My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 219: heartless


Huo Zhenghai's hand while eating the apple shook slightly, then he sighed and said deliberately, "Hey, I'm getting older and useless. I miss Huo Mian's kid so much."

"Yeah, last time grandma was at the funeral, it was obvious that she was really a nice girl." Huo Siqian smiled.

"But that child seems unwilling to forgive me, and I don't know if I will ever hear her call me dad in my lifetime." Huo Zhenghai looked a little moved.

Huo Siqian reached out and patted the back of Huo Zhenghai's hand, comforting him, "Yes, Dad, don't worry. Sister Xiaomian is not such a cruel person. She will definitely come back, I promise."

"Are you... very familiar with Xiaomian personally?" Huo Zhenghai asked tentatively.

"I like her as a sister very much, but she doesn't like me and refuses to say hello to me when we meet. I have no choice but to get close to her and take care of her as a brother, but I don't even have the chance."

"Oh..." Huo Zhenghai seemed to be relieved.

"What's wrong? Dad, did Xiaomian say something to you?"


Seeing Huo Zhenghai's expression, Huo Siqian just smiled and said nothing more.

On the way back, Huo Mian took her mother to a shopping mall near her home and bought her mother thermal underwear and shoes for autumn.

Yang Meirong kept saying that was enough and refused to buy it. In fact, Huo Mian knew that she was afraid that she would spend too much money.

"Mom, don't worry. I've changed my job. The salary here is very high. I can support you and Zhixin enough."

"You can't spend it carelessly, money is not easy to make." Yang Meirong sighed.

Finally, it was with Huo Mian's insistence that Yang Meirong agreed to eat at a restaurant outside.

And I only found a pretty small dumpling restaurant and ordered two dumplings and a small portion of mixed vegetables.

"Mom, are those words you said today true? Did you really go to that betrayed man because of Uncle Jing's affairs back then?"

"Well, I was desperate at that time, and I was holding on to my last glimmer of hope."

"Then you went today to ridicule him and humiliate him, right? Are you angry now?" Huo Mian put a dumpling on a small plate for her mother.

"I can only vent my anger after he dies. The hatred between us is too deep. But Xiaomian, remember, I won't stop you. If you still miss the relationship between father and daughter in your heart, you can go and see her. You are You and I are me, and I know the difference clearly.”

"Mom, do you think he really wants to make it up to me?" Huo Mian asked again.

"I don't think he's pretending to be like that. I've never seen him shed tears in all the years I've known him. His eyes are red today. Maybe it's because he's good at words when he's about to die. I'm afraid I won't be able to hear you cry. "Dad?" Yang Meirong sighed.

Huo Mian glanced at her mother, took a bite of side dishes for herself, and then said slowly, "Mom, so you are still too naive and he saw your weakness."

"You think he's not sincere?" Yang Meirong was a little surprised.

Huo Mian sneered, "Have you never heard that there is a kind of tears in this world called crocodile tears? He deliberately made this sad drama for us. He didn't really want to ask for our forgiveness. He just wanted to win over us. Again, he wants us to get involved in the Huo family dispute, and then stand on his side to help him protect his children. "

"But... what if you guessed wrong? Didn't you wrong him?" Yang Meirong recalled the scene just now and felt that Huo Zhenghai's emotions were not fake.

"It's impossible to guess wrong. Who is he? Besides being your former man and my father? He's also a huge businessman. What do you think about such a person who has never seen such a big storm? Will he still care about the love between his children? All these years. He has never looked for us. Now that the Huo family is in a civil war, he suddenly has a conscience and wants to recognize my daughter? After all, he has seen through the weaknesses of human nature. When grandma passed away, he asked me to come back, which was a foreshadowing. There is a dark story behind it. Interested relationship... Mom, I am not you, I will not be used, you are just too stupid, that is why the tragedy happened later. I will let you see his true face clearly, and I will also let him know that he is not the only one who is cruel. , the conspiracy will not succeed, and my daughter will not recognize it."

After saying that, Huo Mian lowered her head and ate the dumplings one bite at a time...

Yang Meirong was stunned. She knew so little about her daughter's thoughts.

Sometimes she wonders, is Huo Mian really her daughter? Why is it so smart

Smart people are scary...

At eight o'clock in the evening, Huo Yanyan drove Shen Jiani to the ward in a sports car.

As soon as she walked in, Huo Yanyan couldn't wait to ask, "Dad, how are you? Did those two idiots believe the show you performed today? Will Huo Mian promise to come back and inherit the shares to help me and my brother?"