My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 495: Chen Qingyan's choice


"Can you tell me what's the matter first?" Chen Qingyan had tears in her eyes.

Ma Xiao's gloomy voice came through the earpiece, making Qingyan chill:

"The board of directors of Mingleiting Group, take the time to come over. I want you to report that Marley used improper means to acquire the Tang company. As a person of the Tang company, you must be very convincing.

"Hmm..." Chen Qingyan choked up after hanging up the phone.

As the guns in the hands of the Ma family father and son Zeng in turn, Qingyan first betrayed Marei, and then devoted himself to Ma Xiao's mission.

When Ma Xiao asked her to cooperate with Marei to complete the Downs acquisition, she thought the father and son were on the same front.

Unexpectedly, Ma Xiao did not intend to let Mare go after all!

The next day. Thunder Group's board of directors.

The Thunder Group is a family business. Under the control of Ma Xiao, the total shareholding of the Ma family and their relatives and friends accounted for almost 90%.

Therefore, as long as Ma Xiao speaks, the board of directors convenes obediently.

The process is often not about discussing anything, just announcing something.

It was less than half a month since the last announcement of the appointment of Marei as the general manager of Thunder Group.

And this time the theme of the board of directors is surprisingly "significant personnel changes."

The directors of the Ma family’s friends and relatives were a little bit angry early in the morning-

"Why does Ma Lao always have to change personnel recently..."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we people don't care, just come to witness."

"What can you change? Isn't it just the two positions of chairman and general manager?"

"Is it possible that Mr. Ma is officially passing the throne to Master Ma?"

"It's very likely! After all, Mr. Ma should retire when he is old! Just such a son!"

"Who is the chairman, who is the general manager! Anyway, our shares remain unchanged, and dividends remain unchanged!"

When the directors of Lei Ting were restless, Ma Xiao was still in the office with Erlang's legs tilted, and his mouth was drinking tea.

Marley opened the door and walked in: "Dad, the directors are here."

"I see." Ma Xiao got up and looked at Marley with a meaningful look, "Leizi, it seems you can't wait to wait for me to announce the appointment of you as chairman."

"Yes. This is my mother's dream." Marley looked directly at Ma Xiao's eyes, and did not shy away from the desire in his heart.

"Haha..." Ma Xiao smiled and patted Marley on the shoulder, "My son is really filial. Don't worry, today, Dad will give you a big surprise."

"Yeah." Ma Lei also responded with Ma Xiao's heavy shoulder slap, the corners of his mouth curled up and the arc of emotion was not visible.

The Thunder's board of directors opened for the second time this month.

Ma Xiao is still the same, aloft, not very polite, and straight to the point as soon as he stands up:

"Dear directors, we are calling everyone here today, mainly because there is a major personnel change to be announced."

The Thunder directors nodded unanimously, expressing their knowledge.

Isn’t it that Mr. Ma wants to pass on the chairmanship to his son

The director sitting next to Marais even couldn't restrain himself. He stretched out his hand in private and said, "Master Ma, please take care of him in the future."

Marley didn't pay any attention, but just kept quiet, and watched quietly what kind of job changes Ma Xiao would make.

He thought, this was the last time he gave this biological father a chance.

Ma Xiao was blind, looked at the opposite wall and announced his major decision-

"From now on, Marley will step down as the general manager of Thunder Group."

The directors of Lei Tingzhong were taken aback for a moment, before hearing Ma Xiao's next sentence, could not help asking:

"Ma Shaoye stepped down as general manager, is he going to be promoted to chairman?"

Ma Xiao smiled with a thick shadow, and replied:

"No. The chairman is still me, Ma Xiao."

The directors of Thunder were in an uproar--

"Ah? How could this be?"

"A good bet, the general manager has to change again?"

"Master Ma, haven't we acquired two companies in succession recently and the performance has been remarkable?"

"Why is it not a promotion, but a demotion?"

The director who took the initiative to give Marley a hand to hold it in advance, he hurriedly retracted his hand...

Only Marai, who seemed to be a "victim," sat motionless in his seat.

The entire face with paralyzed face is like a calm lake, and there is not a slight fluctuation that can be seen.

Ma Xiao clapped his hands and called Chen Qingyan in.

As if everything is already under his control, he is ready for any response:

"Everyone knows that since Ma Shaoye took office as chairman, the biggest achievement he has made is the continuous acquisition of two large companies in this city, namely Wangmeng Technology and Tang Culture. However, in the process of operation, he has adopted Proper means..."

The shareholders were dumbfounded.

Improper means? Everyone knows that this is a big deal.

How does Ma Xiao seem to have just removed his son's general manager position

This is obviously going to send him to the prison...

Ma Xiao clapped his hands, and two women came in from the door of the meeting room.

One is Li Lu and the other is Chen Qingyan.

Ma Xiao's gaze flicked across their faces in turn, nodding to convey some message, and then he continued after receiving a response:

“For example, before the acquisition of Wangmeng, he and Li Lujie Liying cooperated to defraud the board of directors. Later, in the process of acquiring the Tang family, they also used contract fraud instead of a legal acquisition method. This, Chen Qingyan, can also testify. "

The shareholders were so scared that they didn't dare to let one fart.

Who dares to criticize such a major event

Especially when both witnesses showed up...

There is such a strong evidence, who would dare to question

Li Lu arrogantly walked to Ma Xiao's side to help accuse Ma Lei:

"Chairman Ma’s right. When I bought WangDeng before, Ma Lei did ask me to cooperate with him in a threatening way to convince the shareholders to hand over the shares in hand, and then there was such a smooth acquisition. I choose to stand today. Here, I have admitted his own problems, but Marley must not evade his mistakes." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Ma Lei gave Jia Meng the positions of chairman and general manager of Wangmeng, and Li Lu held a grudge.

She knew that as long as she helped Ma Xiao testify and put the blame on Marley, she still hoped to take back everything that originally belonged to her!

Ma Xiao was very satisfied with Li Lu's performance. He also winked at Chen Qingyan on the other side, motioning to tell her that he should stand up like Li Lu and give Marei a fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qingyan did not walk to Ma Xiao's side, but chose to stand behind Ma Lei.

She burst into tears and pointed to Ma Xiao: "It's all him! He is the culprit! As a Tang employee, Ma Xiao can prove that Ma Xiao sent me to the Tang family as an undercover agent a few months ago! The contract issue was that I operated under the direction of Ma Xiao. Marley, just like me, was used as a gun by Ma Xiao!"