My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 14: Exotic Fright


So, which school is better to visit first

Tiangongque and Shuimengbao are said to be a century-old friend of the Unreal City and should be relatively safe.

The dark forces in Alien Realm and Dark Night Ruins have always been ambitious and may be more dangerous.

Jia Meng paused and thought, "But for someone as greedy and fearful of death like me, it is of course difficult to choose! Because the more afraid of death, the more he likes to take risks!"

Jia Meng was proud of his fallacies and heresies, the first choice was to go to a foreign land!

I just clicked the select teleport button, I saw my character appeared in a wild and chaotic realm, the angle of view of the screen rotated uncontrollably, and the character's body had been falling down, seeming to fall into a bottomless abyss!

Under the circumstances that called Tiantian should not and the ground is not working, and watching his character fall for a long time, Jia Meng even wondered if the card was disconnected

She clicked the skill bar, everything was normal, and then looked at the weapon bar, the blood sword was lying there unharmed!

At this time, Jia Meng is extremely eager to see the small pop-up window of [System Prompt], even if the prompt content is playing with her again, she is willing to give it a try! Rather than being toyed with, she hopes to relieve her immediate predicament.

Jia Meng looked dizzy and had an urge to smash the phone. She grabbed the mobile phone and threw it at her. Unexpectedly, her fat little hand hit the corner of the dressing table, causing her to scream in pain.

When she waved her hand again, a bright light flashed in her mind: "Is it because of inertia?"

Is it possible that this is an alien world? According to the legend, the time and space of the alien world is always in a state of continuous motion, so once it enters, it will generate super inertia and cannot stand still.

Only when the character enters an absolutely static state, can it temporarily get rid of the continuous space-time rotation, obtain a relatively static equilibrium state, and truly enter the foreign world.

Jia Meng began to search for intestines and belly, trying to find a way to enter a state of absolute stillness. She held down the rocker and tried to slide it upwards, trying to stop the infinite falling state, but no matter how she tried, it was of no avail.

"Under what circumstances can people in reality be absolutely still?" Jia Meng said to herself, she reluctantly thought of the two words: "Death...death."

Jia Meng opens the weapon bar, selects his character, and clicks to use the blood sword to attack and commit suicide.

Following the prompt of the system channel: Your character is dead, and the body that has been falling down suddenly hangs in the air at this moment!

After Jia Meng's blood was resurrected, he took a closer look and saw that there was a strange world around him. The sun and the moon coexisted in the purple-pink sky, and the stars lingered around him like fireflies, which was as beautiful as a fairy tale world.

She found a group of rare birds and animals moving above her head, under her feet, looking ahead, turning back, to the left and to the right.

Some of them are flying, some stay in the air like her, and some flutter their wings in circles.

A grey and clumsy groundhog drifted towards her with heavy footsteps. Jia Meng couldn't help but stretch out his hand to hug it because of its cute appearance, but when it just walked to the side, it suddenly turned into A lake blue bird flew away.

"The alien world is amazing!" Jia Meng couldn't help but double-tap the phone screen to jump.

"Who are you? Where are you from?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey, please introduce yourself!"

In an instant, the group of rare birds and beasts in front of them all turned into small and vigorous villains, shouting to her in the [Nearby Channel].

Although only seeing the speech, Jia Meng seemed to hear the curse of the ancient witchcraft tribe.

Her heart beat faster, feeling nervous and scared.

Jia Meng was outside the screen of the phone, trembling with his hands around his chest, and replied hesitantly to them: "You are all so... cute!"

The little people approached step by step and began to look at the new visitor.

Jia Meng felt as if countless insect mobs were pouring up at her feet, and she realized that they couldn't hear her, she could only speak through the game character.

She opened the nearby chat channel and typed quickly: "My name is Dongfang Rumeng. I am a newcomer to the game. I am here only for the task of Novice Village! Please forgive me, seniors in the foreign world!"

"Here is another one who has been tasked. It's really boring." I saw a thin man in green walking out of the small crowd. He nodded and floated to Dongfang Rumeng while sticking his tongue, and stretched out his long neck. A pair of round eyes stared at her, showing disdain.

"Then... can I go? I think, my mission to visit the foreign realm has been completed!" Jia Meng typed, moved the character and turned around, wishing to learn light work immediately and ran away.

The sound of "hiss~hiss" came, and Jia Meng realized that no matter how he swiped the joystick, there was no way to move the character! At the same time, she found that the character's blood volume continued to decrease.

Who is attacking me? Am I going to die again? Jia Meng was desperate. She took a closer look and found that one leg of Dongfang Rumeng was tightly surrounded by a green snake.

"Don't move. This is the famous deadly snake in our foreign world. If you dare to move a step, its venom will spread from your legs up to your whole body. Not only will you not be able to pass the mission of visiting the foreign world, but also this character There will be no resurrection, and you will need to recreate a new character before you can enter the game again!" The new message from the nearby channel is like a death knell.

Is it so serious? Jia Meng had the urge to give up the game completely. It's just a mobile game, why is there such a perverted setting? ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Mr. Viper, then you kill me! The big deal is that I won't play this game! What's so great! I am afraid of everything, but I am not afraid of death!" Jia Meng replied with a broken can .

The viper's tongue licked Dongfang Rumeng's ankle and continued to hiss greedily.

"Personality! I like such a fierce woman. Let her go, anyway, the five sects will have a chance to fight sooner or later!"

"See the world master!" The small crowd that had been squeezed into a ball suddenly dispersed, lined up in two rows on both sides, and bowed deeply toward the middle aisle. The poisonous snake wrapped around Dongfang Rumeng's feet also suddenly turned back to the man in green and disappeared into the crowd.

A colorful figure walked out and stretched out his palm to signal: "No gift. It's all gone!"

Before Jia Meng could see his face clearly, he turned into a peacock with an open screen, walking towards the crowd with his head held high. Other people have also turned into rare birds and animals, and they moved on, and the foreign world suddenly restored the peaceful scene when Jia Meng first saw it.