My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 468: The bride was snatched away


Tang Jian's speech successfully turned the reporter's attention to Jia Meng.

And Tang Wan's cheering and jealousy has successfully pushed the reporters' emotions to the extreme!

The reporters' enthusiasm for interviewing Jia Meng has become even stronger-

"Sister Jia, do you feel ashamed of Mr. Tang's reasonableness?"

"Will your conscience hurt for your treachery to the Tang family?"

"How did you have the face to come to this wedding today?"


In the face of gossip, the reporters completely ignored Jia Menggui's identity as the chairman of NetDream Technology. They did not leave any affection, aggressive, and left no leeway!

Jia Meng only felt it spin, and she felt the dazzling lights and cameras in front of her eyes, making her unable to open her eyes.

She thought that as long as Luoluo generously came to Tang Jian's wedding, the Tang family's mother and son would have nothing to say!

But they didn't expect it, they just planned to wait until the crucial moment to create a more exciting topic, and then use the numerous reporters on the scene to give her a fatal blow!

Jia Meng only felt dark eyes and soft legs and feet. At this moment, she desperately needed a warm embrace to support her tired body.

She subconsciously leaned in the direction of Mare next to her, but unexpectedly found that her body was caught by two female waiters in hotel uniforms, but Marley did not know where to go!

"Let it be! Someone fainted!"

The waiter yelled, while helping Jia Meng away in dizziness.

In a daze, she heard the voice shouting at the scene-

"Look at the stage, everyone, the bride was taken away!"

Jia Meng desperately opened his eyelids and exhausted all his strength. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Seeing Marei rushing onto the stage, she held the hand of Tang Jian's bride Qingyan firmly, and rushed out of the hotel door as quickly as possible!

It turned out that when he needed him the most, he escaped after all!

It turned out that when he wanted to embrace him, he went to hold him and don't let go!

The more Jia Meng thought about it, the more desperate she became. Finally, she didn't want to open her eyelids again, but chose to close her eyes firmly and let the hotel attendant take her anywhere...

The scene was in chaos.

On stage, Tang Wan mother and son shouted into the microphone:

"Where is the hotel security? Someone has snatched the bride away! Stop it!"

Tang Jian stood there blankly. He saw his bride with his own eyes and was led away by a man.

He didn't even have time to see the man's face clearly!

The most frightening thing is that the man came to lead Qingyan, Qingyan did not resist at all, but was extremely cooperative!

The two of them left the hotel just like that with a thunderous speed...

Take everyone off guard!

"Why would Qingyan follow him? Impossible!"

Some of the reporters at the scene wanted to go out and track the bride's trace, but found dozens of security guards standing at the hotel's gate, blocking the only exit without a fly!

No matter how Tang Wan called the hotel security on stage, they would be inaudible and unmoved at all!

"You guys, who took the bride away?"

"Can't see clearly! That man didn't see his face clearly!"

"Has anyone taken a picture? Take it and zoom in to see the face!"

"Why does the bride follow so behaved? Is it possible that someone is her?"

"Oh, hearing that the bride and Young Master Tang met is considered a flash marriage, maybe the relationship is not deep, right?"

"The Tang family is really pitiful... Jia family tore the marriage contract, and now the bride is running with someone else..."

The heated discussions among the reporters stirred up agitation among the guests who only wanted to come to join in the wedding ceremony.

All of a sudden, everyone left behind the named sister Jia who was devalued by the Tang family's mother and son just now!

Everyone’s brains were shocked by the shocking marriage robbing scene that flashed before them just now, and they focused their attention on this matter...

Tang Wan was so angry that she took off her high heels, stepped off the stage, and angrily accused the hotel security guard standing at the door:

"How dare you neglect your duty! Our family spent so much money to hold a wedding in your hotel! Not only did you fail to maintain order at the scene, but you also let the bride be taken away with you! This is unreasonable! I will definitely complain to you!"

Dozens of security guards were expressionless, like well-trained soldiers.

Tang Wan stood on tiptoe, trying to grab the collar of one of the security guards in front of her.

The security guard quickly grabbed Tang Wan's hand and twisted it in the opposite direction. Tang Wan screamed because of the pain! New Bayi Chinese website first released https:// https://

"It's up to you! I want to see the hotel manager! Do you treat consumers like this?"

Under Tang Wan's big call, the hotel manager really appeared.

With a pleasant smile on his face, he walked through the crowd and walked in front of Tang Wan:

"Hello! I'm the hotel manager. What do you need?"

"Your hotel is hosting a large wedding, and there is no one to maintain order? My daughter-in-law was taken away!"

The hotel manager kept smiling and said: "Hello. This is also unexpected, and we are helpless. In full view, if two people go out together, I am afraid that it is not to snatch it, but to go together willingly."

The reporters and the crowd onlookers agreed with the hotel manager's law, and agreed with each other.

Tang Wan was about to be forced out of internal injuries, and then roared: "Also! Your hotel security guards ignored them, but blocked the door and beat people!"

The hotel manager shook his head, shrugged, and said helplessly: "The security guards can't help it. This is required by the superior."

Tang Wan was almost dizzy, she still felt unstable after taking off her high heels.

"Is that right?" Tang Jian, who came back to his senses, walked off the stage and held Tang Wan in time. "My wedding was unsuccessful. Don't even want to charge a penny at your hotel! We ask for a full refund!"

This kind of refund directly affects the hotel's revenue, which is something that every hotel manager is afraid of.

What's more, the scale of Tang’s wedding is relatively large. After one, it can be said to be the hotel’s most successful project this month!

However, the hotel manager did not show the slightest sadness. He nodded to Tang Jian and said:

"This is okay. We can not only refund in full, but also give you a certain amount of financial compensation. After all, marriage is a major event in life, and there is no way to make up for the psychological trauma of an accident at the wedding."

Hearing the words of the hotel manager, Tang Jian made his fists even more angry and wanted to hit someone!

"Your hotel is too much! I will definitely complain to you! Don't think that you can send us with a little compensation! I want your hotel to have trouble eating! Wait and see!"

Tang Jian gave the hotel manager a vicious look, and used the most vicious tone to make the most vicious threatening words!