My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 395: Five things happened overnight


"Yes." Huo Mian nodded, knowing that the matter was urgent, otherwise Qin Chu would not have such a solemn expression.

Qin Chu drove all the way, reducing the five-hour trip to four hours.

When we arrived in City C, it was still dark...

"I'll go to the company first, and you go home and rest first." Qin Chu said softly.

Huo Mian nodded and got off the car directly at the entrance of Royal Forest Garden...

Qin Chu drove all the way to the company, the headquarters of GK Group.

"Dad, why are you so anxious to find me?" As soon as Qin Chu entered the door, he saw his father sitting on his office chair, looking bitter and resentful, which was obviously not a good thing.

"I saw that there was a sum of money from the finance department yesterday that was used for the construction of the foundation established in Yunding Mountain. It was as high as 50 million, right?"

"The 50 million yuan budget is just a preliminary budget, and there will be a steady stream of reinforcements in the future. That area is a mountainous area, and many residents have no water or electricity in their homes. More often than not, children cannot afford to go to school because even the schools cannot support them and there are no teacher resources. Scarcity.”

"What does this have to do with you? This is a matter of the country. You are an entrepreneur. What you have to do is to make money, expand our GK business model and increase turnover. When will we need to do charity on such a large scale? It’s time to work, we will make a symbolic donation every year, there is no need to be so serious, you are a businessman, not a good person, do you understand?”

Qin Yumin was very angry. It was obvious that his son's decision was not discussed with him. Fifty million was not much, but if it was used for charity, he felt uncomfortable.

"Dad... you are also knowledgeable and talented. You don't know the principle of getting money back after all. You can't make all the money, but our lives are limited. Why not do something within your ability? Yundingshan There is a project that I am focusing on. Once it is fully developed, the money will continue to flow, but it must also benefit the local residents, instead of bringing disaster to them and destroying their homes... We are businessmen, making money is not It’s fake, but I think there’s nothing wrong with doing things that benefit the people while making money.”

"Don't argue with me. I don't think you would suddenly do something like this. To be honest, was this Huo Mian's idea? She encouraged you, right? A poor commoner like this is willing to do something like this. Things came out." Qin Yumin had long thought that Ming Jing'er's son and Huo Mian were together, so he attributed all this to Huo Mian's fault.

Qin Chu was very unhappy when he heard his father blaming Huo Mian, "Dad, this is entirely my own idea and has nothing to do with Huo Mian."

"Stop fooling me. Do you think I don't know anything? It's ridiculous to name it MIAN Fund. Son... look at you, is this what you, an entrepreneur, should do?" Qin Yumin patted him. table, expressing considerable anger.

"I admit that the fund is named after her, which shows how important she is to me." Qin Chu admitted generously.

"Nonsense... I have already informed the finance department to withdraw the 50 million yuan and will not use it for things that should not be used."

"Dad, you can't do this. I am the chief executive, and you are already semi-retired. You should not interfere with me." Qin Chu stared at his father and warned seriously.

"Ah Chu, I admit that you are an excellent businessman with strong earning power, but sometimes your behavior is still very childish. I can't agree with it. I won't agree to this, that's all."

Qin Yumin seemed to have decided on his own idea and disagreed with the establishment of the MIAN fund.

"Okay then, Dad, I will officially resign from you now."

"What did you say?" Qin Yumin suddenly turned around and stared at his son with an angry look on his face.