My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 54: You are still too tender!


"In fact, there has never been such a person as Xiao Yao," Jianxin finally told the truth, "She is just a trumpet I raised. Taking the trumpet for tasks and buying appearances for the trumpet is also one of my fun in the game."

what? Xiao Yao is Jianxin's trumpet? Jia Meng was shocked, Jianxin once again refreshed her lower limit for the definition of the word shameless!

She originally thought that Xiao Yao was just a dog raised by Jianxin. Although she was designed to frame her, she was only an ignorant little girl who "cannibalized people and short hands", and had a hint of pity for her.

But now, after she knows the truth, if she has the conditions and ability, she will definitely stab Jian Xin with a sword. This is her master in name, but in fact a perverted madman.

Jia Meng suppressed the inner waves and replied: "Thanks to Master, I have created a trumpet character to approach me for me, an obscure little man, and I have to work hard to act!"

"Hahaha," Jianxin switched from laughing to sneer, "I played a female role for the first time, and there are still many immaturities in acting, but fortunately you are stupid enough to see no flaws at all."

Speaking of flaws, hasn't Jia Meng noticed it? Have you ever doubted it

When she checked Xiao Yao's personal information for the first time, she found that as a rookie Zhanying, she was wearing a rare appearance, and her cultivation value was much higher than the combat power, so she should have thought that this was the trumpet of a great player.

When Xiao Yao grabbed her and rode on the Flying Phoenix mount, the familiar scene was exactly the same as Jianxin's first time riding her as a double rider.

When Xiao Yao was in a daze at the martial arts venue, but Jianxin suddenly just sent a message to taunt her, this coincidence was a signal of double opening.

When she first added Xiao Yao as a friend, Jianxin reminded her to treat her new friends well, why didn't she immediately suspect that they were the same person

When she became the focus of the whole server because of the full moon scimitar mount, Xiao Yao always appeared at the most critical moment to expose her coordinates to the onlookers. However, when she was about to expose the true face of Jianxin, she was able to immediately Drive her away. If it is not the same person, how can there be such reaction and execution power

When Jianxin founded the Tang Sect Gang, not only did he not invite Xiao Yao to join, but instead made Xiao Yao no longer online like the world has evaporated, which is the most obvious evidence.

The more Jia Meng remembered all those details, the more annoyed she became.

What annoyed her the most was that she had actually made up what Xiao Yao had said to her in front of Jianxin, and used it to pretend to please Jianxin, in fact, to induce Jianxin to give her Qingqing Zijin fashion. thing!

It turned out that Jian Xin had seen through her self-righteous cleverness and means. He just cooperated with her performance and gave her the fashion suit smoothly.

"You... are so despicable! You teased an unknown person like this in the game, are you full and have nothing to do?" Jia Meng became angry.

"Mutual each other." Jianxin didn't feel ashamed at all, and brought up the old thing again, "Didn't you also use me to give you Qingqing Zijin? It's just a set of fashion clothes. This great god is just a little clothes for the doll. ."

Seeing what Jianxin said, Jia Meng couldn't wait to take off the fashion she was wearing, and then disassemble it like discarded equipment.

But looking at the beautiful broken flowers on the chest of the dress and the flowing bows on the cuffs, she really couldn't bear it. After all, this is the only fashion in the game that makes her fall in love at first sight!

"It was you who treated me unkind first, and then I treated you unrighteously." Jia Meng didn't want to admit it frankly, only his mouth was hard. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"Anyway, you are still too tender to deceive me into giving you fashion!" Kenshin replied.

Tender? If this word is used to describe the looks and appearance of a girl, it is definitely a commendatory word, especially for a woman like Jia Meng who has reached marriageable age.

But if this word is used to describe a person's IQ and brain, it is definitely a word that devalues a person to the dust. The implication is that you are about the same as a three-year-old child.

It's not the first time that Jianxin has used the word "nen" to taunt her.

Although Jia Meng knew she was in a messed up situation, she still got more and more frustrated, wanting to understand how bad she was.

"Do you mean that I look young and tender in Qingqingzijin fashion?" Jia Meng pretended to be silly.

"Haha," Jianxin sneered, "Did you know that Qingqing Zijin's fashion is not an independent fashion?"

"What do you say?" Jia Meng anxiously wanted to understand.

Jianxin's answer: "Qingqing Zijin's fashion needs to be matched with the Weapon of Your Heart. The combination of the two will produce a suit effect. After the characters are worn at the same time, they will increase their attack and defense by 10%.

Jia Meng knows that among the character's numerical attributes, attack power and defense power are the most basic two. It is very difficult to increase it drastically. This 10% range is really exciting!

When Jia Meng's heart was trembling, Jianxin then ridiculed her and said, "Did you know? Wearing Qingqingzijin fashion, but not having a weapon for your heart, is a kind of defect and regret. You think you lied to me and paid for it. You fashion clothes, but you didn’t expect to need extra cost to buy weapons, so you have to spend money.

"What is the price of your weapon?" Jia Meng asked weakly.

Kenshin gloated and said, "I forgot how much it was. I just remember that the price of weapons is twice as much as that of fashion! So, are you buying it or not?"

"Buy and buy! Do you think that only you can afford it?" Jia Meng said, and while opening the game mall, she thought that no matter what the price of the weapon is, in order to maintain her poor self-esteem, she will buy it even if the credit card is used Come down.

At this time, Jian Xin put on the Yoyo My Heart weapon and proudly displayed it in front of Jia Meng, saying, "It's a pity that this weapon was just off the shelf today. I bought the last one."

Jia Meng suddenly felt like an inflated balloon, about to burst.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the window, and was so angry that she would drop the phone off the window sill.

Unexpectedly, he just happened to see the security guard outside the iron gate, turning his head to look at her, and then he controlled himself and put his hand back rationally.

Although she has been teased by Kenshin in the game too many times, this time it really made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

Because she really wanted the 10% offensive and defensive suit effects of the fashion weapon, even if she was willing to spend a lot of money, she would not hesitate to do so, but there was no chance to remedy it.

Jia Meng could only question Jian Xin angrily: "You chose to tell me the suit effects of fashion and weapons only today. Do you want to achieve the effect of pissing me off?"