My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 25: God descends from heaven


When Jia Meng was expecting a miracle, sure enough, a friend applied for a pop-up window miraculously appeared in front of him!

Jia Meng was ecstatic in her heart. She knew that Long Ting would not really be angry with her. She still clearly remembered the touching words Long Ting said to her on the eve of parting, "As long as you need me, I will do my best to help you."

Jia Meng secretly swears in his heart that if he can add a friend back now, he must be cherished in the future. After all, he is the only person who will truly help her in the mobile game "Illusion" at the moment, how hard it has been!

Before he could take a closer look at the name of the person who applied for a friend, Jia Meng did not hesitate to click the agree button, and received the [System Tip]: You have successfully added the player "Jianxin" from Unreal City as a friend.

Huh? Why isn't it Long Ting? I added the wrong person!

Jia Meng was a bit embarrassed. She was still immersed in the love of cherishing Long Ting, only to find that someone else was applying for a friend! Just when Jia Meng wanted not to delete because of adding a friend by mistake, this thunderous ID made her cheer up!

"Jianxin!" This is the No. 1 Great God in the Unreal City Sect Cultivation Ranking List, and his character image is always displayed in front of all players!

He is wearing an out-of-print fashion, in the pure white style of the ancient fairy man, and the exquisite pattern embroidery on the fashion is faintly visible. The golden Kongtong sword is worn behind him, which is a representative of ability and a symbol of status.

Really worthy of being a great god! Jia Meng nodded wildly while appreciating. Maybe how many people want to add him as a friend have no chance, so I should have won the jackpot!

Jia Meng's depressed mood suddenly became clear, and the opportunity to hug her thigh came. She naturally would not miss it, so she started to strike up a conversation: "Hello, Jianxin, hello! Long admiring the name, thank you for adding me as a friend!"

The Jianxin Great God responded indifferently: "Obviously you applied to be my friend first."

This sentence was like a scoop of cold water splashing on Jia Meng's face, but he was right. When Jia Meng was really helpless, he went to the doctor for a sudden illness and sent a friend application to the TOP10 gods.

"I also added it casually." Jia Meng didn't want to show weakness, but also pretended to be cold.

As a result, Jianxin didn't reply.

Jia Meng’s emotions are a bit complicated. She originally wanted to transfer the sadness of losing Long Ting to the joy of knowing a new friend, but the style of this new friend is completely opposite to that of Long Ting. Not only does he not pester her, but he also loves to take care of her. Ignore it.

Looking at the full taskbar, Jia Meng decided to lower his face and continue to strike up a conversation: "Although it was casually added, acquaintance is also fate. I am glad to meet you!"

Jianxin replied: "Oh."

His reply was quick, but only one word.

In reality, how many enthusiastic and proactive chats are always unavoidable to be hurt by this non-emotional word.

Sometimes a response is better than no response, because if there is no response, the proactive party can naively deceive itself that maybe the other party did not see it, and when it sees the word "oh", it will feel alienated.

In many chat scenes, this word is like a hail hitting the heart, and no matter how enthusiastic people are, it will inevitably become cold.

"Does I need to pay for chatting with you? It's such a treasure." Even if he was hit by hail, Jia Meng would not give up easily, pretending to be a mockery.

Jianxin was still indifferent: "I'm very busy, you have something to say quickly."

Jia Meng can feel the arrogance of the other party through the screen of the phone. She tries to adjust her emotions and throws a topic straight to the door: "Do you know how to complete the task of killing 100 wild wolves in one minute? Ask for advice!"

Jianxin said: "I know, but I forgot."

Jia Meng was at a loss for words, and his feeling towards the great god turned from worship to indifference, and then to disgust. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Jianxin's reply is always real-time, but the words are obviously shut out. What kind of person is this

Is it true that the great gods are so cold? Since you can't be a good friend, then simply tear your face, the big deal is that you can't complete the task, just give up the game!

"Big brother, I know you are very busy, and I don't want to waste your time! Although you are the person with the highest level of cultivation in this sect, I think your personal cultivation must not be very good! Finally, please delete my friend. !" After that, Jia Meng closed the friend dialog box and left the phone aside.

I don't know if it was the reason for playing games on the phone for a long time, or because of various undesirable things that happened in the game. She touched her a little hot forehead, and wanted to close her eyes to calm down.

After just a few minutes, when she opened her eyes, she was just waiting to confirm that her friend had been deleted, and then when she wanted to uninstall the game, she saw a flashing message in the friend bar!

It was Jianxin's reply: "I suddenly remembered how the Wild Wolf mission was done! You follow me!" He did not directly respond to Jia Meng's mockery, but readily agreed to help her with the mission!

This sentence was like a sweet candy, which made Jia Meng who had been desperate enough to give up before her eyes lit up. She completely forgot about the unhappiness of the talent just now, and felt relieved within a second.

Her fingers trembled and typed "Thank you" in reply to Jian Xin, and then asked excitedly: "Where are you, can I ask you for advice?"

Jianxin said, "I'm standing next to you."

Jia Meng couldn't believe his eyes, the famous illusory city sect's first great god, I don't know when he will come down from the sky, and he is really right next to him at this moment! His luxurious and decent outfit dwarfed the simple novice outfit of Jia Meng's character. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Jia Meng looked around, wanting to see how other novice players who had been on-hooking the wild wolf monster had the same simple outfits as her, in order to get a mental balance. However, those people did not know when and why, they disappeared completely.

Jianxin said: "Click me to join the team."

Jia Meng hurriedly disbanded the team he had created and joined Jianxin's team. I saw him summon five flying swords running side by side. The golden light flickered very eye-catching. He leaped and stood above, flying swords flying in the sky.

"Wow, is this Royal Sword Flying Technique or Flying Sword Mount?" Jia Meng's eyes lit up and he was heartfelt admiration. However, before she could find out, Jian Xin grabbed Jia Meng's character and stood side by side on the flying sword.

This romantic picture is so beautiful that Jia Meng in front of the phone jumps up a bit.

However, within half a minute of flying, Feijian landed in front of a cave on the outskirts of Unreal City, and saw three large characters "Mother Wolf Cave" written on the entrance of the cave.

Jianxin left Jia Meng behind, went to the entrance of the cave by himself, drew out his weapon, and opened the door in one fell swoop, and five female wolves broke out.

With a flick of Jianxin's big move, the five female wolves entered a dying state at the same time, raising their heads and wailing.

The wailing sound spread all over the countryside, and hordes came from all directions, and all at once gathered in front of the entrance of the "Mother Wolf Cave".

Jian Xin waved the weapon in his hand and started to kill.

Jia Meng was completely stunned, and he didn't even have time to pull the bleeding sword to help. He just watched the wild wolf number on the taskbar increase rapidly. A few seconds ago, it was still in the single digit. Just after she blinked, It became a three-digit number.