My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 477: Isn't this the boss of King?


Jia Meng was stunned in his seat, not wanting to speak for a long time.

Li Lu aggressively said: "It seems that the company's senior staff have agreed to accept the acquisition plan of Thunder Group. I will wait for the board of directors to make a final decision tomorrow!"

"Right. Mr. Jia?" Li Lu's delicate hand used a lot of energy to poke the dazed Jia Meng hard.

Jia Meng looked at the eagerly anticipated eyes of every senior person on the conference table. He had no choice but to nod his head in agreement.

The immediate task is that being acquired by Thunder is a better choice for the company's business development and employee treatment.

It’s just that thinking of his newly-departed father and thinking of Net Dream Technology is his life’s painstaking effort...

Then think of the fixed equity of 20 that my mother left for her in the divorce settlement...

Jia Meng felt that countless sharp knives were piercing her heart, making her feel painful.

In this way, it was originally a company financial meeting, but it became a voting meeting to accept the acquisition!

The next day, Li Lu quickly notified the organization of a board meeting.

On this day, she came to the meeting room early, just like on the day of the shareholders' meeting, she thought she was the chairman of the Internet Dream.

Li Lu's face is decorated with exquisite and charming face, wearing a high-definition business lady suit, and her big red lips are even more beautiful and saucy.

The news that Thunder Group intends to acquire NetDream Technology as a wholly-owned subsidiary has already reached the ears of all shareholders.

The issue of who will be the chairman of the board is no longer important to the shareholders.

They only worry about whether their own interests are damaged and whether Net Dream Technology can survive the day of profitability.

After everyone was in place, Li Lu, as the general manager, took up part-time job as a moderator when he was a secretary—

"Hello everyone. It's the eventful season for the company. In this month, we have held a shareholder meeting and a board of directors. We elected a new chairman and determined the company's business plan and new product launch plan. This is today. The theme of an emergency board meeting was self-explanatory, which was to make a statement about the acquisition of Net Dream by Thunder."

Jia Meng endured the pain in his heart and tried his best to make the final fight-

"Dear shareholders, uncles and uncles, I'm sorry. Before our new product went online to make a profit, the company's finances had already suffered a serious financial crisis. However, I firmly believe that the difficulties will be overcome. Regarding the acceptance of the Thunder acquisition, I personally vote against it. ticket."

"Net Dream is the hard work of my father throughout his life, and it is also a country that has been fighting side by side with you. Now I am going to fall into a trapped situation. I really can't bear it..." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏ ~1zщ.còм

The old shareholders of the board of directors who were present at Jia Meng's emotional card took off their glasses and wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of their eyes.

Li Lu’s cynicism quickly came out: “Speaking lightly. I am the person Jia Tianming has been with him for the longest time during his lifetime. Don’t I want to keep his efforts? But, I think Jia Tianming is in the spirit of the sky, compared to the company that was acquired. Everything, he cares more about the situation of the employees of Net Dream!"

The well-prepared Li Lu was right and confident, and soon those few who had just been veteran shareholders temporarily left behind the arduous process of starting a business, and paid more attention to their own interests-

"Miss Li is right. I agree with her on this point.

"What we need is the company's profitability, not just a reputation."

"Anyone can buy, as long as the interests of our shareholders are not violated!"

After the voting, the board of directors became one-sided.

Obviously, the shareholders have raised their hands unanimously to agree to accept the acquisition plan of Thunder.

As the chairman of the board, Jia Meng, even if he has a veto, can't insist on opposing it.

Jia Meng was so desperate that teardrops rolled in his eyes, but he could only look up at the ceiling slightly, letting the teardrops flow back.

Li Lu was so excited that she jumped on her high heels and thanked all shareholders again and again.

"Let's end the meeting." Jia Meng was frustrated, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

If the acquisition of Wang Meng by Thunder is a foregone conclusion, then she only hopes that the day will not come too soon!

"Hold on!" Li Lu patted the conference table with her hand, signaled the shareholders not to leave, and hurriedly staged her next script. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

She picked up the phone and sent Marley an Annunciation message: "I've done it here. Come in."

Marley had been waiting nearby for a long time, and returned a "good" word in seconds.

"Is there anything else?"

"Everyone voted unanimously to accept the Thunder's acquisition!"

"Why didn't the meeting leave?"

The successive meetings held this month have already made shareholders a little impatient.

With a smug look on Li Lu's face, she tilted her head and nose, and solemnly announced:

"I just received the news that the general manager of Thunder Group's business department, that is, President Ma, who is solely responsible for this acquisition, will come over later to make the final communication with our board of directors. Maybe you can sign on the spot!"

Seeing Li Lu's performance, Jia Meng is not difficult to guess that this is clearly a good play written and directed by Li Lu.

She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the board meeting, and at the same time contact the general manager of Thunder, and directly force the palace to sign!

After all, the longer you let things like acquisition, the easier it is to have more dreams at night.

Jia Meng's eyes were leaning towards Li Lu's smug face, the anger that burned in his heart was getting higher and higher, but he had to maintain an outward harmony among everyone.

The representative shareholders of the board of directors, upon hearing such news, all their reactions were shocked-

"I have long heard that the Thunder Group is vigorous and resolute. It really deserves its reputation!"

"Yes, it's too efficient! As soon as our board of directors has finished voting, the general manager over there is here!"

"The general manager of Thunder Group is Ma Xiaotian, Mr. Ma and our dead Mr. Jia started their business almost at the same time. Alas, now...

Thinking of Ma Xiaotian, Jia Meng didn't want to see him.

However, once Wang Meng was acquired, she had to call him "the boss"!

The door of the conference room was pushed in after a few knocks.

Only one person came in, a young and tall man.

The man's eyes were cold, and he didn't look at anyone when he came in. He just took out a thick acquisition agreement from his briefcase and said seriously:

"Hello everyone. I am the newly appointed general manager of Thunder Group. Today, taking advantage of the board of directors of Net Dream, we will go through the acquisition contract as soon as possible, and we will finalize it today."

The representative of Thunder Group is more efficient than shareholders imagined!

However, what is even more shocking is that this person is not Ma Xiaotian, but Marley!

The shareholders of the board of directors were all scared to stand up!

"Isn't this the overseas shareholder of Wangmeng, the boss of King with 1 share? How..."

"Yes, boss King, when did you become the general manager of Thunder Group?"