My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 502: I will wait for your knot to open


"I just don't want you to know the cruel truth behind the truth, and I'm worried that you can't bear it." Marley's breathing was a little cramped, his face pressed tightly against Jia Meng's back.

"Haha." Jia Meng sneered. In an instant, she seemed to understand everything further. "The purpose of your return to Thunder is to seize the chairmanship from Ma Xiaotian."


"I think, when you first knew that my father was murdered by the conspiracy of Ma Xiaotian and Li Lu, there was a little excitement in your heart! Because, you finally found the assassin that can defeat Ma Xiaotian! Before that, you Are you still distressed, what method will be used to achieve this victory?" Jia Mengru is a detective, solving the case rationally.

"Yes." Ma Lei did not deny, "The other half of the Thunder Group should belong to my mother, but Ma Xiaotian shared with Madam Ma. Over the years, I have not been able to let go..."

Marley had an urge to confide all his thoughts with Jia Meng.

Jia Meng leaned on the wall, stood up, and said to Mare who was still lying in the ocean ball pile:

"Everyone has unspeakable difficulties, Marais, I don't think I am in the mood to marry you right now."

Marei also stood up, took Jia Meng with both hands, and embraced her in her arms. Her dark eyes, like stars in the night, shot directly on Jia Meng's cheek, and said seriously:

"Okay. I respect your choice. I will wait for you until your knot opens. One day, you will marry me."


After some communication, Jia Meng felt a lot more relaxed.

At least, the words held in my heart have been vented out.

She leaned on Marai's chest, and the sound of her heartbeat, through her eardrums, hit her heart directly.

Jia Meng's heart beat violently.

Even if she felt a trace of fear for this deep man in her heart, her heartbeat betrayed her own sincerity.

This kind of strong love is irresistible even if you are unwilling to be rational under the circumstances!

"Before marrying me, what are your plans?" Marley asked Jia Meng unexpectedly.

"Of course I finish the new product I have on hand, and then go on the market! Hmph, when I achieve profitability, I want to buy back the shares in your hand! Wangmeng Technology, don’t have the name Leiting." Speaking of work Jia Meng's career is bursting!

"Okay. I'll wait and see." Marley's eyes were full of expectation.

He seems to have found the time for the next marriage proposal, ready to prepare for the next marriage proposal...

Jia Meng looked at everything familiar in the princess room, and his heart became calm and steady.

Finally, she returned to the home that once made her want to escape!

She tried every means to escape her father's control, but after he passed away, she honestly returned here!

"Thank you for buying this house."

The corner of Marai's mouth evokes a beautiful arc, and he is a little relieved: "You will live here in the future, as before, Aunt Liu will still take care of you, okay?"

"Okay. But since you bought this small courtyard a long time ago, why do you want to open a room for me at Thunder Century Hotel? Instead of calling me home?" Jia Meng's doubts followed.

Marei laughed, and stroked Jia Meng's cheek with his fingers.

"Miss Jia, I am a little worried about your performance now. Why is the IQ of the chairman of Net Dream still so IQ?"

"Take care of you! Give me a trick!" Jia Meng, whose brain short-circuited, slammed Marai's chest hard.

Ma Lei's expression suddenly became solemn, and he replied: "I'm worried that Ma Xiaotian will do it on you. He wouldn't dare to move you unless you live in a hotel under the banner of Thunder."

Jia Meng suddenly realized.

This man is as meticulous as the protagonist in a suspense drama. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"Humph! Fortunately, you are not a bad person. Otherwise, you can definitely be a serial killer in the suspense drama!" Jia Meng said a sentence that he was not sure whether he was complimenting or demeaning.


At this time, Aunt Liu's knock came from outside the door, and even the rhythm of the sound did not change.

What followed was a cry: "Miss Mengmeng! Miss Mengmeng!"

"Come!" Jia Mengyi still left Marley's arms, looked in the mirror, adjusted her makeup and hair, and opened the door.

This time, she opened the door very wide.

No longer need to be wary of someone like before, only show one head out to reply.

Aunt Liu followed the Ye clan husband and wife. The three of them opened their mouths unanimously when they saw the scene in the room, feeling incredible!

"Wow!" The 10-year-old Huakai saw the ocean ball on the floor in the room, the twinkling lights, and the marriage proposal made of flowers. The girl's heart burst, "Boss, you are too romantic. Come on! You are the only person I have ever seen who can bring idol dramas to life!"

Ye Luo seemed to be jealous, and sighed while admiring: "My wife, my proposal ceremony for you is also very grand! However, the horse boss is more luxurious, I must admit it!" New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Aunt Liu said to Marley in a slightly reproachful tone: "Boss, it's no wonder you forbid me to clean up Miss Mengmeng's room these days! It turns out that you want to prepare such a big surprise! It's so beautiful!"

All three of them praised the grand proposal scene.

"Ah, when is the wedding! I can't wait! There is no chance to participate in your wedding in the game! Hmph, I must come to the real wedding!" Huakai said with excitement.

"Yeah, but haven't you been engaged in Australia a long time ago? Today's exercise is even a pre-wedding exercise?" Ye Luo questioned.

Aunt Liu also sighed: "I am so blessed! I have been a nanny for so many years. I have taken care of your two children. Now seeing you are getting married, I feel like my son is marrying a wife, oh no , It's also like a daughter getting married!"

Jia Meng was a little embarrassed, hurriedly turned his hand behind him, took off the diamond ring the size of a pigeon egg in his hand, and squeezed it secretly in his palm.

Marais grabbed Jia Meng's hand and helped her hide the dove egg diamond ring in her palm, showing a trace of embarrassment on her facial paralyzed face.

"We were already engaged in Australia. I made up the decor in the room at will, and it doesn't represent any ceremony."

Marley’s explanation sounded calm and calm, as if nothing had happened...

If it hadn't been for Jia Meng to see Marei prostrate on the ground just now, it would be impossible to imagine that he would be able to show such a carefully prepared scene and the process of being rejected without showing any trace of it!

"Go, go eat."

Mare took Jia Meng straight down the stairs like this, leaving three curious people standing in front of the room in a daze...

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