My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 449: Push your nose and face nine


"I have been with Mr. Su for three years, and I am the woman who has stayed with him the longest. I will not leave Mr. Su, and I will not allow any woman to come into his side. It's okay to play, but after playing , but don’t blame me for being rude. You are a nurse in a small hospital. Don’t be so arrogant. Don’t think that because Mr. Su is supporting you, you are awesome. If you are like this, I can make your life worse than death in minutes. I am not I’m scaring you. I’ll give you three days to cut off your relationship with Mr. Su, otherwise…”

Zhao Qingya didn't say the next words, but Huo Mianhen knew exactly what she was going to say.

Originally, she and Su Yu had nothing. At best, Su Yu had unrequited love, but now Zhao Qingya's attitude is so bad.

Huo Mian was also in trouble...

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, treat her as a sick cat.

"What I want to do is my own business. If you dare to touch me, you will be dead. I am an inconspicuous nurse, but you have no dignity. To put it nicely, you are a female star. , to put it harshly, you are just an actor, no one should look down on anyone else, you all rely on your own ability to make a living. "

"Are you openly going against me like this?" Zhao Qingya was completely angry.

"You are being unreasonable and talking nonsense to me. If I knew you were talking to me about this, I wouldn't even come to the rooftop and waste my time. And I have one thing to warn you, you can't stand men. , that’s because you don’t have the ability, it’s useless for you to come to me, you might as well go directly to Su Yu, are you afraid of him, so you don’t dare? If you are so coward, then don’t come and tell me these nonsense, let me tell you, I'm scarier than Su Yu. I'm not your mother and I won't spoil you." After saying that, Huo Mian turned and left...

"Very good, bitch, just wait for me." Zhao Qingya clutched the mask fiercely and threw it on the ground.

After sending away Zhao Qingya, the god of plague, Huo Mian went directly to check the room.

Nan Nan reported the situation to her along the way, "The mood of the ward in Room No. 7 has been much better recently. He no longer loses his temper. He listens to you and gives him one hour of game time every day. He seems to be a lot more cheerful and will occasionally play with her." We nurses were talking, and the psychiatry department said that since he is doing well here, he should live here first and not move back and forth, for fear that he will be resistant to the unfamiliar environment and unfamiliar nurses. As for his family members who rarely come here, they seem to be very busy. , His mother came here the day before yesterday, deposited hundreds of thousands in the hospital's card, and then left, saying that he should continue to live there. I don't know when this will end. "

"This kind of parent is really irresponsible. A good child is ruined like this." Huo Mian sighed slightly.

Those parents who only know how to use money to solve problems to make up for their children will definitely raise children who lack love.

Huo Mian expressed sympathy for the young man when he arrived in room seven.

I saw the nurse giving the boy an infusion. He was very quiet and motionless.

Seeing Huo Mian come in, she seemed a little excited, "Sister, are you here?"

"How are you feeling today?" Huo Mian smiled.

"Much better, I feel calmer and not so manic."

"That's good. Adjust your mood. The medicine we give you can only be an auxiliary function and cannot solve the root cause. The most important thing is to look at your own mood."

"Well, I listened to my sister. I won't be so angry when I lose the game. If I get killed, I'll come back next time at worst."

Huo Mian nodded, "Just think so, take good care of yourself. If you need anything, tell the nurse sister."

"okay, I get it."

"Then you give the infusion first, and I'll go to another ward first." Huo Mian was about to leave when she heard the young man suddenly speak from behind.

"Sister...can I ask you something?"

"What's going on?" Huo Mian was confused.