My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 85: Deed of sale


It turns out that the process of dissolving the relationship between apprentices and apprentices is much simpler than apprentices and apprentices. In less than two minutes, everything is over.

"Hey, helper, where did you go?" Jia Meng was too sad, calling Jianxin.

"Are you planning to become the gang leader and deputy gang leader in the future?" Jian Xin asked.

"Then what do you think it should be called?"

"Uh..." Jianxin thought seriously, and said: "We are partners, so we should keep the address simple. Why don't you call me Jian and I call you Meng in the future?"

"Does it mean that sword is like a dream?" Jia Meng asked naturally.

"It's getting late, I'll get off first, see you tomorrow!" Jian Xin didn't know if it was to avoid the problem or other reasons, so she didn't plan to continue talking with Li, and went offline in a hurry.

Jia Meng stared at Jianxin's gray head in a daze, and unscrupulously released the sad emotions suppressed in his heart.

Too much happened this evening!

If it hadn't been for looking up and just seeing the hour hand on the wall clock turned to 3 in the morning, Jia Meng wouldn't even realize it was midnight.

The reminder of the clock urged the drowsiness to come. Before Jia Meng even had time to take off her makeup, she collapsed on her head and fell asleep.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shined through the gaps in the lake-blue curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Jia Meng opened his eyes contentedly. Although his sleep time was short, he felt a wonderful feeling of relieving one's sorrows.

She did not dream of anyone this night.

The image of the man in Tsing Yi who often patronizes in her dreams has become increasingly blurred.

Maybe it was because she was so tired that she slept so deeply for the first time, who had been having nightmares.

Maybe it is because there are so many things in the mind that the brain automatically empties all that in the subconscious mind.

Perhaps, as Jia Tianming said, her schizophrenia, which turned out to be ill, has been cured.

"Miss Mengmeng! It's time for breakfast!" The doorbell of the room rang with the sound of knocking on the door!

This disturbing sound originally sounded particularly harsh, but at this moment, Jia Meng actually sounded like a symphony.

She stretched her waist, knowing that Aunt Liu was back, deliberately pretending to be dead to delay time.

After a while, seeing that Jia Meng didn't respond, the doorbell and knocking suddenly stopped.

Jia Meng held his breath and quietly listened to Aunt Liu's every move with his ears.

She heard her down the stairs, turned up something downstairs, and hurried back to her door.

"Miss Mengmeng, the express mail you want me to collect is here!" Aunt Liu's voice came from outside the room again.

It's just that she didn't ring the doorbell or knock on the door this time. Jia Meng heard what she said very real.

Express? Isn't it just the deed sent by Jianxin? New Bayi Chinese website debut

Jia Meng jumped out of bed quickly, too late to wear his shoes, and quickly opened the door for Aunt Liu.

"Aunt Liu, you're back!" Jia Meng pretended to rub his eyes in an embarrassing motion, then snatched the express from Aunt Liu with one hand, and hugged the big thin envelope tightly in his arms. .

"Miss Mengmeng, I'm back." Aunt Liu lowered her head, raised her head and glanced at Jia Meng, and said meaningfully, "From today on, you don't need to eat the food delivered by the delivery man. I will personally give it to you. You cook three meals a day!"

Jia Meng slammed the door shut and locked Aunt Liu out of the door. Then he answered loudly across the door, "Aunt Liu has worked hard! I'll clean up and go for breakfast!"

She saw the express delivery note posted on the express mail. The handwriting on it was strong, but there was nothing in the sender column, and Jianxin did not leave any personal information about him.

With a sense of anxiety, Jia Meng tore the seal of the express mail and pulled out two pieces of white and black paper from the inside. On the top were three bold Song-type characters: "Deed to sell one's body"! The content is as follows:

Party A: Jianxin Fantasy Land Mobile Game id

Party B: The id of the mobile game in the East as a Dreamland

After negotiation, both parties agree that Party B will commit the relevant rights in the personal game to Party A from the date of signing, and hereby sign the following contract:

1. Party B voluntarily entrusts the personal role "East as a Dream" in the fantasy mobile game to Party A, including but not limited to the role's id, gang, game social relationship, retreat time, etc., all control rights belong to Party A. Owned by Party A.

2. Party A has the unconditional right to know all the actions of Party B in the Mobile Fantasy Mobile Game, and Party B shall not conceal anything.

3. If Party B has to modify the game id name, change the gang where he belongs to, or approve the apprenticeship in the game, become a spouse, make friends, make a decision to retire, etc., all needs to be approved by Party A before they can be implemented.

4. During the normal operation of the fantasy mobile game, Party B shall not violate the contract by itself, nor may it voluntarily terminate the contract. In case of violation, Party A has the right to pursue and retaliate in any legal manner in the game and in reality.

5. The validity period of this contract is long-term, and the expiration date is the official closing date of the fantasy mobile game.

This contract is in duplicate, and it shall be deemed effective after both parties have signed it and shall have the same effect. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Party A’s Signature: Jianxin

Party B’s signature:

Jia Meng finished reading word by word, and the feeling of anxiety disappeared, only tears filled his eyes.

She blinked, and Dou Da's tears immediately dripped on the two 4a papers, soaking the place where Jianxin signed, and the powerful handwriting looked so warm.

This contract does not have any legal effect, whether it is signed or not, nor does it state any identification information of both parties in reality. It is equivalent to just a blank cheque given by Party B to Party A, depending on whether it is exchanged or not.

Jia Meng didn't expect that the self-righteous and insidious Jianxin would send her such a "selling contract". Not only was it not terrible at all, it was also a bit naive, even a little ridiculous, and it was ridiculously moving.

At this moment, once in the fantasy world, what the man in Tsing Yi said to her unconsciously came to mind: "The game does not fall, we are old."

But he didn't tell her in the end, when the game fell, what should they do if they are not old

Now, in the fantasy mobile game, although Jianxin's friends accidentally met in the game, they are neither a spouse nor a master-disciple relationship. They just run a gang partner together and give him a justifiable promise, what about

Jia Meng knows well that the emotions in the game are as thin as the two 4a papers in front of him. They will be torn when you poke them, and they will be rotten when you tear them. When someone wants to tie you up and down, it is actually a happy thing!

This "deed of selling one's body" sent by Jianxin is actually trying to treat things in the virtual world in a real-world way.

This seems overbearing and unreasonable, but in fact it is extremely romantic.

Jia Meng found the pen in the drawer, smiled with tears in her tears, and did not hesitate to write the name "East as a Dream" in the "Signature of Party B".