My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 432: Please call me Mrs. Qin II


"I heard that Dr. Qin is hospitalized here. Come and take a look." Dean Wu was wearing a white coat, followed by a wooden assistant.

"Please come in quickly."

Huo Mian always felt that Dean Wu knew about the relationship between her and Qin Chu, although he never explained it.

When Dean Wu went in to visit Qin Chu, Huo Mian felt that it was not very convenient, so she took the time to go upstairs to visit her mother.

I've been crazy busy lately. Fortunately, there are people in the South District to support me, otherwise I wouldn't have had so many days off.

After having something to eat with Zhixin upstairs, Huo Mian went to the obstetrics department to find Huang Yue and the others.

But I met Wu Xiaoxue, whom I hadn’t seen for several days...

She seemed very happy to see Huo Mian, "Huo Mian."

"Why are you here? Aren't you on vacation?" Huo Mian remembered that Wu Xiaoxue was probably in poor health and was on vacation.

"I went to Kyoto and have returned. The child is fine. The doctor said that the flesh on the head can be absorbed and will not affect the child."

"That's great, you can rest assured this time."

"Well, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner." After saying that, Wu Xiaoxue pulled Huo Mian and walked out.

"Eh... no, no. I just finished eating. My mother is hospitalized upstairs. My brother and I just ate some cold noodles. We are not hungry at all."

"I see... It's rare to meet you once, and I want to treat you to a meal."

"Don't be so polite. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Huo Mian was pleased with Wu Xiaoxue's transformation...

Although she has a bad temper, at least she has a good heart and doesn't go out of her way to harm others.

He and He Man are not of the same nature...

"Then I'll do the color Doppler ultrasound first, and we'll talk later." After greeting Huo Mian, Wu Xiaoxue left.

Huang Yue looked at Huo Mian in disbelief, "Senior sister, what's going on? Isn't Wu Xiaoxue possessed by a ghost?"

"Since I saved her last time, she doesn't hate me so much."

"Hmph, she has a conscience. This woman... But she also has a bad fate. She ended up like this when she was newly married. Ning Zhiyuan is such a scumbag. You should just break up with him."

Huo Mian smiled, but didn't question or comment.

"Senior sister, you know that Ning Zhiyuan got involved with He Man again, right? Wu Xiaoxue may not know about it yet, otherwise she would have jumped on it a long time ago. I heard from a nurse in another department that that woman has a good relationship with He Man. , you can often see Ning Zhiyuan’s car downstairs at He Manjia’s house. Oh, that’s disgusting. What a bastard. Ning Zhiyuan, this scumbag, is cheating on his wife after marriage. If the Wu family knows about it, let’s see if he can survive in the hospital. ?" Huang Yue said a lot, but Huo Mian was not very interested.

Regarding Ning Zhiyuan, she has no feelings at all...

Qin Chu stayed in the hospital for five full days. He should have stayed for two more days, but he was too busy.

In the end, he had to be discharged from the hospital early, and Huo Mian returned to work in the Southern District.

After her mother was discharged from the hospital, she went directly home to recuperate. Huo Mian would drive back from time to time to buy some food and stuff.

But her attitude was still indifferent, but Huo Mian was satisfied. She thought that given her mother's character, she should cut off relations with her.

It is estimated that Zhixin's words that day had a lot of effect...

At noon, Huo Mian returned to the office after dinner, took out her phone, and casually scrolled through her circle of friends.

I found that Zhixin just posted a status—

He wrote - time in the past was very slow. Cars, horses and mails were all very slow. A greeting had to wait for several days. Love used to be very slow too. It took a lifetime to wait for someone. A lifetime of slowness was only enough for love. So a person.

Below is a picture of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, which is extremely literary and artistic...

In fact, this book is nothing, but the strange thing is that Zhixin will not easily post these love-related texts.

Most of them are chicken soup for the soul, either inspiring or funny...

He may even get angry when something unfair happens, but he will never write about love without reason.

Before Huo Mian could think about it, she saw Huang Yue like it below.

Then deleted it instantly...

In fact, it's okay to like it, but it's really weird to delete it after liking it.

After thinking about it, Huo Mian sent a WeChat message to Zhixin, "How far have you and Huang Yue developed?"