My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 51: Jianxin's conscience discovery


After Jia Meng locked the door of the room, she pressed her hands on her heart beating chest. Although she had escaped from Marley's embrace, her ears were still eavesdropping on the sound outside the door.

Hearing the footsteps of Marais going out, Jia Meng paced to the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened a corner of the curtains, and through the bright and clean glass windows, he saw that he looked back toward the courtyard with reluctance, and then rode Driving the electric car of the food delivery man, he left without looking back.

His figure got farther and farther, until he shrank into a black spot and disappeared, Jia Meng breathed a sigh of relief and closed the curtains.

Returning to the bored Jia Meng again, he saw the phone lying quietly on the desk and started the mobile game "Illusion" again.

As soon as he went online, he was bombarded by a message sent by Jianxin:

"Are you really in reality? Or are you angry?"

"Even if it is really used by you, I am willing to do it!"

"Hurry up and accompany me, okay? I'm so bored if you're not here!"

Jia Meng suddenly felt that Jianxin was really boring and funny, so he had to reply with a world-weary expression at any time.

Unexpectedly, Jian Xin was surprised when he saw her reply, and immediately flew to her side, pulled her on the mount, and rushed into the sky, flying to the central square of Unreal City, overlooking the surging crowd.

Jianxin: "You can count! I've been waiting for you as a teacher."

Jia Meng asked back: "Are you really busy with nothing to do? You can't play games 24 hours a day, right?"

"I just want to experience the feeling of being in the game 24 hours a day." Jianxin replied.

Jia Meng said thoughtfully: "That would lead to a trance, and a coma and sudden death."

Unexpectedly, Jian Xin would also take a bite in turn: "It seems that you are very experienced."

Jia Meng typed the word "of course" and prepared to reply, and then subconsciously withdrew it.

Yes, of course Jia Meng knows this kind of experience. What is the experience of living in the game for 24 hours? Her highest record ever was to soak in the game without eating, drinking or sleeping for 48 hours.

Once, for Jia Meng, games were life. But reality has become a world beyond her reach.

If the terminal game of "Illusion" does not stop operating, if she has not been treated in a psychiatric hospital, maybe she will break the record...

Jia Meng shook his head mockingly, and replied to Jian Xin: "It's better not to have this kind of experience."

Kenshin drove his mount around in the air like an eagle, and then said: "Look down, why can a mere mobile game attract so many people from all over the world to gather together?"

"Maybe this is the charm of the virtual world." Jia Meng replied.

"No!" Kenshin retorted forcibly, "It's not that the virtual world is attractive, but the real world is unsatisfactory."

Jia Meng was at a loss for words, so he asked, "How do you say this?"

"The essence of playing games is to escape reality, isn't it?" Jianxin asked calmly.

Jia Meng repeatedly looked at the line of words sent by Jian Xin, and unknowingly touched her sensitive emotions, she burst into tears and stopped replying to Jian Xin.

Even though the screen of the phone is separated, Jianxin seems to be aware of Jia Meng's emotional changes. He went on to say: "Look again, there are so many people in the Unreal City School, why did I choose you to be my apprentice? We? When two people meet, this is a very low probability event." New Bayi Chinese website first published

"But events with low probability are not necessarily good." Jia Meng retorted subconsciously.

"Playing games to escape reality is a high probability event, but acquaintance with fate is a small probability event. Even items are rare and expensive. We should cherish this fate, right?"

"Yes." Jia Meng responded casually.

After that, Jianxin landed from the air carrying Dongfang Rumeng and came to the front of the martial quest NPC Mo Yu.

Jia Meng looked at the unfinished martial quest in the taskbar, and was a little angry: "I don't want to see Mo Yu, my martial quest was stuck by your unreasonable request, and can't continue!"

However, just after Jia Meng finished sending the message, a pop-up prompt appeared on the screen: "The player Jianxin gave you the item maze treasure, do you accept it?"

Huh? Didn't he say that he must wait for the so-called sale agreement to be signed before returning the maze treasure to her? Could it be that this bastard suddenly discovered his conscience

Although Jia Meng hesitated, he quickly chose to accept it!

Seeing that the treasures of the maze that belonged to him had returned to the original owner, Jia Meng felt so happy in his heart!

Jianxin said: "You submit the maze treasure task, and then take you to the next task for the teacher!"

Jia Meng became ecstatic and couldn't help asking: "Master, you have returned the maze treasure to me in advance. Are you not afraid that I won't sign the contract of sale?"

"It will take at least several days to wait for you to sign the contract. The days in the real world are extremely long in the game. I'm afraid you won't play with me!" Jianxin's answer appeared frank and direct. .

Jia Meng hurriedly submitted the quest items, and he successfully completed the quest [Maze Treasure]! The three side missions that she has been struggling with for a long time have also been overcome!

Next, Jia Meng can finally begin to prepare for the long-awaited main mission [Du Jie Fei Tian]!

Thinking that as long as she completes this task, she can freely use light skills like Jianxin, and fly in high school on the full moon scimitar mount, Jia Meng cheered excitedly.

She got up and walked to the large mirror on the dressing table, looking at the uncontrollable happy smile on her face, temporarily forgetting what happened to her and Marley in the hall downstairs less than an hour ago.

It really fulfilled what Jianxin said: "The essence of playing games is to escape reality."

"But, if you can get happiness by playing games, what's wrong with escaping from reality!" Jia Meng said to himself again.

She smiled and typed and replied to Jianxin: "Thank you, Master!"

Jianxin was not polite, and began to tell Jia Meng the task strategy:

"The mission of [Flying Jiefeitian] requires you to use the Feitian Order props, and after teleporting to the designated location, three Tribulations will begin to appear waiting for you to conquer.

The first catastrophe is the catastrophe, you need to face violent lightning strikes and cannot die;

The second catastrophe is the earth catastrophe, you need to cross the sword and the sea of fire and cannot die;

The third way is love, you need to choose a game friend you trust most, let him also experience a catastrophe and a catastrophe for you, if he also passes the test, this task can be completed. "

"Okay!" Jia Meng didn't have time to take a closer look, just thinking about a quick fight, immediately used the Feitian Ling props, and automatically teleported to the mission location.

Sure enough, as Jianxin said, there was violent wind and thunder in the map of the robbery. Jia Meng prepared the red medicine bottle to replenish blood and placed it on the medicine shortcut key, and at the same time placed his finger on the skill key, ready to respond. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

A few seconds later, a thunder that pierced the sky fell from the sky, hitting Jia Meng's character Dongfang Rumeng, and the blood bar was immediately lost!