My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 41: The demons are not scary


"It's such a coincidence, I have a friend who is also a long-time veteran of the computer version of Fantasy Land." Jianxin said, "She is also a female war hero of the Unreal City sect..."

Jia Meng was excited, and a heart of gossip ignited: "Is it a girlfriend? What is her game ID? On the eve of the suspension of operation of the "Illusion" game, all the servers have been merged into one big server, maybe I Know her!"

"Yes... Does it matter what kind of relationship?" Jian Xin hesitated, "I don't know her game ID."

After finally catching a gossip topic, Jia Meng naturally reluctantly said: "Then you came to play the mobile version of "Illusion" because of her?"

"It's up to you." Jianxin seemed to be touched by the heartstrings, and it took a long time to slow down and reply, and said grievingly, "It's you, obviously an old player of the mobile game version, but why did you even get to the mobile game version and don't even have a task? Do! What a shame!"

Jia Meng argued slightly aggrieved: "The task design of the mobile game version is different from the computer version, and the difficulty is very different. But it may also be because I had a serious illness, so I forgot..."

"Really? What kind of illness do you have, and even amnesia?" Now it is Jian Xin's turn to gossip about Jia Meng.

The scene of receiving electric shock treatment in the hospital resurfaced in Jia Meng's mind.

The doctor in a white coat, wearing a blue mask, showed only a pair of ferocious eyes, pressing on her who was lying on the sick.

She could only close her eyes, feeling a burst of electricity flowing into her brain from her temples on both sides, penetrating her nerves, and weeping in despair.

Jia Meng didn't dare to recall anymore, and quickly changed the subject: "That's not important. Master, I think it's more important that you take me to finish the task first."

This is the first time Jia Meng and Jianxin have talked about the reality of each other. In the online world, the longer the chat time and the more topics to talk about, it is always inevitable to talk about reality.

Everyone has a heart of gossip and wants to spy on each other's real world, but they all install bells on the door of their hearts as alarms. Once they touch the secrets of their hearts, the topic will abruptly stop.

"What is your next sect mission?" Jian Xin really cooperated to stop the gossip topic.

Jia Meng breathed a sigh of relief for the successful transfer of the topic, and replied straightforwardly: "According to the order of the task guidance, it is [Victory the Demon].

Jianxin: "This is a single-player story dungeon mission. You can only complete it by yourself. I can't help you."

"Then before I go in, can you give some strategies and suggestions?"

Jianxin replied earnestly: "There is no heart demon that is invincible. Don't escape, don't hesitate, and challenge directly."

Jia Meng seemed to understand but expressed dissatisfaction: "If you said it, you didn't say it."

"I can only tell you so much. You go in quickly, I'll wait for you to come out." Jianxin said. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Jia Meng had no choice but to bite the bullet and open the task bar, select the [Victory Inner Demon] task, and click to start the challenge!

I saw a black screen on the game screen. If it weren't for the countdown to the challenge time of the copy shown in the upper right corner, Jia Meng really thought that he was like that Xiao Yao who had disappeared inexplicably, and the phone would automatically shut down when the battery was out.

At this time, a line of white characters appeared on the black screen—[System prompt]: Please find the firewood stick on the ground to light up the scene.

Jia Meng wiped the screen vigorously, and a faint light was faintly visible in the dark scene. Jia Meng moved the character over, and it turned out to be firewood!

She picked up the firewood stick and looked at the surrounding scene by the light, and found that there were rocky cliffs all around. At this moment, the sound of mountain stream falling on the rock sounded in her ears, which seemed to be a cave.

Just as she was walking towards the direction of the current, a "hiss-hiss" sound rang in her ears, and it seemed that there was a living thing here! Isn't it a boss

Jia Meng was nervous and expectant, feeling a great attraction, forcing her to concentrate on exploring the scene.

Suddenly, the screen shook, and Jia Meng saw her character fall to the ground. She lay on the uneven rock and raised the firewood stick in her hand. What was in front of her was a giant python!

The giant python sits cross-legged, like a carved stone statue standing in front of the eyes, full of eight circles, showing the length of the snake's body. It spit out a core, its tongue stretched out in front of the character like a retractable leather whip, and its round and black eyes stared at her. In the blink of an eye, it flashed a cold blue light.

From small to large, Jia Meng, who has kept a long distance from thrillers and horror films, was so frightened that he raised his throat, sweating on his forehead, and dry mouth when he saw this scene. He wanted to quit the game immediately.

At this time, a plot multiple choice question appeared in front of him: [You are currently encountering a thousand-year-old viper, what do you plan to do? 】

1. Exit the copy first and come in after thinking of a way.

2. The viper must have weaknesses, so I think carefully before acting.

Third, kill it directly.

None of these three options seem wrong, but there must be a best answer. Jia Mengqiang suppressed the tension and thought calmly.

At this moment, before entering the dungeon, the words that Jianxin said that seemed useless were played back in her mind: "There is no demon invincible. Don't escape, don't hesitate, and challenge directly."

Choice one is to escape. Choice two is hesitating. Only answer three is a direct challenge. Therefore, Jia Meng chose to kill directly!

She drew the bleeding sword, got up from the ground, and jumped to the top of the giant python's head. When the giant python opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue, as if she was about to swallow herself, she cut it off with a "volley cut" from top to bottom. Its tongue.

The giant python let go of the tightly-coiled snake body, and the snake's tail slammed its body violently. The character's blood volume was immediately in a hurry, and his life was on the eve of the night.

Jia Meng reacted quickly, using the "Iron Armored Soldier" skill to increase his own defense power and blood volume, and his life was temporarily saved.

But at this time, the giant python has tightly bound his character from shoulders to feet with a long snake body, firmly bound. The head of the snake drooped down, and a drop of snake saliva dripped on her face. The character's face immediately became pale, the skin seemed to be torn, the green veins raised, and the symptoms of poisoning were obvious.

Although it was only in the game, Jia Meng felt the coldness of the snake body and the soreness of pain.

At this time, the plot multiple-choice question appeared in front of me: [You are about to be poisoned by the thousand-year-old viper, what do you plan to do? 】

1. Surrender and surrender the copy. New Bayi Chinese website debut

Second, wait for an opportunity and wait for rescue.

Three, fight hard and regard death as home.

Jia Meng had no thoughts at all, and simply chose the third item neatly. She pressed the "serial kill" skill. Although she could not move, the blood sword in her hand could still receive the skill command. It flew out from the gap in the snake body and continued to attack the python's head at a rapid speed. All hits accurately.

After a while, the python stopped moving, loosened the body that wrapped Jia Meng's character, and fell on the rock like a doll.

The giant python is dead, and the character's health bar has also been zero. The final outcome is that she and the giant python die together.

Jia Meng thought that everything was over, but the last plot multiple choice question appeared in front of him!