My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 455: Tiger does not show off its power 5


"What are you looking at? So entranced?"

As soon as Qin Chu entered the door, he saw Huo Mian standing in front of his desk...

"Look at this, why do you still keep it? It's so ugly..." Pointing to the photo, Huo Mian smiled.

"Who said that? I think this is when you look your best."

"So you mean I don't look good now?"

"Of course not. I just want to keep the good memories of the past and take them out when I have time to remember the lost time. This photo is very important to me." Qin Chu did not say directly that his seven years in the United States all depended on this photo. The photo goes through the spring, summer, autumn and winter of missing Huo Mian day and night.

But Huo Mian had already seen it from his eyes...

She hugged Qin Chu's neck coquettishly, "That photo doesn't look good. It was taken many years ago. When you are free in a few days, we will take wedding photos."

"We are going to the Maldives to take wedding photos, so we can't just make do." Qin Chu kissed her cheek lovingly.

"How was the morning meeting? Did it go well?"

"It's like that every day..." After Qin Chu finished speaking, he sat back in the office chair, opened his laptop, and called up the day's stock market.

"Husband, I have something to tell you."


"I want to drive to Dongtao Town in the afternoon."

"Dongtao Town? Are you going to investigate that matter?" Qin Chu asked, staring into her eyes.

Huo Mian nodded...

"Don't go yet, I've sent someone to check for you."

"What, you checked? When did it happen?" Huo Mian was a little surprised.

"I just received a reply yesterday."

"Then you didn't even mention it to me..." Huo Mian complained a little, after all, this was a big deal to her.

Qin Chu was silent for a few seconds, then took out a brown paper bag from the drawer and threw it to Huo Mian.

"It's all here. Take a look for yourself. It's not good news, so I'm not in a hurry to tell you."

Huo Mian couldn't wait to take the brown paper bag, opened it and looked at the information, her face became increasingly ugly...

Then Qin Chu added, "Dr. Lan, who delivered Yang Meirong back then, moved away with his family in the third year after you were born, and disappeared without a trace. Not even the relatives and friends nearby knew where he went? Was the doctor at the health center at that time? Other employees are no longer there. The former director of Dongtao Town Health Center, Zhu Haiqing, passed away due to cerebral infarction the year before last. The strangest thing is the last news. The health center’s database was not there when Dr. Lan moved it. In 2008, there was an inexplicable fire that destroyed a lot of birth records. Basically, the birth certificates of the children born in those years can’t be found.”

"This is really... weird." Huo Mian felt chills all over her body.

"Yes, I also find it very strange. So many bizarre things can only mean one thing, and that is that someone is deliberately hiding something, maybe it is related to your life experience."

"But now all the clues to my life experience have been interrupted..." Huo Mian was a little decadent.

I thought I would be able to find my biological parents soon, but I found that all the clues were interrupted...

"Don't worry, no matter how perfect the cover-up is, the truth is still the truth, and there will still be flaws. But I have a big guess..." Qin Chu hesitated.

"What speculation...?" Huo Mian raised her head and looked at him doubtfully.

"I feel that your life experience may be unusual. Your parents may... be people with special status. Otherwise, there would be no need for those behind the scenes to go to such great lengths to conceal your life experience. What do you think?"

Huo Mian remained silent...

But she knew what Qin Chu said was right. If it was really like she thought, it was just the wrong hug.

It shouldn't be so complicated, and there shouldn't be so many weird things happening.

Doctor Lan and his family were missing, the health center was on fire, and all the people who had been in contact with the incident could not be found.

The only one who might have clues, Uncle Jing, is already dead, and he didn't say anything before he died.

This is all so strange...

"Don't worry, I will help you continue the investigation and I will not give up your chance to find your biological parents." Qin Chu walked over, sat next to Huo Mian, and put his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

"I have an intuition that they must still be alive and must be somewhere in this world..." Huo Mian said word by word.

"Are you going to tell your mother and Zhixin about this?" Qin Chu asked again.