My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 86: Covenant in the duel arena


"Sword, I have received and signed the contract you sent, please send me your address, and I will return a copy to you!" Jia Meng started the game, looking forward to the first Time to leave a message to Jianxin.

At this time Jianxin hadn't been online yet, and Jia Meng wandered around the gang territory boredly and waited.

At this time, a new message flashed in the friend column, and Jia Meng thought it was Jianxin, and he was overjoyed and opened, ready to greet good morning.

Unexpectedly, Long Ting screamed, "Good morning! Why did you get up so early to come to the appointment?"

What appointment do you have? Jia Meng didn't react for a while, and asked in a rhetoric: "Then you came to the appointment so early?"

"Miss Sister, I have been waiting for you in the duel for more than an hour!"

Jia Meng glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was just after 7 o'clock in the morning!

Just after a weekend, she just remembered that in order to quickly clear the gate missions in the duel field competition, in order to buy Long Ting, she casually promised that he would go to the duel field at 6: 8 in the morning every week he!

Jia Meng awkwardly opened the duel field interface, searched for Long Ting's room, and entered immediately.

"Actually, I don't want you to come today. I want you to sleep a little longer." Long Ting walked towards him, his short body, still so funny and cute.

Jia Meng pretended to keep his promises sincerely and said: "What I promised you will definitely be done!"

"Then you can promise me not to stay up late, go to bed early and get up early?" Long Ting stood beside Jia Meng, standing still, still looking like a human-shaped pet.

Although Jia Meng regards Long Ting as a good friend in the game, he still feels weird: She can’t stay up late, and what does it have to do with him? It’s too broad to control!

Jia Meng fooled around and replied: "I go to bed and get up early every day, so I am full of energy!"

"Tell me honestly, what time did you sleep last night?" Long Ting asked. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Jia Meng thought of the remarks about the sleeping time of beautiful women in the WeChat Moments Health Red Article, and continued to fool and say: "I went to bed at 10:30 last night!"

"Then do you have nightmares?"

If it weren't for being troubled by nightmares for a long time, Jia Meng can guarantee that anyone who sees Long Ting's problem will feel baffled, and who would be okay to ask others if they have nightmares!

"No! I slept very well and soundly last night!" Fortunately, Jia Meng replied happily after achieving deep sleep for the first time last night.

"Really?" Long Ting didn't believe it, and then asked, "Do you have a cold today

Jia Meng wanted to continue to pass the blunder, but Long Ting's problem really didn't know where it came from, it was incredible.

cold? After Jia Meng saw these two words, he couldn't help but shiver, and his throat also felt hoarse!

Perhaps it was the reason that the overturned water glass soaked his upper body and went to the wheat commander to hit the copy again. I really had some symptoms of a cold.

"Ah, at the time of the season, I seem to have a little cold." Jia Meng is patient and tells the truth.

"Then have you taken any medicine?" Long Ting continued to ask like a machine gun.

Seeing the word "medicine", Jia Meng suddenly felt dizzy. She knew it was a physiological reaction and reminded herself that it was time to take medicine again. Her sensitive nerves were completely affected in an instant, and she wished to pierce the phone screen and type and curse Long Ting:

"Have you ever finished? You asked me a bunch of inexplicable questions early in the morning. I think you need medicine! Your whole family needs medicine!"

Long Ting was frightened by Jia Meng's turn of the face, paused for a while, and pleaded aggrieved: "Miss Sister, didn't you say that you have a little cold? I'm talking about cold medicine."

"Brother Long, we are just game friends, please don't spy on my real life privacy, okay?" Jia Meng tried to calm the emotions out of control, but did not intend to continue to indulge Long Ting.

"Miss sister, don't be angry!" Long Ting stopped being embarrassed and said, showing the game's own "begging for mercy" action, "I asked your question. It is not convenient for you not to answer it, but please don't lie? "

"My lady will answer all questions. To be honest, please don't ask questions randomly, please?" Jia Meng took advantage of her body size and said with a "smirking" gesture of akimbo in response to Long Ting.

"I conservatively estimate that you didn't go to bed until at least 2 o'clock last night!"

"It's 3 o'clock!" Jia Meng almost shot it out, but fortunately he cancelled it in time.

She guessed that Long Ting was a friend of the game. The basis for guessing must be that she had followed her profile picture in the friend list at 2 o'clock last night, and she wisely replied: "I slept very early last night and just forgot to go offline. "

"Kongtong Mountain Extreme Dungeon, the current record for the first place is maintained. It took 3 minutes and 15 seconds, and the captain Dongfang Rumeng, the completion time was 2 o'clock in the morning yesterday!" Long Ting presented the evidence like reciting dictation.

It’s true that I didn’t mention which pot to open, but Jia Meng, who was seen through, became more assertive: “It’s all because you led the team last night to break our record last week, which made me nervous to lead the team overnight. Get the name back!"

"Is this number one really so important to you?" Long Ting expressed puzzlement.

"Of course it's important." Jia Meng showed off the "Kongtong Seal" item in his backpack, "I want to collect 4 of them and exchange them for the Kongtong Great Sword."

"What's good about the Kongtong sword? It's not very useful, have you forgotten it? The blood sword, as your initial weapon for fighting heroes, is the most practical." Long Ting bluntly denied. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Jia Meng wanted to move Jianxin out to let Long Ting know about it, but he could calmly think about it. The two were the first in the Unreal City and Shui Mengbao sects, and they were bound to dislike each other. There was no need to do so.

"Actually, I was to help my team members get this week's Dragon Ball Necklace reward." Jia Meng changed his reason.

"Are the leaves already falling and the flowers not blooming?" Long Ting seemed to avoid Jian Xin's name deliberately.

"Yes, do you know them?"

"I don't know each other. But these two are both masters in the first gang of Unreal City Xanadu. They are bound to become strong enemies of the first gang of Water Dream Castle in the cross-server arena, so I can't let them do what they want!"

After speaking, Long Ting suddenly released a skill on Jia Meng's body, and the character lost half of his blood.

Jia Meng realized that she and Long Ting were in the duel arena room, and quickly avoided, drew the bleeding sword and prepared to fight.

Long Ting stopped, and didn't intend to fight seriously, saying: "This week, the first place in the Kongtong Mountain Extreme Dungeon, I have to find a way to get it down. I definitely can't afford the Xanadu gang people!"

It was the first time that Jia Meng saw Long Ting turning his face, thinking that the birthday gift that had not bloomed might be soaking up, and he was anxious: "Little brother Long, I have always regarded you as the best friend in the game, really. I didn't expect you to be so bad, you disappointed me too much!"