My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 488: This is all retribution


The corner of Marai's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes cast deep into the window of the Thunder Building office.

The national flag on the playground of the old middle school where he and Jia Meng met was fluttering in the wind.

He said silently in his heart: "My dear, we will soon be able to live the life we yearn for."

Sure enough, Ye Ye Ye predicted it.

Within a few days, Hanlin Mansion Real Estate Company brought a group of people into the Tang company.

The headed manager Wang kicked open the door of the president's office, dangling smoke, and exhaled thick smoke in front of the Tang family's mother and son:

"Mr. Tang, your Tang family is involved in breach of contract. Now our company has formally filed a request for compensation, which limits you to pay the liquidated damages to our company's account within one week from today." //

"Manager Wang, please! Let us be more generous." As the highest responsibility of the company, Tang Wan pleaded bitterly.

She knows the current financial situation of Down's company well. She knows that at the moment, maintaining daily expenses and staff costs are already at the limit.

Don't pay the 8-figure liquidated damages, even the mere 5-figure, she can't get it out.

The Hanlin Mansion Real Estate Company and his party not only didn’t mean to be lenient, but they also made things worse-

"Mr Tang, the contract is written very clearly in black and white. When you signed the contract, didn't you see the money open and you signed it easily? Now you have to fulfill your responsibilities!"

Tang Jian blocked Tang Wan behind him. At this time, the first thing he had to do was to protect his mother.

However, talking about the disaster Chen Qingyan brought to the Tang company still left him with no confidence, so he could only continue to plead:

"Brothers, there were indeed flaws in the signing of our contract. The public relations plan of the Hanlin Mansion was also available to our company, but the original person in charge was missing! As long as you give three more time limits, I guarantee that our public relations department will be able to hand it over. A plan that satisfies you!"

Manager Wang headed by the Hanlin Mansion sneered, and his contemptuous eyes swept across the gloomy faces of the Tang family's mother and son:

"Remember. Within seven days, if we don't receive compensation in our company's account, we will see you in court."

After that, the group of people from the Hanlin Mansion left.

All Tang employees fell into silence.

In the gossip chat group that is active on weekdays, no one came up with a word.

Everyone vaguely felt that the company was about to face a catastrophe.

As an ordinary employee, you might not be able to keep your job. Who else is in the mood to talk about management's gossip

Tang Jian took out the car key and put it on Tang Wan's desk—

"Mom, let's sell my car. Just keep your car for the two of us."

Tang Jian took out his room card again and put it on the table—

"Mom, my apartment can also be sold. It will be more convenient for me to move in and live with you."

Tang Wanping cried loudly in front of Tang Jian: "Son, you don't need to do this. At that time, you tried to oppose the signing of the Thunder Group subsidiary contract. I blamed me for seeing money open! No, I should blame Chen Qingyan!

Speaking of Qingyan, Tang Jian's heart is cold, but his eyes are full of hot sex.

He thought of the scene at the wedding where Qing Yan was directly pulled away by a man, and he predicted that Qing Yan was not missing at all, but was deliberately hiding.

When Tang Wan lost control, Tang Jian remained calm, and he slowly:

"Mom, don't regret the past. I know the company's current financial difficulties, and the current 8-figure liquidated damages, I think only if we change the seller's property, can we fill this hole."

"Stupid son, all my savings have been used to supplement the company. The 8-figure penalty is not 10 million, but 80 million! We don't have enough money even if we sell the house and the car!" Tang Wan sobbed, her mouth The teeth are fighting.

Tang Jian behaved extremely calmly, he really regretted his lavish spending on weekdays!

Thinking of the experience of spending one hundred thousand yuan in the game at the beginning, this moment is only annoying!

"And the family trust fund you gave me, I think I will take it out and fill it out. Mom, let's pay as much as you can!"

Tang Wan cried harder, tears swayed on Tang Jian's shoulders like a flood.

If Tang Jian's jacket is not waterproof, it must be soaked!

"Son, why are you so stupid! Never! The money of the family trust is independent. Even if the company goes down, Mom will make sure that you can live the rest of your life."

"Farewell, that's it." Tang Jian looked stupid and firm.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the president's office.

Tang Wan wiped her tears and sat back on the office chair, pretending to be in the office as if nothing had happened.

The person who came in was Ye Ye Ye, the head of the audio department.

He looked respectful and nodded to the Tang family's mother and son respectively.

"What's the matter with you?" Tang Wan asked.

This was the first employee who took the initiative to provoke Tang's mother and son after the company's accident.

"President Tang, I want to ask, when can the invitation fee for the voice actors of the new drama last time be approved?" Ye Ye Ye obviously came to make up for the knife.

"Cough-cough..." Tang Wan said flickeringly, "This, I call finance to resolve it as soon as possible."

Ye Ye Ye went on to fall into trouble: "If the funding cannot be approved within this week, the company’s new drama may not be of good quality. As you know, most of our filming locations are in downtown areas with a lot of noise. It is unusable. If the quality cannot pass, it cannot pass the review, let alone broadcast!"

Tang Wan originally only wanted to hit the swollen face and fill the fat man to send out Ye Ye Ye, but he knew the reason and poked the pain deeply!

Tang's new drama can be described as exhausting the manpower, material and financial resources of the entire company!

When the company was facing a financial crisis, this ignorant employee had to come to remind her that the new drama might be going to be pornographic!

Tang Wan suddenly became hideous, pointing at Ye Ye Ye, then at the door, yelling loudly, as if trying to make everyone in the staff area hear:

"Come on from the personnel department! I announce that from now on, Ye Ye Ye will be expelled!"

Ye Ye Ye did not show the sad expression that a normal employee should have on his face, smiled, and went back to the work station to pack his things.

He has been lurking in the Tang company for a long time, and the task Marley entrusted to him has been completed. It is time to leave with confidence!

Not long after, Tang Wan added: "There is also Chen Qingyan! Also fire her for me!"

There was silence outside the staff area.

In the office of the president, Tang Wan's heart-piercing howling and crying sounded like a mournful cry—

"What kind of sin did I commit! This is all retribution! Retribution!"