My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 89: Eventful days


Jia Meng's joyful mood all morning was completely lost, and her head started to ache again. She didn't know why Tang Xiaojian suddenly mentioned her mother...

"Xiaojian, I'm a little uncomfortable, shall we talk again when we have time?" Jia Meng held the phone with one hand and the painful temple with the other.

"Baby, that's it. Do you remember the small two-bedroom house where the four of us lived together when we were young? Then we'll be back there for reunion!"

Jia Meng didn't want to listen anymore and decided to hang up.

Unexpectedly, he heard the busy tone of "toot toot" first, and Tang Xiaojian hung up faster than her!

Is this the Tang Xiaojian she knew? Jia Meng couldn't believe her ears. New Bayi Chinese website first released https:// https://

He who was on the phone just now, no longer treats her gently and obediently as before, but completely resembles a male version of Tang Xiaowan, speaking aggressively, without leaving room, as if he had taken gunpowder.

Jia Meng smiled bitterly and didn't want to think about it any more. At this moment, she just wanted to return to the fantasy mobile game to temporarily escape the negative emotions brought about by the phone call.

As soon as I started the game, I saw a flashing message in the Friends column. Jia Meng was overjoyed and thought it was Jianxin who had recovered. Thinking of finally revealing where he lives in this city, his heartbeat raised his throat.

When I clicked on it, the news came from Long Ting: "Report that Miss Sister Ye has fallen and Hua Weikai have been kicked out of the Xanadu Gang!"

Why is it so sudden? Jia Meng didn't know whether she should be happy or sad. She checked their personal information separately to confirm, and it turned out that "Nothing" was displayed in the "Gang" column.

"Brother Long, you are in Shuimeng Castle, how can you know so well about our Unreal City Sect?" Jia Meng asked back.

"It's not important." Long Ting didn't intend to explain, and just copied and pasted the promise that Jia Meng had long seen without feeling: "As long as you know, as long as you need me, I will do my best to help you."

Jia Meng struck the iron while it was hot and made a request: "Then I want you to promise me that you are not allowed to find someone to review the record of the Kongtong Mountain Extreme dungeon this week. The first place this week must belong to our team! From next week, we will rely on it. How about the strength to compete for the first place?" New Bayi Chinese Website launched

"Good." Long Ting agreed.

Thinking of the birthday gift that Ye has already given to Huawei, he finally stabilized, and the stone hanging in Jia Meng's heart finally fell to the ground.

But when he thought of their husband and wife being ruthlessly kicked out of the gang, Jia Meng's heart became heavy again.

What are the reasons why the leaves have fallen and the flowers have not bloomed were kicked out of Xanadu? Could it be because of being close to Jianxin and himself

If she invites them to join the Tang Sect gang at this time, will they come? Or is it not the best time now

Jia Mengduo longed for Jianxin to be online at this time. She wanted to tell him the news immediately, and then they would analyze and discuss it together.

However, Jianxin was like the world evaporated, and suddenly went offline.

Although Jia Meng has long been used to Jianxin's tactics of going offline when he is upset, he still feels that this time when he goes offline is different, because they didn't quarrel and didn't make any unpleasantness.

There was no sign of going offline. Could it be that something unexpected happened in Jian Xin's reality? Jia Meng became horrified and worried.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she couldn't help putting the phone screen upside down, closing her eyes and leaning on the desk.

This is the first time she has discovered that playing games may not necessarily escape reality!

When there are people and things that you care about in the game, there will naturally be more concerns, which will increase the psychological burden of reality.

At this time, the landline downstairs rang sharply.

Jia Meng knew that Aunt Liu was at home and didn't need her to leave. He still maintained a calm and meditative posture, leaving only ears to eavesdrop.

"Hello, Mr. Jia!"

"Yeah. Eat it."

"Miss Mengmeng's spirit today is exceptionally good!"

"She just went upstairs to answer the phone."

"Okay, I must pay attention."

Jia Meng heard every word Aunt Liu said clearly, and quickly guessed in his mind what Jia Tianming on the other side of the phone was asking, what the question was and what he was saying.

It's been a really eventful day recently.

In reality, Jia Tianming’s Hongmen Banquet, Marei’s extraordinary behavior, Tang Xiaojian’s Mid-Autumn Festival...

In the game, Long Ting's uncharacteristic, Jianxin's inexplicable offline, and the tragic end of the Ye family...

The more Jia Meng thought about it, the more he felt his heart was blocked, and he couldn't solve it.

She can no longer easily escape from reality in the game with ease, because there are also many troubles to face in the game.

How to relieve worries? Jia Meng turned the screen of his phone and thought of a good place: the 999 steps leading to the central square of Unreal City!

Exercise is the best way to decompress! Jia dreams, can't you go out for sports in reality, and can't climb stairs in the game? !

Jia Meng mounted the full moon scimitar mount, flew to the sky above Unreal City in the air, then landed on the first step and put the mount away.

She began to relive how hard she had climbed this long journey when she first entered the Unreal City and did not learn the flying skills!

Jia Meng raised his head and saw the scorching sun in the sky of Unreal City, colorfully shining on the characters' faces, and then step by step, they began to climb up like a snail.

She imagined that when she climbed to the last step, Jianxin would be online!

Like the first climb, after about half an hour, Jia Meng saw the familiar Palace of the Unreal City Lord!

But when she stepped on the last step, she didn't wait for Jianxin to come online!

But to her surprise, she saw two familiar figures sitting back to back on the 999th step!

The leaves have fallen and the flowers have not bloomed!

"Hi! Ye Dashen, Flower Beauty." Jia Meng pretended not to know, and said hello on the nearby channel.

A few minutes passed and they did not reply.

Jia Meng knew that the fact that they were kicked out of the Xanadu gang had something to do with him and Jianxin. Even if they were not friends in the future, there was no reason to blame them.

But just when Jia Meng was about to leave, he actually received Ye already Luo's team invitation!

The team channel Ye has fallen: "Girl like a dream, there are many people in the nearby channels, let's talk here."

Team Channel Dongfang Rumeng: "I always wanted to say sorry to you face to face. That day, I and our helper really shouldn't be in the martial channel, talking nonsense with the goddess and the Drunken Dreams.

After sending it, Jia Meng felt that the guilt in his heart was lessened.

The team channel is not open: "Miss Rumeng, my husband explained it clearly to me! You are just comrades who are dungeons together, hee hee, nice to meet you!"

Seeing that the flowers are still in bloom, they still look like a heartless little girl, Jia Meng's mood improves.

Team Channel Ye has fallen: "Miss Rumeng, don’t mention the past! It’s not your fault, but we believe in the wrong person! They kicked our husband and wife out of the Xanadu Gang..."