My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 469: The presidential suite heads to live


The hotel manager did not rush, and smiled indifferently, and responded:

"Hello. Do what you want. Our hotel will bear all responsibilities and consequences. Please rest assured."

Tang Jian's eyes split, pointing to the nose of the hotel manager, but he was speechless.

Tang Wan saw that her son was bullied by a hotel manager on the day of his wedding.

She tried her best to stand out from the crowd and cried to the reporters:

"Friends from reporters! Come and expose this black heart hotel! We spent a lot of money to hold a wedding here. An accident occurred. The hotel security staff ignored it and blocked the exit! The hotel manager is even more arrogant and has no sense of responsibility. !"

Tang Wan burst into tears.

Finally, she took a sip of water, exhausted her last strength, and as a well-known female entrepreneur in the city, she shouted a popular slogan—

"Unscrupulous merchants, oppress the people!"

The photographers on the scene pressed the shutter one after another.

Entertainment reporters don't have much empathy to appease Tang Wan, and they don't plan to record irresponsible things about the Thunder Hotel in today's press release.

They are only interested in-

Who took the bride away? Why do you look willingly? Who on earth was Tang Jian wearing the green hat? After the wedding accident, how miserable was the Tang family's mother and son? Will Down's company directly decline in performance

A grand wedding has thus become an unprecedented farce.


Jia Meng, who was settled in a room in the Thunder Century Hotel, woke up in a coma.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and found that she was lying on a soft and huge sex.

Where am I

Jia Meng looked at the gorgeous crystal lamp above his head, and then looked at the exquisite furnishings in the room, thinking that he had strayed into whose home!

She clearly remembers the name, and was taken away by two waiters after she fainted yesterday!

Could it be that she was sold by the waiter

Jia Meng picked up the card book on the bedside table and saw the words "Welcome to Thunder Century Hotel", and he was relieved.

But looking at it, it doesn't look like an ordinary guest room at all!

At least the decoration is extraordinarily luxurious.

Jia Meng stepped out of the bed and found that there was another larger room outside the room, as well as a business-dedicated living room. The living room was as big as a home hall, and there was a study room with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. The cloakroom for the most popular clothes and hats nowadays! A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

How much does it cost to stay in a room like this one night!

Jia Meng ran out the door, and the nameplate on the door was shining with gold and four characters: "Presidential Suite"!

Jia Meng is absolutely sure that he was not sold by the waiter, but was miserable!

It turned out that the waiter specially brought her here in order to increase her performance...

What happened yesterday, Ha, still flashed in her mind, but when she thought that if the waiter hadn't appeared in time, she would definitely make a fool of herself in front of the reporter, so she felt relieved.

Jia Meng can't think too much, just want to work in the company for the first time.

"Check out." Jia Meng walked to the front desk of the hotel, gritted his teeth, and took out his credit card to settle the bill.

It's as much as you want. Jia Meng thought cruelly.

The sister at the front desk did not accept the room card with both hands, nor did she accept the card handed over by Jia Meng, courtesy:

"Hello, sister. Someone has paid for your room. You leave the school directly. Besides, this room will always be reserved for you. You can come here anytime."

"Huh?" Jia Meng woke up in the morning and rubbed half of his glasses because he didn't believe what was in front of him.

The receptionist saw her confusion and reconfirmed: "You heard that right, this room will be your home in the future, you can always find us if you need it."

"Yeah. I want to ask, is this Marai's arrangement?" Jia Meng didn't need to go through his brain to think that he must have done it.

"Sister Jia, you don't need to ask more. Anyway, just live in peace of mind!"


Jia Meng didn't have time to chat anymore, turned and left.

Marley, didn't he ran up to the stage yesterday and led the bride away

Why is he still in the mood to care about her alone

Jia Meng walked out of the hotel and was about to take a taxi.

A familiar sapphire Maybach appeared in front of him, and the windows of the car slowly dropped, revealing a charming and angular face.

The door was pushed open.

Marley got out of the car and put Jia Meng into the position of the co-pilot.

"I'll take you to work." Marei seemed to have completely forgotten what happened at Tang Jian's wedding yesterday, with a cold face as if nothing had happened.

"Where did the bride go?" Jia Meng couldn't help it anymore and had to ask clearly.

"Go where she should go."

"I thought you were going to elope with your bride!"

"I only elope with you." The car was about to turn, Marley's head tilted slightly, passing over Jia Meng's shoulder, and a clear breath followed.

"Why did you do this yesterday?"

"Troubled Tang Jian's wedding."

Jia Meng couldn't smile: "I admit that I had thoughts like that, but you played too much! If you didn't say anything else, I took the bride away..."

"This is the best way to make trouble."

"But why does Qingyan follow you? Does she like you?" Jia Meng only felt a surge of sour gas.

"I don't know. I don't like her anyway." Marley's answer sounded absent-minded, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Jia Meng recalled the embarrassment of being surrounded by photography lights and reporters for questioning yesterday, and still vaguely felt pain in his brain.

No matter what the purpose is, the situation like yesterday, when she needs him most, no matter what the purpose is, he shouldn't leave her alone like this!

"Do you know? When a bunch of reporters surrounded me yesterday, I really couldn't support it. At that moment, I just wanted to lean in your arms and hope you can stand up and help me. But! You disappeared! I can only lean in the arms of the two hotel attendants in the end! You are just going to hold the bride's hand!"

Jia Meng is like a resentful woman, pouring out his unhappiness.

Marley did not respond, and there was a trace of unnoticeable happiness in his dark eyes.

He just pulled out the tissue and handed it to Jia Meng.

The Thunder Century Hotel is not far from the Wangmeng Technology Building. Coupled with the speed of the Maybach, the car arrived soon.

"I didn't cry!" Jia Meng quickly closed the tears in his eyes, and did not pick up Marley's tissues at all.

Marei didn't intend to explain to Jia Meng why she left her yesterday, but only gently reminded:

"You have arrived at the company. I will pick you up after get off work at night."