My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 21: The Secret Realm of Huangling Mausoleum (Part 2)


Long Ting said: "Please look down at the ground. From here to the entrance, there will be a bear-shaped totem imprinted on the ground every other way. There are five in total. You can sit in the right seat."

Having said that, Long Ting turned and turned his head, walked towards the entrance, and found the first totem to stand.

Others also found their respective positions. Jia Meng dubiously followed and found the last bear-shaped totem, and stepped on it without moving.

At this time, a bright yellow light radiated from the feet of the five people, like a scorching sun, and they couldn't look directly at them.

The mausoleum vibrated violently, and the sound of the rubbing of the boulders could be heard. With a loud noise, the originally closed blue stone wall split a crack, and an indescribable force pushed the cracks open on both sides, forming a crack. The heavy stone gate.

"Sure enough! Come in!" Ye Yue said excitedly. The group began to rush into the stone gate excitedly. Unexpectedly, the moss on the stone wall fell off and fell like hail. The five people subconsciously took out their weapons and waved them apart.

"Beware of poison!" Ye Yue later reminded with insight.

The moss quickly disappeared, and the originally excited five people became nervous and walked carefully toward the stone gate, vaguely seeing the barrier seal film as thin as a cicada gauze.

The teammates all stood at the door cowering and no one wanted to take a step forward. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Jia Meng thought to himself, these cowards must rely on me at critical moments! She took out the bleeding sword and slashed it on the sealing film, breaking the seal easily.

"Girl Ru Meng is really amazing!" Jia Meng's heartbeat speeded up when she heard Ye Hua's charming voice spit out her words of praise.

However, without waiting for her girlish heart to overflow, a group of skeleton warriors suddenly emerged from Shimen!

Their shells emit a dazzling white cold light in the dark tomb. They have no eyes, only deep-set eye sockets. They have no mouths, but they have neat teeth. New Bayi Chinese website debut

They were holding sharp bone bayonet knives and swung their knives towards the five-person team, launching a fierce attack.

"Hurry up!" Ye Yue's panicked voice came from the team channel!

Before the dark night market sect's words fell, he used the invisibility technique to hide, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The aliens in the foreign realm were also quick-witted, and within a few seconds they immediately transformed into exactly the same skeleton warriors, standing by and disguising themselves.

And the Yue Fei of Tiangongque performed light powers, leaped softly, and used light powers to evade and evade.

Only Jia Meng and Long Ting can only stand stupidly on the spot, take out their weapons, and fight desperately against the skeleton warriors.

Jia Meng's character was quickly knocked to the ground, and there was still blood left.

Long Ting took a shell-shaped flute from his waist and blew it with a vague and mysterious music. The skeleton warriors seemed to be hypnotized, and fell to the ground one after another, unable to stand up and attack again.

Long Ting breathed a sigh of relief, and came to Jia Meng's side, using the exclusive skill of Shuimengbao martial art "Miao Hand Rejuvenation" to increase blood.

Seeing the blood volume gradually recovering, Jia Meng couldn't wait to click and draw the bleeding sword, and waved at the fallen skeleton warriors to pierce them.

The aliens in the alien world were so frightened that they quickly lifted their transformation state, for fear of being killed by mistake.

Haha, doesn't he know that he can't attack his teammates in a team state? Jia Meng thought with a sneer.

The three deserter teammates saw that the big trouble was resolved, and the captain Ye Yue turned back from invisibility, and Yue Fei also fell to the ground. The three of them walked side by side towards the deeper Shimen.

Long Ting led Jia Meng and trailed in a little embarrassment, as if he were not teammates in the same team with the other three.

Suddenly, a rumbling of lightning and thunder struck, with a deafening feeling, and the mausoleum shook violently again.

I saw a giant turtle approaching in front of him, and the resentful voice said, "Who is so bold to come and disturb my dreams? Everyone thinks that my Xuanyuan clan has returned to heaven. Who would have expected me to become a thousand-year-old turtle soon? Hahaha! Everyone who sees me in real life will come and die!"

The five people unanimously took out their weapons, released their character skills, and slashed towards the giant turtle in front of them.

Jia Meng felt that he wanted to pierce the screen of the phone, gnashing his teeth and unleashing all the skills that could cause harm.

However, the indestructible shell of the tortoise is like a copper wall and an iron wall, rebounding them out.

Five people fell to the ground at the same time, losing more than half of their health bars.

At this time, Yeyue’s nervous and hurried voice commanded in the team channel: "The tortoise boss shell is extremely hard, we must attack its head! Come on, Yi Fei and the alien are responsible for attracting the boss to raise his head. Me and Rumeng The girl took the opportunity to chop its head, and Brother Long Ting stood behind us to add blood."

It turns out that this is where the dungeon tests the ability of the novice team to cooperate! Jia Meng became excited.

Girl Bai Luo jumped lightly and floated above the head of the turtle boss, while the alien turned into an insect and buzzed around the boss' ears.

When the boss's attention is attracted, Miss Bai Luo uses the martial art exclusive skill "Thunder Curse" to hit the boss on the head!

Suddenly, the giant turtle seemed to have been tapped on acupuncture points, and stood still!

This must be the best time to start! Jia dreams.

She didn't notice at all. At this moment, Captain Ye Yue had closed the team channel voice, and the team members who had made her proud also hid behind her, and did not kill the boss with her.

Jia Meng swung his sword and slashed towards the boss without hesitation. With a click, the big tortoise boss turned his head and fell.

Only then did she panic to find that her blood volume was about to be used up, and then she realized that she had been eroded by the tortoise's poison and died instantly.

At the moment of dying, Jia Meng recalled that the conditions for the clearance of the dungeon of Huangling Secret Realm were [Death Free]. Although the boss is dead, only the undead can complete the task.

Thinking of this, Jia Meng was desperate.

Finally, Dongfang Rumeng's HP quickly dropped to 0, becoming an immobile corpse, lying in the dark cemetery.

Yeyue typed a sentence on the team channel: "Thank you for being perfect." Then he quit the team.

Girl Yue Fei and Alien also retired from the team one by one, and quickly teleported out of the copy, disappearing without a trace.

The mobile phone in Jia Meng's hand slammed to the ground, and her tears fell off and dripped on the back of her hand. I don't know if it was because the hand was too cold or the tears were too hot, she felt pain like being stabbed by a needle.

It turned out that I tried my best, but only made wedding clothes for others.

In a daze, she stared at the dropped phone and vaguely saw the message from Long Ting through the gloomy screen: "The copy time is not over yet, hurry up and eat the revival pill I just gave you!"

"Yes! How did I forget!" Jia Meng patted his head, shaken off the tears from the back of his hand, tremblingly pointed his finger on the quick medicine bar, and used Huisheng Pill.

Suddenly, after the resurrection special effects of a spring pear blossom, the characters are miraculously come back to life!