My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 476: Acquisition plan


After a few.

Corporate finance meeting.

Jia Meng and Li Lu sat side by side at the head of the conference table.

The chief financial officer is reading the financial report with a heavy tone:

"In the quarter that just ended, the company suffered the worst loss in history. Judging from the current turnover, there has been a serious shortage of income. Our advertising sales fell by 60 year-on-year, and we lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Compared with the same period last year, it is really horrible..."

Thinking about it, the chief financial officer even felt like he wanted to choke.

The people at the conference table couldn't help but bow their heads, looking extremely depressed.

Jia Meng comforted: "Our company management believes that with the adjustment of the business plan and the launch of new products, as long as everyone works together, sales and profit will be improved rapidly in the next few months!" Tiancaiyi Seconds to remember 噺バ一Chinese 8/1/z/o/m/

The chief financial officer worried Zhongzhong: "Chairman Jia, we know and we believe, but at the moment, what we are facing is the cruel problem of not being paid for employees."

Jia Meng frowned, looking for expedient measures: "Can we borrow from the bank first. In any case, we must first guarantee the employees' wages."

"This..." The chief financial officer looked in distress, "Jia Dong, it is true that we have lost money for three consecutive quarters, and our current qualifications do not meet the bank lending standards..."

The director of the personnel department tentatively said: "Next, I'm afraid it will be layoffs?"

"According to Dong Jia's plan, even if the new product is launched, even if it can turn losses into profits, it will take at least one quarter to make a profit. But at the moment, if you want to survive, I am afraid that the only trick is to lay off employees..." Finance The director whispered the truth.

When it comes to layoffs, the senior executives of the company's various departments frowned and sighed.

Jia Meng only felt that the apex of his heart was trembling, and there was a sudden powerless blessing.

Since taking the position of chairman of the Internet Dream, she dare not slack off at all.

But at this moment, she felt helpless and hopeless, but she couldn't fall down.

After the senior executives of various departments sighed, their eyes turned to Jia Meng and Li Lu who were on the chair of the conference table-

"What should we do next?"

"The most terrifying thing about layoffs is not who layoffs, but the fear of panic."

"Our company can have many veteran employees who are more than five years old, and finally they are trained and laid off?"

"It's not good to lay off new employees. New employees have no experience and need this job even more."


Jia Meng took a deep breath, drank half a bottle of water suddenly, calmed down and comforted:

"Don't worry, everyone, the purpose of this meeting is to find a solution to the current predicament."

A company executive stood up angrily and questioned:

"What else can I do? The advertising space of the Net Dream Portal cannot be sold, and the new product cycle is long and unclear. Isn't it layoffs? It is better to speed up the time and determine the number of layoffs in each department. We will arrange it early!"

"Oh..." The chief financial officer, as the person who brought the unfortunate news to everyone, only sighed in response.

Other high-level officials on the conference table followed suit. New Bayi Chinese website debut

When everyone was depressed and desperate, Li Lu's delicate makeup showed a charming smile.

"Mr. Li, what are you laughing at? The company is like this!" The personnel director complained a little bit of crying.

"Hahaha..." Li Lu smiled happily.

She was like a lunatic, laughing so that the whole conference room was shaking.

Jia Meng hurriedly tugged Li Lu, and said to everyone: "President Li may not be able to accept such a situation for a while. The emotional fluctuations are relatively large, please don't be affected."

Li Lu suddenly put a smile away, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes glanced at Jia Meng, and then showed them to everyone with a faint smile, and said in a clear voice:

"I have a plan. It can not only save the company from the current crisis, but also ensure that the company does not need to lay off employees. I wonder if everyone is interested?"

When everyone saw Li Lu's appearance, it didn't seem like a joke at all, and they all raised their ears with anticipation.

"real or fake?"

"Mr. Li, you still have a way!"


Jia Meng is also a little sick and wants to go to the hospital, as long as he can save the difficulties in front of Wang Meng!

She didn't mind what Li Lu did before, she just wanted to find the best solution.

Li Lu took out a document from under the stage and said:

"Tell everyone the good news that Thunder Group has decided to acquire our wholly-owned Net Dream Technology. As long as all of our shareholders are willing to sell their shares, they will buy at the stock price before Net Dream’s delisting. As long as they become a subsidiary of Thunder Group, the current capital The shortage, with their wealth and strength, can completely save our immediate crisis."

After that, Li Lu swept the document in front of everyone.

Jia Meng only felt his eyes were stung by a line of shocking words—

Thunder Group's acquisition of NetDream Technology Plan!

The senior management looked at each other and spoke dumb.

Li Lu put the plan in front of Jia Meng and said, "Dong Jia, please check it out for yourself! Personally, I think that the conditions given by the Thunder Group are very attractive!"

Jia Meng read it unintentionally, and felt heartbroken just by looking at the title on the cover.

NetDream Technology is the hard work of his father Jia Ming's life. Once acquired, the name NetDream Technology may no longer be used!

No matter what, she didn't want Net Dream Technology to disappear into her own hands.

That way, in this life, I am afraid that I will have a conscience.

However, even as the chairman of the board, she has a lot of involuntary things.

If large-scale layoffs can save the immediate crisis, then what is the corporate image of NetDream Technology

Jia Meng looked at the senior staff in various departments at the conference table, and they were extremely reluctant to face layoffs.

Seeing that Jia Meng did not respond, Li Lu struck while the iron was hot to solicit opinions from everyone:

"What do you think about this. Why don't we vote for the senior staff first. From the perspective of business operations, everyone thinks that we should accept the acquisition of the Thunder Group, and we will call the board of directors to vote again?"

The worried Zhongzhong’s financial director first raised his hand: “I agree to accept the acquisition. I am an old employee of the company. I don’t want to see the company fall into an unprecedented crisis, but I can’t do anything about it.”

The human resources director also followed up with a watch: "I also agree with the acquisition plan of the Thunder Group. The company’s talents are carefully cultivated, and the current number of personnel is not too saturated. I really don’t want to see financial problems It directly leads to the loss of talents!"

Immediately afterwards, the top executives of other departments also raised their hands in turn.

Li Lu smiled with flowers on her face, and hung her hands high above her head, for fear that people would not see it!