My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 11: Alternative captivity


"Okay." Even though he was unhappy with such strict regulations, Jia Meng silently remembered these rules in his heart, keeping a smile to answer.

"Mr. Jia is still waiting for me in the car. I will leave now. Miss Mengmeng takes care." Li Lu said as she locked the door, the sound of gurgling high heels came from outside and disappeared quickly.

Jia Meng paced the room, carefully looking at every piece of furniture, every item, everything was as beautiful as a fairy tale.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. The lake-blue rippled curtains outlined the scenery outside the window like a beautiful picture frame. Jia dreamed of opening the window to see the scenery more realistically.

Unexpectedly, just as the window opened a mouth slightly, a faint voice came along with the refreshing breeze.

Jia Meng is full of doubts: Who on earth is talking? Isn't the only security guard at the gate moving downstairs? Or am I having auditory hallucinations again

She rubbed her eyes and saw three figures appearing in front of her at the same time. They were talking enthusiastically at the gate.

Jia Meng took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a figure of the security guard who was like a game NPC!

The other is Li Lu, who has a graceful posture. She has just left, and it is excusable to walk to the gate at this moment!

However, unexpectedly, there is another figure, her biological father Jia Tianming!

This biological father, who had never given her a good face, was as handsome as a hero today, and rescued her from Tang Xiaowan's mother and son.

Then, as romantic as a prince, he took her to this secluded and beautiful villa.

The most touching thing is that he also created a dream princess room for her.

If he knew he hadn't left yet, Jia Meng really wanted to step forward, looked at his eyes seriously, and said to him sincerely: "Dad, thank you."

However, why did Jia Tianming just say that there is work to be done and he needs to enter the car in advance? And why are others still here at this moment

Jia Meng looked at Jia Tianming inexplicably, and saw him facing Li Lu and the security guard, waving his hands and talking, as if he was seriously explaining something.

In front of Jia Tianming, the security guard's original standing posture became nodding and bowing. And Li Lu also nodded frequently, indicating the appearance of receiving instructions.

strange? What are they talking about? If it's just a matter of work, Jia Tianming doesn't need to talk in front of the security guard, right

Jia Meng's curiosity was like being focused by a magnifying glass. She couldn't help but open the window to the maximum, then closed her eyes and raised her ears to sound:

"Remember, 24 hours, we must ensure that she cannot leave this house." It was Jia Tianming's voice.

"Mr. Jia, don't worry, there are cameras installed in the yard. The iron gate also needs my fingerprints to open. There is an automatic alarm on the fence, plus my strict guards, there will be no problem! "Unexpectedly, the seemingly dull security guard was so talkative.

"Li Lu, you go back to explain to the nanny, you must guarantee her three meals a day," Jia Tianming's voice again: "If she doesn't go downstairs to eat on time, go to her room to have a look, don't let her do it. Something extreme has happened."

"Okay, I will." Li Lu smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, she won't do extreme things, she is now very grateful to Mr. Jia for all this meticulously created for her!"

Hearing this, Jia Meng only felt a buzzing in his brain, as if there were countless bees flying inside.

The night in the small courtyard of the villa is particularly quiet because it is far from the hustle and bustle of the downtown area.

Although Jia Meng was standing on the second floor, some distance away from the big iron gate, he still heard the content of the conversation between the three people truly.

She didn't want to listen any more, quickly pulled the window down and closed it with a snap.

She didn't want to see those three figures anymore, and hurriedly pulled the curtains down.

Less than ten minutes ago, she still believed in Jia Tianming's biological father's love, and she shed tears for him, and even wanted to thank him in person.

If he hadn't heard their conversation with his own ears, Jia Meng would still be like a fool, naively thinking that Jia Tianming had rescued her from Tang Xiaowan's mother and son.

It turned out that she just escaped from the tiger's mouth and fell into the wolf's den.

But what can she do? Even if there is no security guard, even if she can escape, where can she escape

She has no retreat unless she finds her fiance Tang Xiaojian, moves back to his apartment, and then marries him as soon as possible and becomes the daughter-in-law of the Tang family!

Yes, Jia Meng also wants to try hard to accept Tang Xiaojian. They have been living together for three months, sharing the same bed every day, going in and out together, just like a loving couple, but they can't find a trace of affection.

At this time, Tang Xiaojian’s vows when proposing marriage at Weiran Villa was in Jia Meng's ear again: "For the common cause of our Tang family and Jia family, marry me!" New Bayi Chinese website first published

It is precisely because of this sentence that Jia Meng is determined to refuse.

She soberly realized that Tang Xiaojian didn't really love her, they were only forced to be bound together by the restraint of a marriage and the family business.

Although she knew that day would come, she always faced it with a sense of panic.

If the marriage to Tang Xiaojian is compared to being sentenced to life imprisonment, then Jia Meng's subconscious mind always thinks that the execution can be suspended. The longer the delay, the better.

But right now, Jia Tianming placed her in this secluded villa and equipped her with a nanny and security guard. She completely lost her personal freedom.

There are nothing more than two choices before Jia Meng: the first is to actively ask to marry Tang Xiaojian as soon as possible and become Tang Xiaowan's daughter-in-law; the second is to be content with the status quo and be obediently a daughter of the Jia family.

Marrying into the Tang family, she will lose her emotional freedom forever, and being content with the status quo, she just loses her personal freedom.

As the so-called "two evils have the lesser power", thinking of this, Jia Meng relieved a lot.

She lay flat on the bed sheet next to the pink lace, laughing and tearfully choosing the second choice for herself. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

However, she still thought wishfully, perhaps, she could still have a third choice

Jia Meng took out her mobile phone subconsciously. She opened the address book again and found the foreign number marked "T" again, but she still didn't have the courage to call it anyway.

"What reason and qualification do I have to look for him? Our relationship has already ended with the suspension of the "Illusion" end game, hasn't it?" Jia Meng's mind began to resurface the image of the man in Tsing Yi , And what he said, began to talk to himself, "However, he also once told me that as long as the game does not fall, he will accompany me until I grow old..."

Correct! The end game version of "Illusion" is down, but the mobile version is here! The carrier of the game has changed, but the game is still there!

In the process of self-questioning and answering, Jia Meng suddenly remembered the mobile game "Illusion" that was discovered by accidental coincidence that day!

At this moment, she wanted to escape all these seemingly beautiful but cruel reality. She just wanted to go back to the past, back to those passionate and bloody years, and return to the world of "Illusion" that made her worry about it.

Thinking of this, Jia Meng suddenly sat up suddenly, opened the mobile app store, quickly searched for the word "illusion", and clicked to download the game.