My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 461: Desperate Escape Part 1


The car behind them was chasing them harder and harder. Huo Mian stepped on the accelerator and continued to accelerate... She just wanted to waste time on the Ring Expressway, chasing them lap after lap. When Gao Ran's people came over, everything would be safe. …

Municipal Criminal Police Team

"Quickly, check the coordinates for me." Gao Ran was very anxious when he received Huo Mian's call. Qin Chu was not at home. If something happened to Huo Mian, how would he explain it to his buddies? Besides, Huo Mian even called for help in person.

"Team Gao, we found it. It's the Southern Ring Expressway."

"First team, follow me. We will rescue people immediately. Second team, you will surround them from the other end in order to block the escape route of those gangsters... Third team, you will stand by where you are. If the situation becomes critical, provide immediate support."

"Yes, Captain Gao."

"let's go."

Afterwards, the first team led by Gao Ran set off and drove quickly towards the Southern Ring Expressway, with police cars clearing the way and it was very smooth.

"Brother, why do I think this woman is playing with us on the winding roads... Look, she has no place to go at all, but keeps leading us in circles on the highway, almost three times."

"No, she's obviously playing tricks on us and stalling for time. She probably found out that we called the police. Hurry, we have to find a way to force her to get off the highway and onto a remote road, otherwise we won't have a chance to do anything."

"Brother, I know that there is a small fork in the road seven kilometers ahead. It is a small road that the villagers took on their own. It doesn't even show the position on the GPS. It should be safe there."

"Great, that's it. Drive faster and force her into the side road."

Huo Mian originally thought that as long as he took a few laps safely on the highway, everything would be fine when Gao Ran arrived.

But she made things too simple and made these kidnappers look too stupid...

When the car drove about seven kilometers, a large blue truck came from nowhere and suddenly blocked Huo Mian's path. The truck seemed to have broken down and was being repaired...

Seeing that Huo Mian was about to hit her, she either stopped the car or was overtaken by the people behind her.

Or choose to reverse the car and drive back, which is very risky. You may collide with the car behind you or get caught.

While Huo Mian was struggling, she suddenly discovered that there was a fork in the dirt road here and she could drive straight down.

Although the road conditions are not very good, she plans to give it a try...

So just when she was about to hit the big truck, Huo Mian turned left and plunged into the dirt road next to it.

Although she didn't know where this road led, she could only choose to keep driving forward...

"Brother, that woman was fooled, hahaha, and she was indeed forced into that alley by us."

"Great, tell Erkai and the others to set up obstacles in front to stop her, and we will follow and block all her roads."

"yes, Sir."

After Huo Mian got off the dirt road, she didn't relax because she noticed in the rearview mirror that the black Honda Business behind her had also followed.

It seems that these people are chasing after her...

Just when Huo Mian was about to speed up again, he suddenly saw a white van in front of him.

And the van is about less than 500 meters away from me...

The dirt road was very narrow, just before the autumn harvest, so there were yellow corn stalks on both sides... and there was no way to go.

Either forward or backward...

But Huo Mian knew that there were those people's cars in front and behind, and it seemed that they couldn't wait for Gao Ran to come to the rescue.

Huo Mian took a deep breath, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward...

"Brother, that woman is desperate for her life and wants to hit our car." The driver in the white bread turned pale with fright.