My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 102: The same community?


Jia Meng can no longer remember what Tang Xiaowan and Tang Xiaojian said, the place where he and his mother lived with them.

But why is this address still so familiar

Jia Meng closed his eyes and racked his brains to recall the last time this address appeared in his mind.

Just these two days!

Correct! It was said by Jianxin in the game!

That day, Jia Meng and Jianxin were chatting energetically, but when Jia Meng was inquiring about Jianxin’s address in Q City, Jianxin suddenly disappeared inexplicably, and after returning, Jianxin replied "Gucheng District 123" to her. No. Community" this address.

What's more coincidental is that the residential area where Jianxin lives is the same as what they said!

"My father-in-law, you openly steal the private call records of Xiaojian and Mengmeng without the consent of the person involved. Isn't it too despicable?" Tang Xiaowan didn't dare to respond to Jia Tianming's words, and asked Jia Tianming to avoid the importance.

Jia Tianming tore up the long call log in his hand and threw it in front of Tang Xiaowan's mother and son. With a stiff smile, he said, "Don't talk to me about sordidness. Your Tang family is even worse than that."

Jia Meng looked at the scattered shreds of paper spilling all over the floor, as if seeing a snowfall in this ward.

She discovered that the hospital was really a magical place. Every time she was hospitalized, she would become the target of the Tang family and Jia family tit-for-tat.

If they are healthy, the Tang family and the Jia family seem to be able to temporarily put away their vigour and work on their respective businesses.

But once they are sick and hospitalized, the Tang family and Jia family will meet in the ward, and then stage a fierce battle!

"In the round battle in this ward, Tang Xiaowan first exposed the stains of Jia Meng's attending doctor and gained the upper hand, but then Tang Xiaojian gained the ambition of others and extinguished his prestige, allowing Jia Tianming to reverse the situation and finally took out the call record. The killer feature. The result of the battle was that both sides suffered."

At this time, Jia Meng, who had long been numb because of his habit of watching, used the style of game report to silently write a wonderful report for them in his heart.

"It seems that my father-in-law has come here too! I don't like to circumspect, that is the end of the story, how do you want to end this private matter today?"

Tang Xiaowan looked at the call log paper torn up by Jia Tianming. He could vaguely see a certain key word and word, but couldn't put together a complete sentence.

Jia Tianming looked at Jia Meng and said decisively: "There is nothing to end, Mengmeng will go through the discharge procedures and continue to live in Jia's small courtyard until she gets married into the Tang's family!"

"Mengmeng, Aunt Tang believes that your mental illness has been cured. Here today, you are an adult who has the right to make your own choices. I believe you will make your own choice." Tang Xiaowan came to Jia Meng's bed again and pulled. Raja Meng's hand said.

Tang Xiaojian also looked at Jia Meng, a pair of fiery eyes shot Jia Meng's face, but quickly walked away, as if looking forward to it, but not hopeful.

"I..." Jia Meng didn't dare to look up at any of the three of them, and said: "I choose to stay in Jia's small courtyard..."

Jia Tianming showed a gratified and satisfied smile, and immediately took over the words: "Okay! I will go to help you with the discharge procedures now."

Jia Tianming looked desperately eager to make a quick fight and left the battlefield quickly. Before Jia Meng finished speaking, he immediately called out the door: "Aunt Liu, come in and clean up!"

"But I have two conditions!" Jia Meng raised the volume, she bravely raised her head, and said in an unprecedented voice with a mellow and frustration.

Jia Tianming, Tang Xiaowan, and Tang Xiaojian looked at Jia Meng as if they were frozen by the freezing skills in the game.

The difference is that Jia Tianming's smile disappeared immediately when he heard the word "condition", his eyes were filled with astonishment, while Tang Xiaowan and Tang Xiaojian looked expectantly.

Aunt Liu, who pushed in from the door, had not had time to gain a foothold. She was also frightened by Jia Meng's loud voice. She stopped and half-leaned against the wall. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"My first condition is that if I need a psychiatrist to review, diagnose and treat me in the future, I require both my dad and Xiaojian to sign and agree." Jia Meng continued to maintain a loud voice, nervous and determined.

"No!" Jia Tianming objected immediately, "Mengmeng, Dad is your only guardian!"

"Xiaojian is also Mengmeng's future husband. Their marriage contract has been notarized by the notary office and has legal effect." Tang Xiaowan also immediately stood up to help speak, she held Jia Meng's hand tighter and appeared more affectionate.

Tang Xiaojian's eyes lit up and he was extremely excited. He never expected that Jia Meng, who had been running on him just now, would actually offer such a condition!

"I am willing!" Tang Xiaojian agreed to Jia Meng's condition as if he was reading his wedding vow aloud.

Jia Tianming's face began to become ugly again, he also did not expect that Jia Meng would make such a condition in front of the Tang family.

Didn’t they negotiate the terms on the day they had dinner together

As long as Jia Meng chooses to keep his biological father as her guardian, he will not send her to a mental hospital.

But now, this daughter, who was originally only Weinuo Nuo, has a "fox fake tiger's prestige" posture, and actually put him in front of the Tang family! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Jia Tianming pretended to be calm, and then asked: "What is your second condition?"

"Yes, yes! What is it?" Tang Xiaowan approached affectionately, Jia Meng coughing because of the strong perfume smell.

"My second condition is that tomorrow Mid-Autumn Festival, I want to go back to the old house in No. 123 District of Gucheng District." Jia Meng said, covering his nose.

"Hahaha," Tang Xiaowan almost lost control, hugged Jia Meng hard, and kissed her face a few times, "Mengmeng, Aunt Tang really didn't care for you in vain, and your mother must be very proud to have you in the Spirit of Heaven. Such a sensible daughter!"

Tang Xiaojian also rushed over and hugged Jia Meng with Tang Xiaowan, looking like a family who loved each other.

Jia Tianming's face was so ugly that people would not dare to look at it again. Aunt Liu realized this, and she wanted to curl herself up and stay still in the corner.

"Mengmeng... Tomorrow, Dad will come back to... home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, Dr. Zhang... I promise not to contact him again, you... don't go there with them!" Jia Tianming's tone was very anxious, and he couldn't hide his panic. A bit incoherent.

"I don't agree with this. The ancient city is a mixed place with all kinds of people, and the public security is very chaotic. I have no problem with your mother and son going back nostalgic, but don't take my daughter there. If something happens, you will be responsible. Do you have the responsibility?" Jia Tianming glared at Tang Xiaowan, then turned to Tang Xiaojian and said.

"My father-in-law, this is Mengmeng's own decision! Besides, didn't we just say okay, let her make her own decision today?"