My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 105: Mid-Autumn Festival activities (1)


Jia Meng returned to the room, closed the door, and sat down calmly.

She gave full marks to her acting skills just now.

If the phone was not stolen by the security guard for Jia Tianming, then he has to help her investigate it seriously.

And if the phone was indeed stolen by the security guard Jia Tianming, then after her trouble, it should be back soon!

Jia Meng’s "fighting wits and courage" in her scheming acting skills reminded her of Jianxin's plan to "take a long line to catch big fish" in the game. She quickly took out the new mobile phone given by Tang Xiaojian and re-downloaded the fantasy mobile game. .

I wonder if Kenshin's plan is still going well

Do the leaves have fallen and the flowers have not bloomed obediently

Is Long Ting still waiting for her in the duel field at 6: 8 in the morning

More importantly, does Jianxin really live in No. 123 District of Gucheng District

Jia Meng suddenly discovered that there are too many things that make her think about it in the game!

Jia Meng worries about whether his disappearance this day will worry his friends like the last time Jianxin disappeared.

She is even more worried about whether she missed a lot of major events such as duel of the great gods and changes in the current situation because she was not online.

The game was downloaded and completed quickly. When Jia Meng started to enter with an uneasy heart, what greeted him was a lively and festive atmosphere! New Bayi Chinese website first released https:// https://

The entire Unreal City is like a new skin. The flickering glow of the sun disappears and the scorching sun disappears. I saw a bright yellow moon rising high in the dark blue sky. Appeared behind the main palace.

Scattered stars can be seen in the dark sky dotted all over the full moon, shining but not dazzling, and the mood of "moon stars are scarce" flashes in people's minds immediately.

All the buildings in the Unreal City, including the gang territory, are covered with lanterns.

The center of the city square is still full of crowds. The difference is that the center of the crowd is no longer just the statue of NPC Mo Yu, but a huge mooncake cake instead!

Along the walkway at the entrance of the main palace, there are two rows of lanterns of various kinds, and the lanterns are full of word puzzles.

What's even more incredible is that a small lake was built outside Unreal City without knowing when, the full moon was reflected in the center of the lake, and colorful lanterns could be seen drifting across the lake.

Jia Meng rode his mount to go shopping, completely immersed in the beauty in front of him, completely ignoring a bunch of messages and greetings from friends!

Chat with Long Ting privately: "Miss Sister, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! The moon represents my heart, we must remember that as long as you need me, I will do my best to help you!"

Private chat with Jianxin: "Meng, my partner, the Mid-Autumn Festival is here, come and join me!"

The private chat leaves have fallen: "Miss Rumeng, why did you suddenly disappear? We are all waiting for you to join the Mid-Autumn Festival together!"

Private chat with the flowers not blooming: "Miss Rumeng, let's go to the lake and set the lanterns together, okay?"

Private chat with Yue Fei: "Miss Rumeng, it’s been a long time since I heard that the moon in Unreal City is round and big. I am so envious. Let me tell you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!"

Private chat with Yeyue: "Girl Rumeng, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Although you are in different schools, you still need to keep in touch! We are friends from Novice Village!"

Private chat with aliens: "Hey, Rumeng, good female player, good opponent, I wish you a happy holiday and a happy game."

Jia Meng looked at the only seven friends on her friend list. They were all strangers in reality, but at the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she all sent out Mid-Autumn Festival greetings. I felt an unprecedented warmth in my heart.

In reality, although she is the Jia Jiajia who has no worries about food and clothing, no one sent her Mid-Autumn Festival greetings, but...

Before she entered the game, she thought of a bunch of dog things that happened in reality: Jia Tianming was almost sent for electric shock treatment! Acute shock into the hospital! The phone was stolen! There is also a Mid-Autumn Festival reunion dinner invited by the Tang family's mother and son to face tomorrow!

Jia Meng's tears flowed down unconvincingly and dripped on the phone screen. With a feeling of gratitude, she responded to each friend one by one with gratitude and sent the same holiday greetings and blessings.

"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival" are five so common words, in the eyes of many people, they are also accustomed to blessings, but for Jia Meng, it is full of warmth.

Just as Jia Mengqing was moving, Jianxin sent a team invitation!

After Jia Meng joined the team, he found that Ye had fallen and Hua Wei bloom were also inside, and he hurriedly greeted him excitedly.

Team Channel Dongfang Rumeng: "Hello everyone! I'm late!"

The team channel Ye has fallen: "Girl like a dream, we have been waiting for you to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival together!"

The team channel flower is not open: "Yes, yes, the Mid-Autumn Festival activities are really lively, let's join the four of us!"

Team Channel Jianxin: "Stop talking nonsense, go guess the riddles first!"

Jianxin quickly took them to both sides of the aisle of the Unreal City Lord's Palace, picked up a lantern in hand, and showed the anagram in front of everyone, fearing that everyone could not read it clearly, and typed it again.

Team Channel Jianxin: "Grass grows on the heads of the seven, so type a word. Who will?"

Isn't this the word "flower"? Jia Meng reacted immediately. She thought of the id of the flower, and she had an idea.

Team Channel Dongfang Rumeng: "I don't know how to do this, but Ye Dashen is so smart, so he will."

Team Channel Jianxin: "I'm also very smart, but why am I not." New Bayi Chinese website debut

The team channel flower is not open: "I don't know how, husband, it seems that I can only rely on you to guess!"

Seeing Jianxin and Huawei’s reply, Jia Meng could see this simple lantern riddle at a glance. Everyone clearly understood it, but in order to make the event more interesting, they deliberately threw the answer to Ye already!

What's more interesting is that Ye already fallen is also very interesting and cooperative!

The team channel Ye has fallen: "I wouldn't know how, but I looked at the little fairy next to me, and it will happen all at once! It's a flower character! A flower that hasn't bloomed!"

The four of them answered the riddles almost at the same time and received generous rewards. In addition to the rewards of the riddles themselves, there are additional bonus rewards for teaming up!

Jia Meng can't help feeling: Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional reunion festival. The game official considers that the players in the game must also be people who need to accompany, so they specially encourage everyone to form a team to participate in the event through extra rewards!

Jianxin picked up the second lantern and showed the mystery: "There are only two disabled people who come late. Type a word."

Team Channel Kenshin: "This literally seems very sad, what is the answer?"