me to see."

Then he continued, "Please forgive my rudeness, my three friends. I am in seclusion now and cannot leave here. I will let Yiqing receive you. I can satisfy any request you have."

Immortal Yiqing immediately came to his senses, apologized quickly, and said, "My three friends, please wait a moment. I will be back soon."

After saying this, he immediately took the remaining scriptures and hurried away.

Luo Qingzhou was still worried, and after resting for a while, he whispered, "Sister Yue, what's going on? Why didn't I have this kind of vision and feeling when I was writing the Tao Te Ching before? Also, I can understand these scriptures and spells, but I can't seem to practice them. What's going on?"

Yue Yao was silent for a moment, then said, "Because when you just entered the room, the Bagua diagram awakened the Dao rhyme scripture in your body. This is another way of cultivation. If you want to practice, you must abandon all your previous cultivation, forget your previous mental methods, and start over."

Luo Qingzhou was still puzzled: "Since I can't practice, why do I have those Dao rhyme scriptures in my body, and why did strange phenomena appear when I wrote just now..."

Yue Yao said nothing more and just glanced at him indifferently.

Luo Qingzhou suddenly remembered what the middle-aged Taoist priest had just said.

Could it be that the Dao rhyme scripture in his body was condensed by Sister Yue’s practice...

Sister Yue burned her soul to save him, dismembered her soul and transformed it into energy that entered his body... So, she merged with his soul

Xiao Yue at the side suddenly said: "No wonder you dared to go on stage during the border competition and said you didn't need any skills from Piao Miao Xian Zong. It turns out that at that time, you had already embarked on another path of cultivation."

Luo Qingzhou asked curiously: "Sister Yue, what realm are you at? Or in other words, what realm is equivalent to that of a soul cultivator?"

Yue Yao ignored them and took out the complete spell, lowered her head and began to read it carefully again.

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at him and said, "Why didn't you give me this spell before?"

Luo Qingzhou opened his mouth, was stunned for a moment, and said: "Sister Yue didn't ask me for it. I gave Sister Yue so much before, but Sister Yue didn't give any feedback, and I couldn't practice, so I thought it was useless to Sister Yue..."

Yue Yao stared at him in silence for a while, then said, "When you go back, read to me any Taoist or Buddhist scriptures, mantras, and stories, as well as those about Confucianism and Taoism."

Luo Qingzhou immediately said: "Okay."

Naturally, he would be more than happy to be able to help Sister Yue.

After all, he owed Sister Yue so much and didn't know how to repay her.

Xiaoyue immediately said sourly: "No, brother still needs to practice. How can he waste so much time on you."

Yue Yao didn't say anything else.

Luo Qingzhou said: "It's okay, I can practice with Sister Yue, so that when I get tired of practicing and take a rest, I can...ah!"

Xiaoyue suddenly grabbed his waist, and a dignified and cold expression that did not belong to "her" suddenly appeared on her face: "Say it again!"

Luo Qingzhou closed his mouth and dared not say another word.

Xiaoyue glanced at the two of them coldly again before letting go of her hand and said, "Unless she calls me sister."

Neither of them spoke.

Another moment passed.

Master Yiqing came back in a hurry, his long beard fluttering and his face flushed. Although he tried his best to remain calm, he could not hide his excitement: "My three friends, Uncle Ziyang has agreed. You can follow me into the Sutra Library and stay there for three months. You can read any book and practice any technique in it."

"but… "

He was holding two pieces of paper in his hands, and the expression on his face spoke for itself.

Luo Qingzhou took the first one and said, "Then I will finish writing the first spell first. As for the Tao Te Ching, I need to rest for a day before continuing."

Immediately, Master Yiqing saluted with his palms together, and said solemnly and gratefully, "Thank you, my friend."

Luo Qingzhou picked up the pen and turned around and said, "Xiaoyue, grind the ink."

Xiaoyue: “…”

Red sleeves grind ink, with beautiful lady accompanying her.

Luo Qingzhou suddenly felt heroic. He picked up his pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote fluently. He quickly completed the first spell.

When he put down his pen, his entire temperament seemed to change suddenly.

The look that Master Yiqing gave him changed from being casual as if he was looking at a junior to being deep and solemn.

Luo Qingzhou handed the article to him.

Master Yiqing took it solemnly with both hands, thanked him again, and then read it very carefully, with every word deeply engraved in his heart.

"Three young friends, please!"

at the same time.

A blood moon suddenly appeared on a barren mountain thousands of miles away.

The people from Piaomiao Xianzong who had arrived long ago were suddenly extremely excited.