My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 467: Chaos wedding


"Okay." Jia Meng smiled and asked the bride again, "Miss Chen Qingyan, would you like to marry Tang Xiaojian as your wife?"

The appearance of Jia Meng originally made Qingyan a little embarrassed and uneasy.

However, when he saw that Jia Meng was not here to make trouble, but Luo Luo generously presided over the wedding, the stone in Qing Yan's heart fell to the ground.

"I... I wish..." Qing Yan looked at Tang Xiaojian, but in her mind she had never been eager for the man in front of her to be another person.

She couldn't help but glanced under the guest seats like Tang Xiaojian.

Although she knew, that person could not show up.

She was also afraid of him showing up.

At this moment, the door of the hotel lobby was suddenly pushed open.

A tall man broke in.

Like Jia Meng, he was dressed in black, and he didn't look like he was here at a wedding!

Qingyan could see that face with the light behind her back.

That was not the face she fell in love with, but she knew that he was the one she wanted but couldn't ask for!

It's Mare!

Marley lowered his head, as if not paying attention to the people on the stage at all, just found an empty table in the corner where no one was sitting, and sat down.

Even with a change of face, Qingyan still couldn't restrain the emotion in his heart.

Could it be that he came to her wedding specially

Qingyan burst into tears in an instant, soaking the corners of his eyes.

Jia Meng also saw Mare who had broken in, but quickly looked away and continued to act as her host:

"Miss Chen Qingyan, don't you want to marry Mr. Tang Xiaojian?"

The bride returned to her senses, her eyes twinkling with tears, she looked in Marai's direction, and replied in a daze: "I... also... I would like to..."

Although both the bride and groom said yes, their tone was extremely far-fetched, as if they were being coerced.

It seems that there is no sense of happiness on their faces.

"Okay. I wish the two have a good relationship for a hundred years and give birth to an early son!" After Jia Meng said, he threw the microphone to the host without looking back. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

She didn't plan to stay long, nor was she in the mood to enjoy the next wedding banquet.

Tang Xiaojian sent her a wedding invitation for nothing more than to see her embarrassed. As long as she behaved generously and gracefully, that was enough!

Jia Meng walked straight to the door, but was held by a familiar and generous hand.

"Help!" Jia Meng's mouth was covered when he shouted.

Marai dragged Jia Meng to the empty table in the corner of the guest seat.

Taking advantage of the noisy background music of the wedding, Jia Meng gave Marley a fierce look, removed his hand hard, and said with a breath:

"Did someone invite you? What are you doing here?"

Marley's dark eyes looked at the newlyweds who were continuing the ceremony on the stage, with a cold expression on his face: "Don't you want their wedding to have a little accident?"

"Uh… "

Jia Meng was a little guilty, she must admit that when Tang Xiaojian just sent the invitation, she was really so angry that she wanted to kill.

When she learned that the wedding was held in a hotel under the Thunder Group, she asked Marley if she had any acquaintances, and more or less expressed her desire to make trouble...

However, after calming down, I felt that as long as I acted indifferently to this wedding, the more generous, it would be the best way to fight back!

"I know the manager of this hotel." Marley's mouth hooked.

"No need. I already stunned Tang Xiaojian's humiliation just now!" Jia Meng twisted his neck proudly, revealing a sweet smile.

It can be seen that she is very satisfied with her performance just now in full view.

"Since your purpose is to fight for a breath, you can't leave."


"Stay well, until the wedding is over." Marei stroked the ends of Fu Jia Meng's hair, like an old father persuading a young and ignorant girl.


"Only by turning a blind eye can we truly let go." Marei said philosophically.


Jia Meng sat patiently, eating snacks on the table at will to pass the time.

This wedding that should have belonged to her is not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it now. She is so thankful that the bride is not herself.

But whose bride will she be

Jia Meng glanced at Mare beside him, but he didn't see him for a few days. He seemed to be thinner.

Since the last time they broke up in the hospital, they haven't contacted in private.

But today I met on this special occasion, but I was able to sit together like a pair of old husbands and wives, without any sense of contradiction!

Marley glanced back at Jia Meng, and pretended to be paying attention to the newcomer on stage, almost begging:

"Miss Jia, can you remove my mobile number and WeChat ID from the blacklist on your mobile phone?"

"No." Jia Meng was wary of putting away the phone, "I will never forgive you about my dad!"

"Actually..." Marley was about to explain the cause of Jia Tianming's death, but was interrupted by a cry on the stage.

Tang Xiaojian and Chen Qingyan talked on stage, telling each other's sweet love story.

While talking, he suddenly cueed to Jia Meng and said with gratitude:

"I can get together with Qingyan, and the biggest credit goes to Jia Meng. If it wasn't for her to run away from home, run away with others, and betray her, how can I have the opportunity to meet true love? Here, I am special. Thank you Miss Jia! Finally, please have a meal!"

After Tang Xiaojian finished speaking, his eyes immediately focused on the small table in the corner where Jia Meng and Marei were.

The cameras of the photographers also turned to the men and women on the table.

Marley had no choice but to stop the explanation that he had no time to give in the future.

At this point, the stage part of the wedding has just ended, and the next part is the casual dining part.

The reporters would naturally not miss such an opportunity for gossip. Seeing that the parties were just there, they all swarmed up, and soon they surrounded the empty table where Jia Meng and Marei were.

Jia Meng had no feelings for Tang Xiaojian's sarcastic remarks.

However, when he saw a group of people and a bunch of cameras pouring in, Jia Meng couldn't help but panic.

"Miss Jia, you eloped with Master Thunder Horse, right?"

"Excuse me, you just said that getting married is not righteous, is this really what you mean?"

"Miss Jia, this wedding that should belong to you, did you take the stage to host it out of morality or just to vent?"

"Young Master Tang said that he has today's happiness, and it is all due to your achievements. How do you respond?"


The babbled question made Jia Meng feel like he was in a rain of bullets.

At this time, on the stage where the lights had been dimmed, Tang Xiaowan stepped on high heels to stand up, facing the microphone, and then set Jia Meng a fire—

"I know that everyone is very concerned about the marriage contract between our Jia and Tang family. Here I will also tell all media friends that this is a unilateral breach of the contract by the Jia family. My mother and I are close friends, even if Miss Jia hurts us. No matter how deep the home is, I don’t know how to deal with it!