My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 326: Her husband is BOSS


"Ahem... Mr. Qin really knows things like a god."

Huo Mian had to admire Qin Chu's intelligence, he always saw through her tricks at a glance.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"It's nothing. It's just that my mother has been asking me to move back recently, but it's impossible. After all, we are both married. I just want to go back and stay with her and Zhixin for a few days."

"Yes." Qin Chu nodded.

"Agreed?" Huo Mian didn't expect Qin Chu to be so easy to talk to.

"Well, go back and stay for a few days. Buy some more things for your mother and your brother. If the money is not enough, I will ask the finance department to help you."

"Pfft... No more, that's enough, that's enough. I seem to have a lot of money already."

Huo Mian mostly used his salary card because his salary had increased a lot since his promotion.

Qin Chu had arranged everything for food and clothing, so there was nothing to spend money on.

As for the more than 50 million that Qin Chu gave her, as well as the monthly salary of one million, she has not touched a penny.

Although Qin Chu was reluctant to let his wife go back to her parents' home, he could understand Huo Mian's state of mind.

So even if I feel reluctant to give up, I won't say it out loud. I just want to make Huo Mian happy.

Both of us were very happy after having a hot pot meal when we got home. Qin Chu got busy after answering the company's call.

After Huo Mian took a shower, she went to bed, lying down reading a book and listening to music, which was quite relaxing.

After work the next day, Huo Mian bought a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and went back to the old house.

Zhixin hasn't come back yet because he has classes in the evening.

Yang Meirong stewed a chicken and fried some vegetarian vegetables. The mother and daughter had a sumptuous dinner.

At this time, the door was pushed open and two people came in.

The one in front was Aunt Wu next door, and Huo Mian couldn't see the people behind her very clearly.

"Oh, it's time to eat."

"Yes." Yang Meirong stood up and brought Aunt Wu a stool for her to sit on.

"Xiao Mian is back?" Aunt Wu smiled and was particularly enthusiastic towards Huo Mian.

"Aunt Wu." Huo Mian greeted.

"It just so happens that our Xiaoliang is on vacation for the past two days, and he keeps saying it's boring. Huo Mian is back, and you two have someone to talk to."

"Xiao Liang is back?" Yang Meirong glanced at the man behind Aunt Wu.

Huo Mian also looked over and felt a little surprised. Xu Liang had changed a lot after not seeing him for so many years.

Because we are neighbors, we have known each other since childhood. Xu Liang is a boy who doesn't like to talk much.

Since he was much older than Huo Mian, they didn't have too many interactions.

Later, I heard that after going to college, Xu Liang went to other places and came back after graduation. He heard that he was working in a bank.

Now that she is thirty years old, she still doesn’t have a girlfriend, which makes Aunt Wu very worried.

"Hello Aunt Yang." Xu Liang greeted Yang Meirong with a smile.

Xu Liang is 1.78 meters tall and has a square appearance. He is not handsome. He can only be described as having good facial features.

Then he wore a black suit, typical of a bank clerk, white and fat.

In addition, Aunt Wu's conditions were already good, so Xu Liang was born with a sense of superiority.

"Have you two eaten? Are you eating some? I stewed chicken, which Xiaomian bought today. I heard it was a corn-fed stupid chicken. It tastes good to me." Yang Meirong was particularly enthusiastic.

"No, we've both finished eating. By the way, there's a white car parked at the door. Is it yours?" Aunt Wu looked at the white Volkswagen CC outside with some surprise.

Before Huo Mian could say anything, Yang Meirong rushed back and said, "That's my Xiaomian's car."