My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 479: New mission


Marley's cold brows flashed a faint light, and his thin lips uttered three words: "For you."

"For me?" Jia Meng sneered, "In the name of accompany me back to China, it is actually to take away our Jia family's company! King boss, you hide so deeply!"

"You will understand later."

"What else do I need to understand? You are now the actual controller of NetDream. I am just a shareholder. I know you don't even want to miss the shares in my hands, but I tell you that I will not transfer it to you if I die. of!"

"Your shares, I never planned to ask for it. In the future, I plan to..." Marley hesitated.

The plan in his heart is to give all the acquired shares to Jia Meng in the future.

However, he must not be exposed before the Thunder Group is fully in his hands.

"In the future, do you plan to kick me out of Net Dream Technology? Or, do you plan to incorporate Net Dream into Thunder's structure and become a division of Thunder? Do you still want me to kneel down and beg you and give me a meal? Eat?" New Bayi Chinese website first published https:// https://

Jia Mengqing's face was pale by the resentment in his heart.

She wanted to cry hard, cry for her incompetence, and cry for her own incompetence. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Marei was silent for a long time, trying to explain something, but made no attempt to say anything.

"You will always be the chairman of Netdream Technology, and this will never change."

When Marley finished, he turned and left.

Without waiting for Jia Meng to return the next sentence, he only left the word "Take care" and left.

Jia Meng lay down in the conference room, facing the empty seats, relieved to cry loudly.

In the past, whenever she was fragile and helpless, she was comforted in Marai's generous and warm embrace.

She knew that in the future, she could only hug herself tightly.

"Dad. Mom. In any case, I won't give up." Jia Meng said silently in his heart while wiping tears.

She returned to the office with red eyes and continued to devote herself to work.

After Mare left, he drove the Maybach and wandered the streets of the city for a long time.

Jia Meng's heartbroken face seemed to have been engraved in his mind, unable to calm down for a long time.

Go back to Ma's house.

Ma Xiao and Madam Ma are cuddling each other in the lobby watching TV, as if they have entered retirement early.

Ma Lei walked over, took out the thick stock transfer agreement signed today from his briefcase, put it on the table, and said to Ma Xiao:

"Dad, this is the share transfer agreement of the major shareholder of NetDream Technology. So far, more than 60 acquisitions have been completed."

Ma Xiao was so excited that he turned off the TV set, put on reading glasses, picked up the signed agreements, and read them one by one. He was very excited-

"Good. Very good! Leizi, you are very efficient and capable, and Dad is very satisfied."

Madam Ma also responded, her eyes didn't want to fall on Marai's face, which resembled his mother, but she still praised her:

"Everyone in the city knows that Thunder and Net Dream are the two largest companies. Now Net Dream has been acquired by Thunder, what a shining thing it is to spread out! It's all the credit of Lei Zi. Tonight Come on, I'm going to cook myself and treat you well."

Madam Ma was about to get up and go to the kitchen, but Marley waved his hand:

"No. I want to take a break."

"Okay. Rest. This child seems to be really exhausted, so he doesn't even want to eat dinner." Wenqing was refused to talk about Mrs. Ma, and said to Ma Xiao, calming himself.

Ma Xiaoming clearly could see that Marley just subconsciously didn't want to accept Ma Furao's hospitality, so he dismissed Madam Ma: "Aren't you going for the spa yet? It's time to go out."

"Yes, yes, how did I forget! Look at my mind." Madam Ma responded tacitly, and she laughed at herself and went out with her bag.

In the empty lobby of the Ma's villa, only the father and son Ma Xiao and Marei were left.

"Leizi, do you have something to follow me?" The shrewd Ma Xiao had sharp eyes.

"Dad, I want to talk to you about the development plan of NetDream Technology after the acquisition."

"You are already the general manager of the company, and you acquired the shares. You can arrange your own future development and you don't need to report to me."

Ma Xiao seemed to really just want to be a hand-scraper, but soon asked with concern: "Look, what are you going to do?"

Marley's eyes were scattered on the share agreement on the table, methodically:

"Net Dream is an old company for many years. It is not appropriate to merge directly into the Thunder Group. I plan to operate as an independent subsidiary. No matter the staffing, business operation, and management personnel, it will remain intact. . We only do financial support and control."

Ma Xiao stared at Marley with a slightly questioning look for a few seconds. The wrinkles on his face became denser with the frowning of his brows.

"There are no other problems. It's just that the management staff stays intact, does it mean that the chairman's position is not changed?"


"Confused!" Ma Xiao's tone suddenly rose, "Are you still feeling sorry for Jia Jiajia? Besides, we have promised Li Lu, as the chairman of the board, as a return for her to facilitate the acquisition!"

"No. First, Jia Jia is currently a 30-year-old WangDeng shareholder, the second largest shareholder after me, and Li Lu currently has no shares in hand."

"Secondly, Net Dream has just acquired it. Once there is a disturbance at the highest level, I am afraid that it will cause civil unrest, which is not conducive to subsequent development."

The more Ma Xiao listened, the more he felt something reasonable, and he calmed down a bit, and his tone became calmer: "Continue."

Marley nodded, and then came out the reason why he had been typing countless times along the way:

"Thirdly, the shareholders meeting of NetDream Technology has determined the new product plan not long ago. Sister Jia is currently leading the R&D and online work. I think that after she completes the task and successfully turns NetDream technology back into profit, we will turn her into profit. … It’s not too late to withdraw."

"Haha, that's how it is." Ma Xiao clapped his hands and applauded.

His questioning of Marley's selfishness was completely eliminated by this well-founded, clear-thought-out explanation, and only his thoughtful appreciation for this son was left in his heart.

"The last time you completed the acquisition of NetDream Technology, will a board of directors be held?" Ma Lei took advantage of the opportunity to remind Ma Xiao that it is time to hand over the position of chairman of Thunder Group.

But Ma Xiao heard a little urgency, but he became vigilant. He drew out a cigar, lit it, and smoked it, while venting a smoke ring:

"Son, you are so capable. Before Dad retires, there is one more difficult thing to leave to you. I wonder if you are also willing to share the worries for Dad?"