My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 487: The Tang company's death is not long


The same busy tone response.

Tang Xiaowan was agitated and held her son Tang Xiaojian's hand tightly.

"Son, will today's proposal be stale..."

"No! No!" Tang Xiaojian muttered silently, shaking his head in disbelief, sending messages and making calls in cycles with his fingers.

In the public relations outsourcing industry, there is an unwritten rule. If Party B fails to complete the proposal within the agreed time for proposal, it is a great fault.

In the light of the cooperation, it is invalidated, and the serious is the compensation for breach of contract.

When Tang's mother and child were anxious, the hour hand was already pointing to 10 o'clock in the morning.

The proposal event agreed upon by Tang Culture and Hanlin Mansion is here!

Manager Wang of the Hanlin Mansion stood up and spoke condescendingly from the chair of the conference table:

"Are you all from the Tang family? Let's start the proposal."

The tall Tang Xiaojian stood up with his back as he could, as if his spine couldn't stand up, he said with embarrassment on his face:

"Sorry, the colleague in charge of the proposal in our company may...may be temporarily unable to come due to temporary problems. Please wait a moment, we are already in urgent contact!"

"Yes! My colleagues at the Hanlin Mansion, I apologize to you on behalf of the Tang family." Tang Xiaowan, who has always been arrogant, also bowed her head and apologized for help.

In the business world, regardless of personal status, Party A will always be better than Party B.

Several representatives of the Hanlin Mansion became restless--

"What are you doing? Can't give a proposal at the appointed time?"

"The company is eager to find outsourcing to do public relations marketing programs just because the real estate is in a hurry to open the market!"

"If the Tang family loses the chain, the progress of the real estate opening will also be affected!"

"More than just an impact? It's a fatal blow, with heavy losses!"

"Yes, the opening day of the real estate is a lucky day carefully selected by the chairman. It is hard to explain if you miss it!"

"Don't say it was chosen by the chairman. If this opportunity is missed, there will be real estate competition from other real estate companies. We have suffered heavy losses!"


The mother and son of the Tang family only wanted to contact Chen Qingyan, but they listened every word of the questioning remarks that clearly did not give face.

If Chen Qingyan was there, Tang Xiaojian would definitely run up in the face of doubts. He would rather not have money, but would have the strength to protect his wife and slap them in the face.

But at the moment, he knew he was wrong, and only smiled with embarrassment on his face.

One morning passed quickly.

The Tang family's mother and son laughed and apologized for a while.

Chen Qingyan still couldn't see anyone, and still couldn't get in touch.

Manager Wang of the Hanlin Mansion really couldn't bear the anger. Relying on the large number of people, a group of people surrounded the mother and son of the Tang family, and sternly accused:

"I have always heard that although the Tang's public relations department was newly established, it has been well-known in the public relations outsourcing industry in recent months. Now, it is impossible to hand over the plan within the agreed time?"

Tang Xiaojian felt that the laughing face was stiff and numb, and he was too lazy to apologize. He only stepped back and said: "Manager Wang, we have some accident here. The colleague in charge of the proposal cannot be contacted for the time being, but you can rest assured that the case will be determined today I can hand it over!"

"Yes, why don't we hand over the case to you today, and then make a formal proposal another day!" Tang Xiaowan also pleaded in a low voice.

Manager Wang circled the terms of the public relations outsourcing contract and threw it in front of the Tang family’s mother and son. A few lines of shocking words entered their eyes for the first time-New Bayi Chinese website first published

Party B must submit the public relations outsourcing plan before the agreed major time points, otherwise it will be punished as a breach of contract, and the liquidated damages will be the agreed outsourcing amount.

Tang Xiaowan couldn't help but hugged Tang Xiaojian's arms, like high heels that needed support to stand firm.

She couldn't believe her eyes, twitching her mouth and questioning:

"Xiaojian, why did you sign this contract without seeing it clearly? The amount of outsourcing compensation for breach of contract? Isn't it an 8-digit figure?"

Tang Xiaojian suddenly smashed his head several times with his fist. He didn't even answer Tang Xiaowan's question, so he rushed out of the hotel's living room frantically.

Leaving Tang Xiaowan bowed and apologized again and again, explaining that most of the day could only end temporarily.

Tang Xiaojian realized that he had signed an unequal contract again because of his negligence!

At the beginning, he had been caught in the trap of Jia Tianming's contract and vowed to never make the same mistake again.

But he never expected that he would repeat it again after just a few months!

Tang Xiaojian stunned his head and drove to every place he thought Chen Qingyan might be.

Hotel. the company. dorm room. Tang Family Apartment. coffee shop.

Even the nearby parks and shopping malls have run all over again.

However, this newlywed wife disappeared strangely as if the world had evaporated. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Before Chen Qingyan and Tang Xiaojian were together, they had always been alone, and no one could provide any clues or information!

According to the requirements of the contract, today is the date of submission of the agreed plan.

Tang Xiaojian came to the company and yelled at the employees of the public relations department: "Does anyone know where Chen Qingyan has gone?"

The employees of the public relations department looked at each other and shook their heads unanimously.

They all thought that Tang Xiaojian was making fun, otherwise how could he not even find his new wife

Tang Xiaojian called everyone to the office again and asked sternly, "Who has the public relations marketing plan for Hanlin Mansion?"

The employee of the public relations department grieved: "Mr Tang Shao, this time the plan was completed by Qingyan alone. She didn't ask any of us for help..."

Tang Xiaojian came to Qingyan's empty seat, tried countless times, but couldn't unlock her computer password!

His angry roar spread throughout Tang's three-story office building: "Who can crack the computer password?"

A colleague from the IT technical department rushed over after hearing the sound: "Tang Shao, you can reinstall the system, but if the disk is encrypted, it must be formatted, and the data may be lost..."

"Get out! Get out of me!" Tang Xiaojian yelled with madness.

All the employees were so scared that they returned to their workstations, pretending to work hard, and did not dare to make a sound.

Tired and exhausted but unable to find Chen Qingyan and unable to get the proposal, Tang Xiaojian finally slumped in the door of the office, leaning on the door frame and fainted.

Tang Xiaowan hurried back to the company, saw this scene, and cried bitterly in front of the employees-

"Oh my God, what evil did our mother and son do..."

All the employees of Downs only guessed about what happened, but did not anticipate the serious consequences it would bring!

At this time, everyone was sitting in a corner of the company, covering his mouth and laughing.

He used his mobile phone to take a picture of the embarrassing appearance of the Tang family's mother and son, and then sent it to Ma Lei.

"Ma Boss, your move is really ruthless! Down's company is dead soon."