My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 30: Where to go


When Dongfang Rumeng wakes up from the resurrection, the durability of the equipment on his body has been 0, and the blood sword in the weapon slot can no longer be used, which can be described as an unarmed streaking state.

Just after being kicked off guard by Xiao Yao from high in the sky, Jia Meng had no idea where his character was or where he should go. But compared to this sense of despair, Xiao Yao's unfeeling kick made her feel more painful.

Her first reaction was to return to Unreal City and find the NPC to re-forge equipment.

However, when she tried to open the world map to find a route, she saw that she was located on the border between Unreal City and Water Dream Castle. This was a long and deep valley where level 100 monsters haunt.

At this time, Dongfang Rumeng, I am afraid that even the wild wolf on the outskirts of Unreal City could easily kill her.

Since there are often sect wars in the "Illusion" game, the boundary between the sects is often the most intense battlefield. In order to get closer to the reality of the war, the game settings require players who die in the boundary to be unable to directly teleport back to the city. .

"It would be great if you didn't have the impulse to pull Long Ting into the blacklist, or if you were lucky enough to add him back to your friends!" This is the second time Jia Meng missed him after he parted with Long Ting.

At this moment of life and death, Jia Meng would definitely ask him for help unceremoniously. The more people she knows in the game, the better she can compare how good Long Ting is to her. However, everything can't go back.

Jia Meng pinned his last hope on the messy [World Channel], and typed a line with tears: "The young female rookie Zhanying, unfortunately trapped in the valley between Unreal City and Sleeping Dream Castle, asks for a master with flying ability. Come to rescue, the grace of dripping water will surely repay you in the spring!"

The World Channel was still so messy, her help message was quickly swiped over, and of course no one answered without suspense.

"Maybe this is karma!" Jia Meng laughed at himself.

This mobile game has not been played for a few days, but Jia Meng has fully experienced the frustration and frustration, the fright and the tremor, the unfeeling and the betrayal.

Although there were moments of happiness and joy, romance and surprises in the process, looking back at this moment, it will only aggravate Jia Meng's pain.

At this moment, Jia Meng really wants to uninstall the game directly and escape this terrible virtual world. She didn't know why Xiao Yao, who had no grievances against her, treated her so cruelly. She had a minor retreat, but she didn't want to die unclearly, so she decided to ask Xiao Yao.

"Miss Xiao Yao, I decided to give up this game. Before I leave, can you tell me the reason why you killed me? Nice to meet you, thank you for your help, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the game. "Jia Meng didn't mind to blame her, but asked pitifully.

Jia Meng could feel that Xiao Yao, who was on the other screen of the phone, was typing seriously. She held the phone in both hands and watched the screen intently, like a pious nun waiting patiently for the priest's reply.

Xiao Yao said: "I'm sorry, Miss Dream, I am also entrusted by others to take people's money and help others to eliminate disasters. Some people are waiting to see you joke. Now you have two options. The first is to continue. Game, but if you have to worship someone as your master, he will take you back to Unreal City, and will give you an introductory gift after the success of your apprenticeship. The second way is to leave the game, just as you planned."

Jia Meng was deeply attracted by Xiao Yao's long passage. She read it word by word. The emotions that had been utterly distressed instantly turned into surprise and curiosity.

She tried her best to calm down and re-opened the game leaderboard thoughtfully, and once again saw the team that ranked first in the extreme dungeon BOSS challenge list last week, the captain is Jianxin, and when she checked the team details, she saw Xiao Yao name.

Suddenly, Jia Meng understood it all at once.

It turned out that Xiao Yao was sent by Jianxin to deliberately punish her undercover! Such a stimulating plot is often only seen in film and television dramas. Now it happened to me, and even more incredible, it also happened in the game world.

As we all know, games are just virtual worlds, and players are just meeting each other. The so-called love and hatred are just a difference in thought.

However, someone like Jianxin who would carefully plan a conspiracy to punish people is really rare and incomprehensible.

Which way is better

If there is no explanation from Xiao Yao, she would definitely choose the second path without hesitation, because the original intention of every ordinary player in the game is to obtain the relaxation and happiness that is not available in reality. If the game is not happy, she will retire. You are of course understandable. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

However, when she knew that the one who was determined to drive her to a dead end was Jian Xin, her mind kept repeating their dialogue.

That's right, it was the first place in the school who thought he was a dog who looked down on others. Just for a moment of anger, he would try his best to spoof her until she bowed her head to admit her counsel.

This kind of person, the reality is certainly not a fuel-efficient lamp, it may even be a pervert.

At this time, it was the scorching summer heat, but Jia Meng's cold sweat spread from his forehead to his back and then to his whole body.

Her teeth were trembling, and she comforted herself by saying to herself: "The temperature of the air conditioner must be too low", so she hurriedly turned off the air conditioner, and then lay down on her face, getting into the bed with her face covered.

If he chooses to leave the game, Jia Meng would like to fall asleep in the dark and wake up naturally, so as to make up for the missing sleep time that has been delayed by the game in the past few days.

With his eyes closed in the bed, Jia Meng's mind became so clear that he had already made a choice subconsciously.

Although she has forgotten many things that happened a year ago, she always feels subconsciously that when encountering difficulties, she should habitually choose to solve them instead of avoiding them.

Nowadays, she would never allow herself to give up like this, even if it was just a game, even if it was just a stranger she never knew, she would fight to the end.

"He is not qualified to let me choose one of the two, I choose the third way." Jia Meng lifted the quilt and got up, holding up the phone again, seeing Xiao Yao's explanations one after another.

"I think it's not difficult for you to guess that I deliberately approached you because of the trust of Jianxin. I apologize to you here, and please forgive me." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"I am also very happy to meet you. I don't want you to choose the second way."

"In fact, Jianxin is not bad. He just does what he says. He has a strong heart to win. If you worship him as a teacher, all the tasks will be solved!"

"You choose the first way, okay?"

Jia Meng sneered, but with tears in her eyes, she replied in a simple and clear reply: "Okay!"

She deliberately added an exclamation mark to show her determination and courage. She wouldn't tell anyone, in fact, she chose the third way, that is to avenge Jianxin, and the first way happened to be the only way to go.

Before Xiao Yao could reply, his hands appeared in front of him, and his fingers stretched out and flexed, indicating that he would tell her to stand up.