My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 441: Push your nose and face


"This is unbearable. If someone shows affection to you later, wouldn't you be even more unbearable? I told you not to come, but you come here to torture her, and you spend money to torture her." Wei Liao shouted.

GK’s charity dinner invites many celebrities, and whether you come or not is completely up to you.

The meaning of this kind of dinner is obvious, that is, the company auctions things, and then you pay for charity.

However, many people are willing to come, not because they are passionate about charity, but because they want to build a relationship with GK.

I want to build a good relationship with Qin Chu, the new CEO, so that we can have beneficial cooperation in the future.

Su Yu doesn't have to come, because he is engaged in entertainment media, and GK has not invested in media so far.

The reason why he was able to come was entirely because of GK's foundation, named MIAN Foundation.

Su Yu knew that it was a fund named after Huo Mian, so he had to come and even brought Wei Liao with him.

"It's time to start." Qin Chu ordered.

Then the host walked to the center and kicked off the show...

"The first auction item, a sandalwood fan from the early Qing Dynasty, is a collection collected by our GK chairman. The starting price is 300,000 yuan."

"I'll pay 300,000."

"350,000… ."

"450,000… ."

Several wealthy businessmen began to compete for the price, and finally the sandalwood fan was sold for a high price of 600,000 yuan.

Huo Mian watched from below, feeling very good because she knew that the funds raised from this auction would eventually go to the MIAN Fund.

The money will eventually be used for food expenses and campus construction expenses for children deep in the mountains of Yunding Mountain.

I took a lot of photos in the middle, and about an hour or so passed.

"Are you hungry?" Qin Chu asked softly in her ear.


"Bear with it for a while. When it's over, we'll go have dinner."

"Yeah." Huo Mian nodded.

The two of them intertwined their fingers, sat in the front row, and continued to watch the auction.

Finally, the host solemnly said, "The following is the ranking of the last piece. Our GK Group's new jewelry was jointly developed by seven well-known designers in our group, and it's called - Shengshi Fanghua."

Then the ingredients, styles, and design concepts of jewelry began to be introduced on the big screen.

After reading the introduction, Huo Mian realized that the set of jewelry she was wearing was worth a huge five million.

Finally, the host said, "I would like to invite Ms. Huo to come on stage to show everyone the authenticity of this jewelry."

"Go on, don't be nervous." Qin Chu comforted him.

Huo Mian nodded, stood up and walked carefully onto the stage, then stood under the spotlight.

She had a warm smile on her face from beginning to end... the smile was very sweet and beautiful.

Su Yu kept staring at her face and never left...

"Hey, don't look at it. If you see it in your eyes, you can't pull it out." Wei Liao said jokingly.

"The starting price for Prosperous Youth below is five million, and the bidding has officially begun."

"Five million." You Pain shouted.

"Six million eight hundred thousand."

"Eight million and eight hundred thousand."

"Ten and a half million."

Because the company only designed one set of this limited edition jewelry, many wealthy businessmen collected it first and either gave it to their wives, their daughters, or their beloved lovers.

In short, as soon as the auction started, the bidding was fierce, and the price jump was also very large.

"Eighteen million." Qin Chu held up the sign. Did he want to take the photo with his own money? Wrong, he just wants to raise the price and raise more donations.

Sure enough, after Qin Chu joined, the competition became more intense.

"Nineteen million." Someone raised a sign.

"Thirty million." This time, Qin Chu directly jumped to the price of ten million.

Those people simply stopped making any noise... After all, 30 million is already too high.

"The first time in thirty million years..."

"Thirty million for the second time..."

"Thirty million...?" The host did not finish his words.

I heard a deep voice say from the corner of the back row, "Fifty million."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar...

Huo Mian was also slightly surprised. She stood in the middle of the stage and looked through the crowd at the last person holding the sign.

That person is... Su Yu.