My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 379: A little honeymoon one


"Miscarriage?" Wu Xiaoxue obviously couldn't keep thinking.

"Well, the progesterone value in your body is extremely low now, which is very dangerous."

"Then the injection will be fine." Wu Xiaoxue is also an obstetrician and gynecologist, so she naturally knows how to protect the fetus.

"But… ?"

"Is there anything else?" Seeing Huo Mian hesitate to speak, Wu Xiaoxue had a vague feeling.

"You are almost five months old now. I did a screening for Down's Syndrome on you, and the results showed..." Huo Mian crossed her arms over her chest, with a confused expression on her face.

"How is it? Is it high-risk?" Wu Xiaoxue asked tremblingly.

"Yes, it's high risk." Huo Mian nodded.

After Wu Xiaoxue heard this, her heart fell completely to the bottom...

Now we are not only facing signs of miscarriage, but the fetus is also at high risk

What does this mean? There is a high chance that the fetus will be malformed. How is that possible

Wu Xiaoxue felt that she and Ning Zhiyuan were both young and did not have any bad habits. Ning Zhiyuan occasionally drank alcohol and seldom smoked. How could he be at high risk

She had always wanted to be screened for Down syndrome before, but when she thought that she was still so young and not an advanced maternal age, Wu Xiaoxue felt that there could be no problem. Plus, she was busy with work, so she was delayed.

If Huo Mian hadn't done it for her today, she really wouldn't have known...

"Oh my God... what should I do?" Wu Xiaoxue's tears couldn't stop flowing down, and she was panicking.

Although the relationship with Ning Zhiyuan has reached the point of cold war, she still loves her children very much.

The child is innocent, she worked so hard to save her, and now is something going to happen again

"Don't worry. If there are any problems, we will solve them one by one. The signs of miscarriage are not very serious. We will give you an injection first to protect the fetus. You should be at ease. Your mentality is very important at this time. You must not be depressed or nervous." Huo Mian comforted her. .

"So what if she can be saved? If she is deformed, she might as well undergo induction of labor now..."

Wu Xiaoxue's voice was so hoarse that she could hardly speak...

Any woman would not be able to bear this situation, let alone Wu Xiaoxue.

"You are five months old now, and the fetus's hands and feet are already fully developed. If you induce labor, not only will you lose a little life, but it will also harm your body. You are also a doctor. I don't need to tell you many things. You should understand it yourself."

"Huo Mian, what should I do now? I want this daughter very much. I really like her." Wu Xiaoxue held Huo Mian's hand and cried so hard.

Because she had a color ultrasound four months ago, Wu Xiaoxue knew the gender. Although she was a girl, she was not unhappy because she was a girl. Instead, she was very excited and bought many beautiful dresses for her unborn daughter.

Now that the child is at high risk of miscarriage, Wu Xiaoxue feels like the sky is falling.

"Doctor Wu, please calm down and listen to me, okay?" Huo Mian sat on the edge of the bed and patted Wu Xiaoxue's back gently.

Wu Xiaoxue covered her mouth and cried silently...

"The child is just suspected to be high-risk now. It does not mean that it must be a deformity. We cannot think too pessimistically. Currently, only the Third Hospital in Kyoto has top-notch equipment in the country and can perform amniocentesis, so I suggest you take a few days off to go to Kyoto. , have a good check-up, and if the child is healthy, we will keep her. If the child is not healthy... that doesn't matter, I can only say that she is not destined to you, you are still young, and there will be children in the future," Huo Mian said tactfully. .