My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 498: Too powerful, still too terrible


I haven't seen it for a month, Li Lu is no longer the sexy, charming, enchanting young woman in her mind.

Her complexion looks a bit deep red, because of lack of maintenance and sun protection, there are also dark or light spots on her face.

The original smooth nose is also densely covered with black pits of different shades.

Long curly hair, because it has not been trimmed for a long time, the roots of the hair have grown black and straight hair, which contrasts sharply with the original chestnut-red dyed hair, which looks very inconsistent.

Her lips looked pale, chapped and extremely decadent.

It’s hard to imagine the kind of beauty that this woman once put on big red lips

"Li Lu..." Jia Meng called out her name.

At this moment, she is no longer Dad’s girlfriend, nor is she a competitor at work.

But it was just a poor woman whose age was similar to her.

Li Lu's disdainful eyes glanced over Jia Meng's face,:

"What are you doing here? See me making a joke? Life imprisonment. You will stay here for the rest of your life. You must be very happy!"

"Li Lu, in fact, we should have become good friends. If you hadn't listened to Ma Xiao, it would be great to run NetDream technology with me." Jia Meng.

"Hmph -" Li Lu sneered, "Sister Jia, are these still meaningful?"

"I have a question for you."

"Quick talk, let go if you have a fart."

Jia Meng raised his head, her eyes flashed with crystal tears, "Li Lu, what crime did you commit so that you would be sentenced to life imprisonment?"

Li Lu was stunned for a moment, then tossed her somewhat cumbersome hair, and replied:

"Hahaha! It seems that the news is strictly blocked outside. I see, your man Mare, but he doesn't want you to know at all! Are you sure, you really want to know?"

"Yes. I really want to." Jia Meng's heart was already tense while talking.

She should have guessed that Marley, who has become the chairman of the Thunder Group and the largest entrepreneur in the city, must have used some means to deceive something...

"Since you want to know, I'm not afraid to tell you. Anyway, I can't live without here..." Li Lu turned to the prison guard: "Are there any cigarettes? Give one."

The prison guard waved his hand and refused.

Jia Meng said to the prison guard: "You give her, I'll give you money."

The prison guard took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Li Lu.

Li Lu took a sip like a desperate woman in the dust, spitting out a long smoke ring, her blurred eyes falling on the white wall,:

"Ma Xiao and I seem to be suffering from commercial fraud. But what really got us sentenced to life imprisonment was murder!"

"Who did you kill?" Jia Meng's heart beat sharply, and there was a name that she never wanted to remember, which unconsciously appeared in her mind.

Li Lu's eyes were suddenly red as if they had been soaked in blood, staring wide and wide, looking straight into Jia Meng's eyes: "We killed Jia Ming! Yes, you heard that right, it's your father. He. I didn’t die from a stroke, but from the stimulus of a mental illness. How, I didn’t expect it? Haha..."

Jia Meng only felt that the chair behind him was as cold as water, piercing deeply into the skin behind her in the winter, and even into her blood vessels and deep into the bone marrow.

"Ma Xiao has always coveted NetDream Technology. After your father fell ill and was hospitalized, he found me and wanted to cooperate with me. He was responsible for finding a caregiver to put stimulant drugs in your father's meals, and I was responsible for when he was emotionally excited. , Give him verbal stimulation."

Jia Meng's palm is like an animal's claw, clasping it tightly on the tabletop, wishing to pierce his nails in.

"Stroke patients are the most taboo emotional ups and downs. After several times, your father died suddenly! The death rate of stroke patients is suddenly very high, and the hospital will not find it unless it is specifically investigated. How about a perfect murder, right?"

Jia Meng asked angrily:

"Why do you want to do this? For so many years, my dad gave you half the shares in his name and gave you a rich life materially! Even if you don't love each other so much, you won't want to take his life. Right! Even if it’s for money, you should know that after his death, I will be the only legal heir! What are you trying to do?"

"Hehe, what do I picture? Everyone just said that I pictured your father's money, right? Do you think I had no chance to find a better man than your father when I just graduated? My picture is...

When Li Lu got here, tears flowed from her blood-red eyes, running down her face and onto her chapped and pale lips.

"Woo..." Li Lu lay on the table and cried. The moment she raised her face, the cry stopped.

"I pictured your father's feelings! He was the first and only man I fell in love with in my life. But he never had me in his heart! Even if he gave me shares, it was out of guilt. From start to finish, he only loves your dead mother! I hate him. When Ma Xiao asked me to cooperate, I did not hesitate to agree! I exhausted my entire youth effort and couldn't get a sincere person. , Then let him die!" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/ New Bayi Chinese website first release https:// https://

Jia Meng's eyes were already full of tears, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, wishing to punch Li Lu in the face!

At this time, the prison guard interrupted their conversation and reminded: "There is only one minute left in the conversation between the two, please do it as soon as possible."

"No need to talk." Jia Meng stood up, just wanting to leave.

Although some answers only want to get, the pain they bring is bound to be endless.

"Wait." Li Lu stopped Jia Meng with a disdainful ridicule.

"Your man Marais is really amazing. He found out the true cause of your father's death. He also killed his relatives righteously and sent his father to the police station! Hehe, what's more, he blocked media news! In the dark, no one knows why economic crimes need to be sentenced to life imprisonment, hahaha..."

Li Lu let out a wanton laugh, looking a little crazy, and finally said: "You, your man Marai, are you too powerful or too scary

Jia Meng was speechless...

She struggled to get out of the prison with all her strength.

Li Lu's frantic laughter echoed in her ears, making her scalp numb.

The cause of father's death was so miserable.

What if she did not leave home without permission, did not elope to Australia with Marei, but stayed at Jia's house

Maybe Dad didn’t fall down so quickly, and he also suffered a stroke...

Or, if she was not with Marley that night, but resolutely returned to the ward to guard her father, maybe Li Lu would not have the opportunity to stimulate her father, and she would not...

There is no if.

There are only bloody facts and truths.

"Marei, are you too powerful or terrible?" Jia Meng muttered Li Lu's question, his head seemed to be full of sandbags, which was extremely heavy.