My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 42: Conquer the demons


[Your character is dead, the mission may not be completed. If you can make a game friend die once, in exchange for your perfect resurrection, how would you choose? 】

1. I want to complete the task and choose to let a game friend die.

Second, you die if you die, and it doesn’t matter if the mission fails.

This question has only two options, but it is more difficult to choose than the previous two questions with three options.

For Jia Meng, the smooth completion of the task is of course more important than anything else. What's more, she absolutely didn't want to start the thrilling Python BOSS battle that just ended.

As a result, Jia Meng had the idea of letting a game friend die. Anyway, this is just a game, and if you die once, you just lose the durability of the equipment, just re-forge and repair it!

In any case, it is much easier than she re-enter the dungeon!

Thinking of this, Jia Menggui went to option one, but he jumped to the friend list, and a check box appeared:

Jianxin. Long Ting. Xiao Yao. Yeyue. Yue Fei. Alien.

These are the six friends she has added since she entered the mobile game version of "Illusion". At this time, she only needs to choose one to die once, and then she can complete the task in front of her.

But who should I choose

Ye Yue, Yue Fei, and Alien, these three friends are just friends that Jia Meng met in Novice Village, and they are not of the same school, and they rarely communicate with each other.

But because of this, if you choose to let one of them die once, wouldn't it be embarrassing after being discovered? It may even make enemies. This is absolutely impossible! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Long Ting, the first friend Jia Meng met in the game, is also the person she cares about the most.

He used to help her clear the mission in Novice Village, but she cruelly abandoned him on the day of bidding farewell to Novice Village. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to meet again later.

With emotion and reason, Jia Meng didn't want to hurt him any more.

Then there is Xiao Yao, the little elder sister, Jia Meng hates her betrayal and hates her like a dog raised by Jianxin, but after all, she is just a little girl with a soft mouth and a short hand. It is a pitiful person no matter how you look at it.

What's more, she is just a rookie Zhanying, which is really unbearable!

In the end, only Jianxin remained.

Although he is the friend who communicates with Jia Meng most frequently so far, he is also the person she hates most in this game.

Yes, it is hatred, not just hate. Since entering the Unreal City School and knowing Jianxin, Jia Meng has been frustrated everywhere. He looked down on her, designed to frame her, forced her to approve of her teacher, and made her the gold-worshiper and vixen in the eyes of the full service overnight...

The harm he caused to her is simply endless!

Just as Jia Meng was about to check the name of "Jianxin" and add it to the death list, a ringing tone interrupted her operation.

The game screen is replaced by the caller ID, and the caller's name is Tang Xiaojian, Jia Meng's fiancé.

Jia Meng, who had been indulging in the game for many days, cleared his throat and answered the phone: "Hey."

"Baby, how are you doing at Jia's house? I miss you."

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Jia Meng felt a little frustrated.

"Baby, I want to ask you a question, when you used to play the computer version of "Wonderland", what was the game ID called?"

"How come to ask this, I forgot." Jia Meng subconsciously refused to tell.

"Then it's okay, baby, you have to pay attention to rest. Let Uncle Jia and my mother arrange our affairs." Tang Xiaojian said all the important things in one breath.

"Okay." Jia Meng didn't want to say more, and hung up the phone quickly.

Ha ha, Jia Meng shook his head and sneered. She and Tang Xiaojian have never talked too much.

She herself didn't want to believe that Tang Xiaojian would be her fiancé, the person who is about to accompany her through her life in reality.

Jia Meng would rather choose to be confined by Jia Tianming in the small courtyard of this villa than to face their marriage so quickly.

She only hoped that that day, it would come later and later.

After answering Tang Xiaojian's call, Jia Meng felt that he would rather be abused by someone like Jianxin in the game.

After all, the malicious harm in the virtual world is much easier to accept than the false feelings in the real world.

Jia Meng cut back to the game screen and faced the multiple-choice questions before her again. She decided not to sacrifice any of her friends, including Jianxin! So decisively chose the second option: "If you die, you will die. It doesn't matter if the mission fails." The new Bayi Chinese website first published https:// https://

What’s incredible is that she had just selected, the dark background of the copy was instantly lit up, and the dark cave became a sunny background of birds and flowers, and the Samsung customs clearance copy appeared on the screen to celebrate the prompt: "Congratulations on your successful completion of [Conquering Heart] Magic] mission!"

Jia Meng suddenly realized that the second option was the correct answer!

She watched the character gain upgrade experience, combat power, cultivation value, and a large number of mission rewards, and excitedly sent a copy, completely forgetting the unpleasantness of the short conversation with her fiance Tang Xiaojian.

Jianxin really stood there waiting for her.

Seeing his elegant figure in white clothes, Jia Meng was a little bit self-blaming when he thought that he had almost chosen the option of letting Jianxin die once.

"I thought you couldn't get out." However, Jian Xin saw her first sentence, and Jia Meng immediately gave up the thought of self-blame.

"Master, please, I am a three-star clearance. Not only did I successfully kill the giant python BOSS, but I also chose the right choice for every plot multiple-choice question!" Jia Meng proudly showed off.

Jianxin completely ignored him, and asked, "Then do you know why this task is called [Conquering the Heart Demon]?"

Jia Meng was stunned. Yes, it's obviously just a single-player story copy, isn't it just choosing the story and then playing the boss? What does this have to do with the demons

"To defeat the Inner Demon is to defeat the dungeon BOSS. The giant python in the dungeon is the representative of the Inner Demon." Jia Meng pretended to understand if he didn't understand, and answered wisely.

Jianxin said sarcastically: "I can't believe that you are an old player of the end game version of "Illusion". How superficial is your understanding of the game plot?"

Jia Meng is too lazy to think, let alone argue. She thought that she would need Jianxin's help for other tasks, so she pretended to worship and said, "Master, the disciple is dull, please also ask Master for advice."

"The illusion world and the real world exist in parallel, but here is a world of cultivation. If a cultivator wants to cultivate a righteous fruit, the first obstacle to overcome is to overcome the inner demons. The ancient gods who created the illusion world believed that the two major inner demons. , It's fear and selfishness." Jian Xin, who has always had no serious words, started talking openly.

Fear and selfishness? Jia Meng was moved by Jianxin's words, thinking about it.

Jianxin continued to ask: "Do you remember the topic of the plot multiple-choice question?"

"I remember that the first question and the second question were about the choice between encountering a thousand-year-old viper and being poisoned by a viper. In fact, it is a test of our choices when facing fear."

Jia Meng closed her eyes to meditate, and realized it all at once. She opened her eyes and transformed her understanding into words to continue to express: "The third question is to let us choose between sacrificing friends and giving up the task. It is actually a test. It’s a choice when faced with selfishness."