My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 26: risk


"Huo Mian, you don't need to say any more. The matter has been decided. Just follow it and treat it as the task assigned to you by the hospital. Once the operation is completed, if the leader recovers well, I will give it to everyone involved in this operation. Rewards and recognition for surgical staff.”

Unexpectedly, Huo Mian shook her head, stood up and said, "Dean, I don't want any commendation or reward. I just feel that I am not qualified for this task. I'm sorry, I can't accept it."

"You kid is really stubborn." There was helplessness in the dean's tone.

"Dean, I'm being realistic. This surgery is too important. If it's a delivery or something, I might be able to help. But for brain surgery, I'm really afraid that I'll cause trouble. You'd better find another candidate."

After saying that, Huo Mian stood up and was about to leave. Why wouldn't she accept this hot potato

She really wondered if the director had taken the wrong medicine. There were hundreds of excellent nurses in the First Hospital, so why did they choose her, a trainee nurse, and someone from the obstetrics department to be an assistant? It was really funny.

Just when Huo Mian walked to the door and was about to open the door, the dean's voice came again.

"Huo Mian, actually, I didn't mean to use you as an assistant this time. It was the professor who specially appointed you for this surgery who asked you personally."

"Special professor, do you want me by name?" Huo Mian turned around, expressing disbelief.

"Yes, the special professor has a weird temper and is very difficult to hire. We finally persuaded him to do the operation, but he only has one request, which is to use you as an assistant nurse. Otherwise, the operation will not be performed. You also know that human life is at stake. Now The senior leader is still living in our hospital. If something happens, not only you and me, but the entire hospital will not be able to shoulder this responsibility."

"But... I don't know the professor. Did he get his name wrong? Is there a nurse with the same name as me in our hospital?" Huo Mian was dumbfounded.

"No, you are the only one named Huo Mian. I can't be mistaken."

"But...?" Huo Mian looked a little embarrassed.

"Huo Mian, don't worry, we don't have time to waste. The operation will take place in three hours. You will have to go into the operating room to clean it in an hour, and also have a meeting with the surgeons."


"Huo Mian, this is an order, you must accept it." Dean Wu became anxious and darkened his face with a tough attitude.

Huo Mian remained silent...

Wouldn't it be too kind of her to resign at this time? But if the operation fails and the big leader dies, will he still have a way to survive

Huo Mian was really on the verge of tears. She knew that the dean suddenly looking for her would be up to no good.

"Okay, I agree." After a few seconds of silence, Huo Mian nodded in agreement.

Dean Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief...

"Great, then go out and prepare now. In an hour, you will enter the VIP operating room of the brain surgery on the top floor."

"Okay." Huo Mian nodded.

Walking out of the dean's office, Huo Mian felt extremely complicated.

When she returned to the obstetrics and gynecology department, the head nurse and several nurses were already waiting for her in a huge formation.

"Huo Mian, the dean called me and briefly explained the situation. You should quickly change your clothes and disinfect your entire body. Then I will send someone to escort you to the operating room on the top floor."

"Uh... Head nurse, no need, I can go by myself." Huo Mian was really not used to receiving special treatment.

"How is that possible? This is a big deal. You should behave well."

"Sister Huo Mian, how come you are so lucky? I heard that the special professor personally requested you."

"I don't know what's going on."

"Isn't the professor your friend? Why can't we share this good thing?" Several young nurses asked in a hurry.

"Well, I don't know any professors." Huo Mian denied.

"Okay, stop talking and go get ready. Huo Mian, I have to remind you. It's a good thing that the dean values you. But if you screw up this time, it won't be as simple as just packing up and leaving. Do you know the important identity of this patient?" The head nurse said sharply.

Huo Mian nodded slightly, "I know that if I fail, I may even lose my life."

After she said this, the faces of several young nurses all changed...

"Now, do you still think Huo Mian is lucky? Who wants to go in her place?" the head nurse asked them with a bad look on her face.