My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 45: The sky is falling


Huo Mian had forgotten how she walked out of the house until she arrived at the hospital emergency room.

The operating room has been closed, and many people are waiting outside the door.

She saw her mother slumped beside the chair in the corridor, crying heartbrokenly...

"Mom, how is Zhixin?"

"My poor Zhixin, you must be safe and sound, otherwise how can mom survive?" Yang Meirong acted as if she couldn't see Huo Mian, just crying with her eyes closed.

The two young nurses were about to come over and scold her to be quieter. When they saw Huo Mian, they were a little surprised and asked, "Huo Mian, are you also a family member of the patient?"

Huo Mian nodded with a pale face, "Weiwei, how is my brother? What's going on now?"

"I don't know yet, but it was quite scary when it was delivered. The heartbeat was irregular and the blood pressure was terrifyingly high. The attending doctor is rescuing her, so just wait."

"okay, I get it."

Huo Mian's whole body felt weak, as if she was about to collapse...

They had dinner together at noon, talking and laughing. Why did something like this happen in the afternoon

If something happened to Zhixin, she couldn't imagine how she and her mother would survive

Seven years ago, Uncle Jing's death had already put a layer of frost on the family. Now if something happens to my younger brother, he might not be able to survive.

At this time, she saw other family members crying too, and then she remembered and wanted to ask what was going on

Then, a middle-aged man about forty years old came over, wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Huo Mian recognized him. He was a teacher at Jing Zhixin University.

"Teacher Sun, what's going on?"

"That's right. It is said that Jing Zhixin got into a car accident on his way back to the dormitory from the library. And this time it was not just Jing Zhixin who was involved in the accident, but three other children were also seriously injured. It was a series of car accidents." The teacher. He replied with a heavy tone.

Huo Mian was slightly startled...

"How is it possible? Isn't there a speed limit on campus? The speed is so slow, how could such a serious car accident happen?"

"I was not present at the time, and I will wait for the surveillance to reveal the specific situation. However, I heard from students who witnessed it that a Porsche sports car was speeding, and it destroyed many public belongings in the school and injured four more students. In the end, Hit a big tree."

"Porsche sports car?" Huo Mian frowned. She couldn't imagine who was driving a sports car on a university campus densely populated with students. A lot of public property was also destroyed.

"Where is the perpetrator? Where is he?" Huo Mian was filled with anger.

"It has escaped. The girl in the passenger seat is said to be seriously injured and is being treated in the hospital. However, the school has called the police and the traffic police and police have intervened in the matter. Don't worry."

"How can I not be worried? My brother still doesn't know what's going on?" Huo Mian burst into tears as she spoke.

Three hours later, the operating room door opened...

Huo Mian and her mother rushed forward to stop the doctor.

"Dr. Liu, how is my brother?"

"The situation is not very optimistic. We have tried our best to rescue him, but there is still congestion in the brain, and the location is particularly sensitive. We have not completely performed a second surgery on me. Our brain surgery department will come up with a plan soon. It’s time to discuss with your family how to treat him.”

After hearing these words, Huo Mian and her mother's legs went weak...

The situation is not optimistic, that is, life is not out of danger yet.

She knew the principle of intracranial hemorrhage. The surgery she had done with Qin Chu before was a cerebral hemorrhage.

It is a very technically difficult operation. If you fail even slightly, it will leave sequelae. In some cases, your intelligence will decrease, and your hands and feet will become uncoordinated. In severe cases, it will directly lead to paralysis or a vegetative state.

"Oh my god, my poor son, what evil have I done?" Yang Meirong knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

At this moment, Huo Mian felt like the sky was about to fall.