My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 2: When awake


Jia Meng saw the wall clock on the wall through the moonlight outside the window, the hour hand was pointing at 4 o'clock in the morning.

She gasped, took deep breaths, wiped away the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes, and tried to calm her super fast heart rate.

The dream that had just disappeared made her feel unfinished and terrified. At the moment, her fiance Tang Xiaojian was lying beside her in a white nightgown. He was asleep like a baby, with a sweet smile from the corner of his curved mouth.

Why do you have such a dream? Why does this dream make her so uncomfortable

Jia Meng always thought that memory is like an hourglass used by ancients for timekeeping. With the dropping bit by bit, all memories that you want or don't want will disappear. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

However, some memories are really like knots of colorful silk threads wrapped around my heart. I can't find a way to untie them, but the more I try to untie them. And the harder you try to untie it, the tighter your heart will be strangled, and it will even become bloody.

Unreal City. Fairy feather magic dragon. Tsing Yi man. Elderly with white hair. The scenes and characters that appeared in the dream just now seemed to have existed for real, making her memorable.

She thought, if she could choose again, maybe she would let the woman in her dream make another choice.

She closed her eyes and lay down, trying to sleep deeply again, continuing the thrilling dream.

However, the brain is still replaying the scenes in the dream just now, reverberating every sentence of dialogue. She can no longer fall asleep, and can no longer get rid of the trouble that dreams occupy her mind.

The picturesque mountains and rivers of the fantasy world, the smart and sad eyes of the fairy feather magic dragon, the bold and fierce appearance of the white-haired elders, and what the man in Tsing Yi said before his death...

All of this, the more she wanted to clear her brain, the more vivid she was. But the more she wanted to remember more, the more she felt blank.

Jia Meng calmed her mind and took a deep breath. She settled, touched her hand to the bedside table and picked up her phone, unconsciously opened the address book, and subconsciously found a foreign number. The remarks name is a simple letter "T", it seems Like a random number saved.

She found herself memorizing this string of numbers, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember who was the owner of this number and what was her name

Jia Mengqi got off the bed, shaking his fingers, and pressed the call button in a ghostly manner.

Before the beep sounded when the phone was connected, the fiance lying next to him suddenly turned over, turned his head to her side, and leaned his head tightly on Jia Meng's pillow.

His palm moved and explored gently in the dark, like an insecure child looking for warm body temperature.

Jia Meng hung up the phone in a hurry, returned to lying half-bed, and shook his fiance's hand before he regained his calm breathing.

Even if she dialed the phone, what should she say? Only then did Jia Meng realize her recklessness and impulsivity, she didn't even know what to call him.

Or should I send him a text message first? Jia Meng retreated and sought second place.

"Hello, I don't remember who you are, can you tell me?" Jia Meng quickly edited this embarrassing and weird sentence, then shook his head and deleted it.

She didn't dare to send it, what if someone didn't reply? That would make her think about it like pins and needles. But if he responds, what should they talk about

Jia Meng opened WeChat and searched for this mobile number, only to find that they were already WeChat friends! However, they couldn't see any chat records, as if they had never contacted each other.

Jia Meng is like a fawn in the dark night forest, who wants to find his way around, but is afraid that it will disturb the hunter.

She clicked on this person's circle of friends, and he hasn't updated any content for more than a year. The most recent activity was sharing game pictures.

Jia Meng could see that it was a live picture of the last cross-server arena of the "Illusion" end game. He was the champion of the competition, and the words "No. 1 in the world" in golden capitals on the top of his head were full of sight.

Through the blurred image watermark, Jia Meng was surprised to find that he could still vaguely see a group of fans cheering and dancing.

However, he is the most calm and composed, dressed in Tsing Yi, with a torch-like look, and his long, bundled hair makes him look extraordinarily handsome and gentle, which is exactly the same as the image of the man riding the fairy feather fantasy dragon in his dream.

It turns out that the owner of this exotic number is the Tsing Yi man in his dream just now!

Suddenly, Jia Meng felt a headache, and his left atrium throbbed violently.

She tiptoed out of the bed, went to pour herself a glass of water, and wanted to drink it gurglely, trying to calm herself.

"Baby, why did you get up so early!" The awakened fiance rubbed his eyes and looked at her half-squinted.

The sudden sound scared Jia Meng to throw the cup in his hand to the ground. Before he had time to take a sip, the water splashed all over the floor. The round cup rolled along the carpet to the edge of the bed and hit the hard solid wood bed foot. , Made a "bang" sound.

Jia Meng hurriedly ran after him, picking up the water cup on the ground with one hand, and pressing the other hand against his atrium, pretending to say calmly: "I had a nightmare, and then a little insomnia. I want to drink a glass of water to suppress my shock."

"Baby," fiancé Tang Xiaojian got up, grabbed the empty glass in Jia Meng's hand eagerly, poured a glass of water and handed it to her, eagerly asked: "What nightmare did you have? Wouldn't you still think that it happened in that game? Thing!"

"," Jia Meng didn't dare to admit it, took two sips of water carefully, put down the water glass gently, and said, "I don't remember what I dreamed about."

"You have recovered from a serious illness, don't think about it anymore!" Unmarried Tang Xiaojian emphasized with anxiety.

"I...I didn't." Jia Meng couldn't control his fragile emotions, crying.

"Hey, let's go to sleep!" Tang Xiaojian, the fiance, didn't seem to notice her emotional changes at all. He closed his eyes and grabbed Jia Meng's hand and pulled her into the bed.

His body exudes a faint smell of water plants, and there is a magic power that makes people feel soft when they lean in. Jia Meng closed his eyes and wanted to open the bed, but he didn't feel like moving.

The tight and cramped breathing of the two intertwined, as if they could hear each other's heartbeat frequencies. A drop of sweat fell on Jia Meng's face, and she instantly became sober, her eyes widened, motionless like a ragdoll without consciousness and resistance, looking at serious Tang Xiaojian.

Jia Meng wanted to shout "No" very much, but could only resist the most instinctive hysterical words stuck in his throat, and swallowed hard after gnashing his teeth.

She tried her best to adjust her breathing, telling herself silently in her heart: "He has a marriage contract with me, the husband who will spend a lifetime together in the future!"

At this time, an untimely cell phone ringing suddenly rang, disturbing them.

Tang Xiaojian had to stop and pick up the phone to answer the call.