My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 65: New house


"Boss, I'm going to help you buy a car right now." When Xiao Yang saw the president's expression, he immediately didn't dare to say any more and turned around to leave.

Qin Chu was sitting quietly in the office through the warm sunshine.

He carefully opened the drawer of his desk, took out the old yellowed photo, and looked at it quietly for a while.

Finally, he put it back carefully.

Luxury Design Department

Jiang Linyue heard that the president was in a particularly good mood today and had been specially approved for double salary, so she thought this was a rare opportunity.

When getting off work, Jiang Linyue deliberately carried a lot of information and walked towards the CEO's office on five-inch high heels.

As she wished, she saw the president just walking out of the office.

Just when the two were very close and about to pass each other, Jiang Linyue deliberately slipped.

Then all the documents in my hand flew out...

I also fell to the ground gorgeously...

Jiang Linyue didn't react until he was lying on the ground and felt pain in his body.

Shouldn't the CEO catch her at the critical moment and hold her tenderly

Romance novels are written like this, and the eight o'clock TV series is also acted like this

Who can tell her why it didn't succeed

Qin Chu looked at the female employee lying in front of him and frowned slightly.

It would be ungentlemanly to just walk over her...

Simply, Qin Chu bypassed Jiang Linyue and walked over...seemingly only treating her as an obstacle.

Finally, he picked up his cell phone and called his assistant Xiao Yang.

"BOSS, please give me your orders."

"Notify the administrative department that starting tomorrow, all female employees in the group are not allowed to wear shoes that are more than three inches high."

"Uh... I understand, BOSS."

Although Xiao Yang didn't know why the president had such a strange order, he was right to recruit him.

Jiang Linyue looked at the CEO's leaving figure, wanting to cry without tears...

How can we get close to this funder? There are bursts of stinging pain in my feet. I wonder if it will break

In order to attract the CEO's attention, she really tried her best...

Huo Mian took a hot bath at home, then washed a lot of clothes, and finally did some general cleaning.

Just when I was about to take a rest, I heard a knock on the door.

She looked at the clock and saw that it was half past five. It seemed that it was Qin Chu who came at this time.

Sure enough, when she opened the door, she saw Qin Chu standing at the door.

He was wearing a navy blue Italian handmade custom-made suit. He hadn't had time to change yet, indicating that he had just gotten off work.

"I'll pick you up, let's go."

"I still have a lot of things here, so I'll take them all with me."

"No, I'll let someone take care of it here. Just bring some necessary things. I'll wait for you in the car."

ten minutes later

Huo Mian walked out of the room, holding a cardboard box with some of her favorite books and a watermelon pillow.

She had lived in this house for more than a year, and she was really reluctant to move out suddenly.

But Qin Chu was right. Since the two were already married, it would really be unreasonable to continue to live apart.

"When you check out, don't forget to get back the two thousand deposit I paid." Sitting in the passenger seat, Huo Mian reminded.

Qin Chu was speechless, but he still nodded.

Along the way, Huo Mian felt a little uneasy...

"Are we... going to live with your parents?" Huo Mian finally asked after struggling for a long time.

"What a joke."

"You mean, we live alone." Huo Mian was a little excited.

"What do you think?" Qin Chu asked. Previous chapter←Chapter list→Next chapter Add bookmark→TXT download New book recommendation: Super Floating City The Ancient God King